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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


    Oh yeah with the controller itself, I don't doubt that. But even just the game might be worth grabbing. Its only $15 new on amazon.

    Oh, that's the Kinect one. I was talking about the first one on og Xbox.


    There's not much interest for Kinect stuff and they came late in the 360 lifecycle so they're still easy to find. I might bite. I vaguely remember a Suda 51 Kinect game.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Most military experts agree that the cluster bombs will make a difference. They're also framing it as just being a temporary addition to Ukraine's arsenal while the west tries to expand production of regular artillery shells.


    And I think Zelensky was referring to Hungary. They've been a pro-Putin thorn in his side since the beginning of the war.

    No it wasn't Orban. That I'm sure of it. It was bound to create some controversy among nato countries. 

  3. 6 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    Must be a regional thing. Og xbox games aren't worth shit here aside from a select few, which don't reach crazy prices anyway.


    PS3 is still easy to collect for here too. I've been picking up a few while its still possible, games that don't have a PC port. Maybe the 360 runs a few fps better but that console is an abomination :pavarotti: I'd rather own them on a console I like which is more reliable.

    Yeah, US games are always worth more than EU. No one wants EU stuff unless forced to, like a region exclusive.


    I don't care about faulty hardware, I will be selling all of it at some point. 

  4. 1 hour ago, lynux3 said:

    Who's opinion? No one cares. Not only does the current administration not care... that much... but neither does anyone else. It's up to Ukraine to determine how they will use these weapons.


    The weapon was "outlawed"... sure, but the US isn't a signatory and who are we to say what Ukraine does with the weapon? It's their land. If it means getting pussy ass Russkies out of Ukraine, everyone is for it.

    Not everyone apparently. Seems like that's the part you don't understand. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Oh, I'm sure you dont. I mean they showed up in the first place because he lied to them, but that sounds like accountability. Can't let a rich white man actually be held accountable right?

    He didn't tell them to storm the capitol. He told them to stay home. Questioning the election results, especially given some circumstances that transpired during the voting process, he had any right to question the results. That's not starting an insurrection, he's not directly responsible. You can't frame him for inciting what happened on Jan 6 because he didn't.  


    5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    lol nice try. You probably dont even know why you hate her, other than you've been told to hate her by the right wing nuts you follow. I dont care for Hillary but it's fucking hilarious you're in here whoring yourself to defend Trump and acting like she killed your dog and shit and you didn't even say what sleight she made against Trump, simply she deserved it. You're just as fucking a terrible a dude as I suspected from jump. It's was like a bullseye. 

    You don't care for Hillary but you voted for her and is simping for her right now in 2023.


    So much for me being the billionaire bootlicker for having defended Musk and Trump. Rofl, you're defending the Clintons now? I know them more than Trump to be honest, they've been in the international spotlight for far longer and yes, I'm including the slimy husband in the equation. 


    Fuck off, Remy. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    lol you redditbros are fucking hilarious. 

    Lol nah I just love that expression. I don't go on reddit. 


    5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    He's also a pathological liar who lead that right wing base to riot at the capitol at the time he was supposed to be succeeded. LMFAO this man can do no wrong in your eyes. 

    I certainly don't hold him responsible for Jan 6.


    5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Yes, because you find him morally superior to her based on....?

    Remy simping for Hillary Clinton.



  7. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    :drake:the pathetic pc gamer's argument.

    That's one of the best post edit I ever seen. Lmao.


    But the worst part of emulation is not the fact they aren't paying, is that it's usually a buggy mess and a worse experience all around. It fucking sucks and it's such a headache to setup properly in most cases. It's not worth it unless you're fucking nerd. 


    There's always one section in the game where some unexpected problem arise. It's fucking terrible. I still can't get some PS1 games to play properly to this day. Valkyrie Profile is a fucking bitch. Chrono Cross framerates is like it's on crack. A few ones works really well and are much better though but still, fuck that shit. I have a better time playing them on the old hardware, at least it's the authentic experience. 





    Dude, if you ever see this post, I would still be interested in buying out your 360 games. I'd give you a fair deal for the whole lot but I don't want any accessories or anything that can increase shipping price too much. 


    This goes for anyone else as well. As long as you have paypal, I'll pay you upfront and I expect you to hold your end of the deal. Only old members I know well though. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:


    Those aren't the goats, but those and a lot of games better than 50 Cent Blood in the Sand are still locked away on the Cell processor. The goats still exclusive are MGS4, Dark Souls (tho the PS5 version is great), Infamous 1&2, and Killzone 2&3.


