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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 3 minutes ago, Remij said:

    I think it's in their interest to offer PC gamers a sub service, because while a lot of PC gamers wont spend $70 on some 2+ year old PS games, a decent amount would probably drop $10-15 to play some of them from time to time.  That'd be a nice revenue stream for them.

    That would need a lot more content before it's even feasible. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Remij said:

    They should have done things differently yes, but what they wanted to do is get their games with their current engines ported over... that will make future game ports easier for them.  So in the case of Insomniac and Nixxes, they did Spider-man... understandably a big game.. and ported Insomniac's engine.. and then Miles Morales and Ratchet and Clank were just obvious next steps, because a lot of the engine work is already done.


    Same goes with Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy.. it got the Naughty Dog engine ported to PC, and that helped with bringing TLOU P1 over and TLOU P2 will likely be coming in the near future as well, as well as Factions 2 possibly day 1.  Even if these old games sell like shit initially.. Sony's still making money off of them, and they will continue to sell for as long as they want, and it will all be profit. 


    Having to port bespoke engines like the one used in The Last Guardian, just for a single game that would use it... likely doesn't make any sense to them.  It would be nice if they did though.

    I didn't think the of the ease of portage. I mean they still could do it but I understand it's less efficient. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Sabo said:

     I get the feeling this is going to be the "Witcher 3" of this console gen.

    It's the Divinity Original Sin 2 of the generation. 


    I think most people aren't aware how successful that game was and that it got critical reception equal or better than Witcher 3's. 

    • aitch 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Remij said:

    Not true at all.


    All game genres can do well on PC.


    What PC gamers don't give a shit about is visual splendor being the main thing your game excels at.... because there are better games to play on PC than full priced 2 year old Playstation hand-me-downs... and that's reflected in the sales figures.


    Sony have just been fucking stupid with their strategy.  Port the games PC gamers would give a shit about.  Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Gran Turismo 7, and Ghost of Tsushima... for example.  And release them at $50 max.... and you'll sell tons more and generate better word of mouth.


    $70 Ratshit... 2 years later isn't going to be a hit with PC gamers... :danylol:

    Should have went with my strategy of porting older games first and slowly moving forward to newer titles.


    I don't even understand why you don't like this idea when you are begging for a PS4 game that came out 9 years ago. And late PS4 lifespan games like Ghost of Tsushima still looks fantastic and would scale better on older PCs. 


    Meanwhile you have a full price and graphically demanding Ratchet game that doesn't sell. But then again, PC gamers haven't played the previous 9 games in the series. Let's start PC gamers with Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank 10. Also, let's make sure we don't port any PS4 games that could greatly benefits from better PC hardware like The Last Guardian which ran at 20FPS on Playstation. Brilliant planning. 


    Like I can't believe SOTC PS4 remake isn't on PC at a budget price. That would sell more than any other games. It's far more legendary and loved than Ratshit or Returnal. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So my privilege as a Black man would shield me from other Black people, but you being White wouldn't garner you more favor with White people? I appreciate your sentiment but you've also proven to be blind to racism and sexism many times already. 

    What favor and for what? I don't get any special privileges from being white. What, you think white people has a sense of community and help each others out? :kaz:  


    Also, before you mention court statistics or something, know that our justice system isn't so busted that as a white man I'd get away with anything. Most people in prisons around here are white.


    The only truly privileged in this system are the rich. 


    14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    The truth is you're too activated to realize it. Like at some point when people who claim there's no kind of patriarchal mindset in parts of society, yet their default is to always side with it, they're co-signing at the minimum. You've yet to buck that observation, you always side with the hierarchy. 

    How am I siding with anything?


    I'm simply not. Once again, just because I defended some rich people on some political topics doesn't mean I'm being a billionaire apologists on every topics. You're conflicting irrelevant topics together like it means something.


    If you say anything good about Trump it means you are siding with the patriarchy. What stupid nonsense.  


    14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    If you feel this way then surely you believe in institutional racism in court systems against people of color? But then again you dont believe in white privilege so you obviously dont?

    I believe in racist judges, not so much in systematic racism.


    Like I said earlier, I live in a system where our justice isn't completely biased. Maybe come live in Canada if that's how truly feel about your laws? I don't know what else to tell you. 


