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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    You don't have to, but find me a conservative outlet that's like "happy juneteenth" or Kwanzaa or something. More than likely you'll find them complaining about them existing at all. 

    Why do conservatives need to wish happy Kwanzaa for you to not believe they are all deeply bigoted?


    What, do you think all the companies that virtue signal Pride month every year (except in other countries where it's not permitted like Saudi Arabia, showing they are just hypocrites) are actually morally superior? All it take is some form of, cheap, easy and hollow virtue signaling for you? I doubt that, you're not shallow. 


    Pretty sure if Matt Walsh started his show with a happy Kwanzaa it would make zero difference to you. The guy is still a piece of shit.


    6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So even though she went to college, and started a career, as well as Candace Owens. They'll both make it seem like a woman should be at home raising kids and making her man dinner every night. While they are hosting their own platforms, touring the world, and in the spotlight. 



    9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Redpill is fringe but is just derived from the PUA and MRA communities a generation before it. The manosphere uses religious aesthetics at times, but only the parts where women are told to serve men or men are given permission spread themselves around. 

    I don't know where it comes from but I'm pretty sure the red pill movement is partly a result of social media and most importantly, the ''Tinder'' dating scene that fucks up so many young people. I'd feel disfranchised as well if Tinder was my main way of meeting new people.


    These kids need to drop their fucking phones and meet people with similar interest and build connections from there. Trying to find a pure girl with a low ''body count'' (gosh, I hate this fucking expression) on Tinder is like trying to buy a gun in Canada. Good luck with that. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Sabo said:

    Saw this on the PSN store and noticed it had the PSVR tag. Didn't know it was a VR game.

    NISA announced The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie will feature VR support for two scenarios. This will only be available for the PC version of the game. PlayStation players will not be able to play the game in VR. This is due to logistical difficulties in implementing it.

    You will be able to play the “Beachside Vay-Cay” scenario and the “SSS Summer Splash” DLC with or without VR. These are both beach events. This means that the characters will be walking around in their swimsuits.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Sabo said:

    They get new voice actors? Everyone sounds different. Akihiko really stands out, Liam O'  Brien's voice is very distinct and that definitely ain't him.

    They all sound different but similar at the same time. It's like they hired new actors but told them to keep the performance similar to the original. I was playing P3P just yesterday.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I don't think you want a woman with no job to rely on you to completely support her, even if she had your kids. But like keep it real... You and Twinblade were laughing about women being in the military or fire fighting. I'm sure you have issues with some of her commentary, but I'm sure there's plenty of things she says that you would agree with as well. 


    And that's the point. Piers wasn't on her side and has issues with what you did, but just hearing a couple things he did like he actually treated her better than the other guest. Then after the show Pearl post the video and called the other woman a radical feminist... What did that woman say that was even remotely radical? 

    I'm gonna let some things slide. I don't want to get into your racist theory. 


    I didn't really find anything Pearl said enlightening, yes I agree with her on a surface level on certain things, like there is an issue of men and women relationship in the west, just look at the divorce rate, but she's not offering any tangible solutions to any issues. Saying women shouldn't vote is one of the craziest thing I heard in the red pill community. 


    It's pretty pathetic when you think what the red pill community truly aspire to: it's basically Ben Shapiro's life. Two protected rich virgins who met at the end of their high school life, got wed and stuck together for the long haul since.

  5. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lol so you skip everything else and focus on only the fact that I drew connections. How intellectually honest of you. 



    That's because I wasn't in disagreement with the rest of your post. I just think connecting it to white supremacy was far fetched.


    Like when you mentioned one obvious part like women being part of the military, I couldn't agree more. I have even better arguments, important sectors to the rest of society like nurses and teachers are pre dominantly females. Aren't those pillars as well? There's more than hard labor. 50% of the workforce is not going to go away to go back to raising children ay home. Nothing against that but that's their choice. 


    I have a lot of disagreement with the red pill crowd and people like Pearls in general. I bet you assume that's who I was. 



  6. On 2023-07-05 at 9:00 PM, Mr. Impossible said:



    Further right wing rot and how easily "independent free thinkers" are charmed by extreme right wing rhetoric. Morgan goes from giving her a mild opening shot then over the course of this absurd debate he's basically her tag team partner. 


    So despite this blabbering numbskull who is seemingly is unaware that women are currently in the military,  thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote, likes Andrew Tate, and that divorce should be illegal - Morgan's slug ass is constantly letting us know he agrees with her on a few topics and defending her against the British chick. 


    Even if someone refuses the notion that conservatives and right wingers support white supremacy, ultimately when they hear people talking about disenfranchising or suffocating power from any group other than straight Christian white men, they're always open minded about what that person has to say. The same for independents and libertarians, they just don't have religious motivations. 