    MGS4 is getting ported, confirmed. Dark Souls was never exclusive, you mean Demon's Souls and yep, it's not exclusive anymore. Just sold my Collector Edition not long ago for about 200$. I have another English/Asia version. Lol. 


    Infamous is whatever. 


    But I do have a soft spot for Killzone on PS3. I thought KZ2 was pretty cool aside the input latency. 

  10. @Twinblade


    The cluster bombs was not a good idea. It only divided NATO opinions, it's a PR nightmare and I've seen some military people who question if it's really going to make any sort of difference. Big whoop from Biden on the international stage. 


    It was outlawed for a reason. 


    Zelensky was super mad, I don't remember to whom he was talking to but he said and I quote ''Go to hell.'' Very cool temperament that Zelensky but then again being surrounded by reluctant bureaucrats all day and trying to wage war must be fucking exhausting. 



    • Upvote 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    Do yourself a favor, take two seconds to actually read what happened to this particular piece of land and save yourself further embarrassment. 


    What I love about Ramza is he is so arrogant with his ignorance :kaz:

    I'm talking about the concept of the grievance that we somehow owe things to native Americans. I'm talking about the Ben and Jerry message and the toxic idea behind it. They weren't referring themselves or a specific case.


    Whatever man, I don't think you understand what I'm saying whatsoever. 


    It's the same shit with black reparation. Absolute nonsense. Getting compensated for your ancestors hardships and injustice that you never suffered, that's fucking cute but fuck off. Seriously. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Exactly how was she rude to him? 

    None of you has watched it, confirmed. She was rude, passive aggressive, condescending, constantly interrupting, tried to interject when no one was there to hear what she has to say about anything.


    That's about it. I guess that's not rude behavior for your dumbass. Jesus. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Hot air news? :kaz:


    The land in question has nothing to do with conquering. 


    As usual you're commenting on shit you are clueless about. 

    I just posted whatever link, the story is well known. 


    Colonizing/conquered land, what's the difference? Are you that much an imbecile that you don't understand that we're all people who originally came from elsewhere and colonized lands that already had people there and you don't see the correlation with native American reparation grievance bullcrap?


    You can't possibly be that stupid. Talk about clueless, indeed. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    -Russians did however try a relatively significant counterattack north of Avdiivka and they got absolutely wrecked. I've seen footage of at least 10 destroyed vehicles in one field.

    Yeah I've seen the wreckages. 


    6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    -Ukranians started an offensive to the North of Bakhmut on a new axis, and its actually been relatively successful. They're closing in on their original positions near Soledar, and are putting further pressure on Russian supply lines to Bakhmut.

    Pro Ukrainians fanboys make it sound like tons of Russians surrounded/retreated or got trapped. But they're probably just the frontline goons getting pushed back. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. @Twinblade


    It's been hard to follow these past few days but from what I gather, Russians are getting pounded badly and one of their biggest military base in Crimea (?) was completely destroyed from long range missiles. There's a huge evacuation of civilians in the whole region. 


    That's what I gathered but I don't know, it seems like the front is really chaotic around Bahkmut. I don't know who to trust anymore though, every channel is a propaganda channel for one side. No one is doing any sort of real reporting without an agenda, it's truly a shame because you have to swim through a bunch of garbage to get down to what's really going on. 


    I've been following NATO talks more instead, btw. 

  16. 27 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    She was the fucking moderator, it's not a concert or rally. He wasn't there to do his rally bullshit. If he's avoiding answering questions, filibustering, and babbling on incoherently what is she supposed to do? Just let him open mic it? 


    The irony is that nearly everyone agreed it was a disastrous event (including CNN and part of why the president was fired) and was just Trump steamrolling his rhetoric and avoiding accountability. Meanwhile you're here like "she didn't let him do him.". Like she was his co-host or something. 




    Lol it's like surreal watching you go out of your way to defend him against being a misogynist despite him talking about assaulting women, being found libel of assaulting a woman, being accused of assault by his ex wife, as well as a dozen other women, and his general public existence... All as part of your denial that you defend misogynist and racists right wingers. 

    Once again, you clearly didn't watch the interview. She wouldn't even let him answer and put words in his mouth, it was extremely rude and unprofessional. I stick to what I've been saying all along, she got called out for her rude behavior's and that's perfectly fine. The more you fuck around, the more you gonna find out. 