    I do acknowledge that the incarceration statistics in the US are little worrying but I also think if we did deeper into the statistics, a lot of it also make sense. Trying to portray the entire justice system as racist is just insane to me. But I don't live in the US. Maybe I'm being a delusional as Canadian, I'll admit as much. This isn't my battle, tbh. 

  6. 57 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Yeah, we talked about what social  "entitlement" actually is and isn't over a year ago. It's not wealth or a title, or anything actually tangible. A poor White man could probably go through the deep south with less issue than an affluent black woman could. 


    Men whining about alimony working against them never seem to acknowledge the history of marriage, divorce, and historic gender roles. I know divorce laws aren't coordinated attacks on men. Hell, alimony began as a penalty to be paid to the father of family of the wife to avoid retaliation. Then progressed aid women tied to their husbands for survival and combat women who would try to kill themselves or their would-be ex husbands, and/or husbands just leaving their family to fend for themselves. 


    Do some divorce laws need changing? I'm sure many due, they are mostly old and not really the platform for many politicians. It's also local law so there's little national narratives that can be deployed. But I know that it's not a system designed to ruin men because they are laws created by men. It's not some female special interest group for alimony, influencing laws to punish men. 


    You supposedly this poor white guy from Canada who will die a wage slave and you're here worried about some billionaire's alimony payments being unfair? You are so locked into right wing thought systems and completely unaware of it most of the time. 


    The irony is the same ideological belief structures that lead to the need for alimony, are practiced and championed by those who about it the most. Part of social entitlement is avoiding accountability. 

    I live in the North, your Southern racists doesn't matter here. If you and me wandered in North Montreal, you'd be the privileged one my friend. My white ass would probably get mugged because I'm in the wrong part of town. 


    I never talked about any billionaire alimony payments. You're the one who's convinced himself that I white knight for rich people because I defended Trump or Elon Musk about things that had nothing to do with money or being rich anyhow. Stop it. 


    The problem is the current system can be easily weaponized against men, without even needing the burden of proof from the woman side. I understand why these laws exist, it's meant to defend victims of abuse but in turn it's also used to abuse men. I'm not pretending I have the solution, but it's pretty clear being a man is not what it's cracked up to by people like you. (no offense) 

  7. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


    Is this for real? Thats the most insane shit ever :ben: 

    It's not the same as marriage, but you are technically recognized under the law as sort of a spouse. It's called conjoit de fait. Not sure what the English equivalent would be. 


    I think, if you are, let's say, a successful business man during that time period where she was officially in a relationship with you, she's now entitled to some financial reparation just because she was in your life at the time for supporting you or something. Things like property will be split in a fashion similar to a marriage break-up even if you weren't married. Or at least that's my understanding. I doubt it's common and the break-up probably need to involve some kind of abuse or something from the man's part for the woman to go away with a bigger share than what she brought. I'm not a lawyer but I know conjoint de fait is a real thing. 


    I'll be honest though, I NEVER heard of bad legal ramification for anyone I know in that manner who didn't have children, but then again, not everyone is aware of the legal actions they could theoretically take. Unlike married people or parents where it's mandatory to go through because of legal binding contracts. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    You should be, but your entitlement makes you too blind to enjoy it. 

    I guess I'm entitled to being a poor struggling low class worker who pays taxes up the asses and can barely afford groceries.


    Worked my ass off since I was 14 in all sorts of blue collar jobs and what do I have? Nothing. My retirement savings diminishing through inflation. I'm gonna be a wage slave until I die. 


    What am I supposed to be enjoying again?  

  9. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


    Ukraine's growing military capabilities are impressive I have to say. Those sea drones traveled for 700km undetected carrying 1000lb payloads. They've also already sent their own domestically produced airborne drones with a range of up to 1000km to Moscow on several occasions.

    Drones are neutralizing tanks and battleships in this war. It's forcing everyone to adapt to a new form of warfare. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    So your new opinion is our old opinion. 

    I did try to tell you guys I didn't really know him much to begin with and wasn't a fan of his content. 


    But now I've seen some of his comments that made me go, wait, what? Pretty much admitting to illegal activities and just being a dirty player. I mean did expect things like money laundering but he does seem to abuse his girls in some ways, coming straight out of him. Old video resurfacing and all that shit. 