    Yes, CNN hated giving a Presidential candidate a platform to speak to his right wing base. That should tell you something. 


    Correction, I defended him trashing Hillary Clinton. Hillary is a snake anyway, hardly some defensless woman. Get your misogyny out of here 

  17. On 2023-07-06 at 10:23 PM, Goukosan said:


    I had to double check to see if it was you or cooke who made that post. 

    Rofl, shut you bitch ass up. Native Americans from Vermont are currently calling out on their bluff and asking for their lands back. This has backfired spectacularly. :kaz: 


    Tribal Chief: Yes, we'll take Ben & Jerry's HQ back, thanks – HotAir



    This is what happens when you virtue signal to appear good but don't actually believe or uphold anything you say, you end up looking like the hypocrite and fools that you are. 


    The concept of living on stolen lands is also retarded. 99% of land has been conquered by one group or another. Take the Arabs who are now everywhere, they weren't always in Egypt, they weren't always in Morroco, they weren't always in Turkey, they weren't even in Iraq and Iran. They all come from Saudi Arabia originally. Should they feel bad for that, for having brought and develop their own infrastructure and culture? Seriously, we're just gonna deny all the positives that new settlers brought the land for the many centuries they've been there because of old wars that happened centuries ago? 


    Roman took Spain from the tribal natives, then the Visigoth took Spain from the Roman. 

    The Roman took Gaul from the celts and the Franks took France from the Romans.

    The Roman took Tunesia (North Africa) from the Carthaginians, then the Vandals took North Africa from the Romans, then the Arabs took North Africa from the Vandals.

    Same thing in Morroco but you can add berbers natives in the mix. 


    French colonizers, colonized Quebec with the collaboration of natives, then the English took our land, forced us to join the Canadian English provinces and tried to kill our culture (it didn't work). Do you think that gives me a right to ask reparation from English speaking Canadians? Lmao. 


    I could go on for days. Anyone who think this is legit grievances know absolutely nothing about history. Native tribes also fought for territory and ''slaves'' all the time way before European ever colonized America. 

  18. On 2023-07-08 at 5:13 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

    We can expand on how Trump has reacted to any woman that has pushed back on him in public. In nearly every debate he's been in he's savaged any woman near him. From "bleeding everywhere" Megan Kelly, nasty woman Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz's wife, Carly (who wants to look at that face) Fioriana...it's like....it's a pattern. hmmmmm. lol That was the day he lost a case where he claimed the woman 'was too ugly to rape'. But thanks for proving my point. You also dont think he's racist. It's like the point I've been making keeps being validated some how.


    Even fucking wilder is we now have fucking DeSantis calling Trump woke....like the world keeps getting worse and worse. But it's the left's fault of course. 

    What does it has to do with that particular moment we were talking about? That doesn't give her the right to be rude and challenging on a national TV during a town hall campaign message meant to his base. He called her out on her shit, rightfully so, period.


    Rofl, when you think bashing Hillary Clinton, one of the most vile and corrupted person in American politics is considered misogynistic. The same bitch who came up with the fake steele dossier to indict Trump. Lmao, please. 

  19. 36 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:


    I guess "essential" is a made-up idea, but here's some factors for scoring:

    - it's still better to play natively than via emulation

    - there are goat games you can only play, or best play on the system

    - there are a lot of games you can't play anywhere else


    PS3 is absolutely still an essential console, and it's not even close. For systems like SNES, PS2, Dreamcast, emulators are really good, but lots of people would still rather play native versions. With PS3, actually playable emulation is still in the early phases. Major trilogies (!!!) like Resistance and Motorstorm are still best played on PS3 and they're not even the best games PS3 has to offer. With 360, emulation is not very interesting because nearly all its best games got superior native PC ports.


    I might keep a 360 around to play Read Dead Redemption. There's a case where a classic game never came to PC, and it's the best version.

    I don't disagree with the notions you bring there but PS3 doesn't have those games. Resistance, Motorstorm, Folklore, Siren and 3D Dot Game Heroes aren't GOAT games. The fact is that most really great games of that generation has been ported elsewhere already. What remains aren't the best games and somehow 360 has more exclusives now. 


    I'm waiting on the Red Dead remaster rumors floating around. Seems very plausible to me that it will happen. 


    36 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    Ninja Gaiden II. 360 version is the best version, Sigma 2 is basically a different game because it changed so much.

    Yes, I thought about this as well. The gore in the 360 version was awesome. 

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