    Fuck him. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Yeah. I played KI a shit ton in the arcades when i was young. It was kind of like an event when it came back. I played over 15k matches in that game.


    I like GG a lot still but i kinda fell off of it from XRD to now. It doesnt have the same magic that is used to. And the online lobby system in those games is the most absolute worst pile of dog shit i have ever seen. I dont even want to deal with it. All ASW games have some bloated bullshit lobby system.  I miss the GG of the past where you could press FIND GAME, find a game then confirm it and play. All this new shit is a frustrating waste of time.

    I agree with you on GG 100%. XX was the peak, imo. That music was so good. 


    If you ever want to play XX on STEAM I'm down. I think I have Accent Core. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    @Ramza I haven't visited the local mall in a while but my cousin was just there and he sent me this photo. The gamestop store closed down and a retro shop opened in its place. Apparently they're selling a ton of old games across all of the generations




    I did check some of these on Pricecharting and they're being sold slightly above the market value. But they even have sealed copies of some games and I imagine being slightly ripped off in the short term might be worth it if they're expected to increase in price years from now.

    btw, I don't know if Gamestop still has the Platinum Edge membership thing but you saved like 15% on used games... I would buy  RE2 and Conker at 15% off. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, kaz said:


    bro you post a trailer of a decade old game and call it a "very solid RPG".  Did the vidja industry fuck with yer brain so hard that you have to pull the same shitty "let's show you NOTHING"-trailer instead of giving us a snippet of actual gameplay :D  

    I picked the first trailer just so you know which game I'm talking about. I wouldn't want people to confuse it with the other GoT games. 


    I'm still early in the game so I can't say much more than I really like the lore intense narrative in this game that fits in the GoT story and universe perfectly. At least so far. 


    It's also like 5$ on STEAM when it get on sale.


    The combat is good so far and plays with a controller. It's one of those real time combat system with skills cooldown, nothing unique but the classes and everything is GoT inspired, you can be a water dancer, a fire priest of rhollor, a hedge knight, a sellsword, a shapeshifter, etc. The equipment also makes several references to GoT lore, you can have like old Targaryan or other Houses pieces of armors and weapons.


    That's about it. 


    Also one of those RPGs where you spend as much time if not more talking to NPCs than combat. Dialogue choices have consequences, it's not the best in that regard but it's pretty good. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Recently I downloaded Rage for Series X and wow this game must have been good back then.

    I mean, the textures look washed out now but I could see a good foundation for what it was Fallout 4 later.

    One of the rare 60FPS game of that era. 


    The game is like 10$, I will probably get it at some point because I tried it on PC and it ran like shit. The engine they used is really weird and was made specifically for the 360/PS3 limited hardware. 

  15. Honestly I have seen enough self condemning things that Andrew Tate said openly himself at this point. That's what happens when you have a big fucking mouth. 


    I'm not sure if that falls under human trafficking's but he himself said he use emotional blackmail to keep his girls in check and I'm pretty sure that's a form of abuse under the law. Among other very questionable statements and he's constantly lying about the case details. It's not looking good. 


    Even if he were to be acquitted, I wouldn't trust that guy with anything. That's my new take on Andrew Tate. Just a scummy, charismatic guy who know how to extract money from everything and everyone around him. 

  16. 49 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    @Ramza I haven't visited the local mall in a while but my cousin was just there and he sent me this photo. The gamestop store closed down and a retro shop opened in its place. Apparently they're selling a ton of old games across all of the generations




    I did check some of these on Pricecharting and they're being sold slightly above the market value. But they even have sealed copies of some games and I imagine being slightly ripped off in the short term might be worth it if they're expected to increase in price years from now.

    Sometimes it's worth picking something at market value if it's in a really good mint condition.


    There's some good stuff in that pic. I really want RE1 for PS1 but the big box version. It looks really cool, I'd put it on display somewhere. 

    • Upvote 1
  17. Just now, Twinblade said:


    Wonder how many of these 600K current players on steam are virgins. Probably 90% :hest:

    Nah, D&D nerds are typical social and most likely actually got laid with some ugly fat chick who watches anime.


    If you could lower your standards to that level, you'd get laid too Twinblueballs. :kaz: 

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