    That interview had nothing to do with race. 


    Lol, when you see imagined racism everywhere. Poor Remy. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    :D No just no. Nobody on this planet lies through their teeth more than Russia. This is the same country that even just days before the invasion continued spouting the line that they had no intention of invading Ukraine. Every time they bomb civilians they claim to have killed NATO commanders. They still come out on a near daily basis spewing shit about how Zelensky (a jew) is a nazi and they're fighting Nazis in Ukraine.


    And don't even get me started on the Bio labs breeding Ukranian super soldiers and biological weapons in the form of mosquitos bred to infect Russians....


    This is just a tiny fraction of the laughable shit that comes out of that cesspool of a country. 

    What you're describing are narratives. Not quite the same as saying they destroyed X amount of equipment. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


    How long have we been waiting for evidence of all these destroyed Patriots and HIMARS launchers Russia keeps on bragging about? Its the most obvious bullshit ever dude. Anything that comes out of Russia has 0 credibility or truth to it, I still don't understand why you continue to give them the benefit of the doubt on anything. Especially when there's plenty of open source data out there proving that Russia's claims are completely false and their losses are still exceeding Ukraine's in every category.

    Their claims are always exaggerated but when they say things like this it probably mean it went well on their side. It's why I'm saying we'll see more reliable damage reports soon enough.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Stop posting that nonsense. They're literally quoting Russia's ministry of defense practically word for word. Everything that comes from them is a blatant lie and has been since the beginning of the war.


    We'll see. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Yeah I think ill hold off on getting my news from the hindu times :benio:


    The U.S. is about to send over cluster munitions. Those should be very useful at clearing out entrenched Russians.

    I know. :ben: 


    They are doubling down though so there's probably some truth to that. 



  11. Just now, Substatic said:

    They really fucked up with CP2077, but if the Expansion is good they'll be back since they only fucked up 1 game so far.

    I forgot about that. Definitely going to be a hit as Cyberpunk fanbase increased over time. I remember the anime show gave a pretty big boost to cyberpunk sales, similar to how the Witcher TV show did the same for Witcher 3 years after being on the market. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

    Yes, you hit the nail on the head. :D Thread is for my stock research. 


    Looks like this is a buy for me after some more due diligence. You guys already made me $500 on Nintendo in less than 1 year.

    Can you tell the code of the division of Nintendo you invested into because I'm looking at yahoo finance they are multiple ones?

  13. You wanna buy shares? 


    I dunno, only buy if it's going for cheap for whatever the reason. The company has a very slow output, takes 5-6 years to make a game like Cyberpunk. They have insane sales but large period of times with declined sales until the next big thing come out.


    Also, I doubt they're looking to expand the company, as in they're not a big publisher, they only publish their own stuff as far as I know. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The both sides argument still doesn’t work. Russia indiscriminately targets civilians and has since the war began. Ukraine hits military targets the vast majority of the time. If there’s collateral damage because the Russians decided to store military hardware in Civilain areas, then that’s very unfortunate but it’s still their fault.

    Ukraine has depot and intelligence centers in resident areas as well. It's not uncommon. 


    I don't think it justify bombing those areas in terms of international war crime laws. Same thing for bombing bridges because they're used by military personnel from time to time. At least I don't think so. 


    And I didn't talk about the drones attack in Moscow but I'm starting to think that's Russian false flag operations at this point and this is coming from me. lol 

  15. 9 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    I beat Witcher 3 and BotW not because I liked them, but because I wanted to hate them from a place of completeness. I want to hate complete this game but it's just so fucking boring that I don't think I can do it. :(

    You're some kind of masochist. I drop games that I don't like within hours. :D 


    I can be very close to finishing a game and if I stop enjoying it, I'll stop playing right there. I don't give a fuck about completion. 


    Too many games out there to play shit you don't even like. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    There is good success in the east. BTW the Russians stored a major ammo depot in the middle of donetsk right next to a hospital. Then they make up bullshit excuses about how Ukraine is attacking civilians





    It's hard to take the side of Russians seriously on these accusations when they've been bombing and shelling residential areas for more than a year. Didn't they destroy a pizzeria like last-week that was a meeting place for mercenaries? 


    Anyway, that's still doesn't entirely excuse Ukrainians actions but unfortunately, they don't really have any other choices. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. 


    Like I told you a while back, we'll see ''war crimes'' on both sides until this conflict ends. 

  17. Interesting development. Possible push incoming on both flanks of Bahkmut. HIMARS destroyed important artillery. And there's major depot destroyed that you probably already heard about. 


    Though what this channel doesn't say is in the past few days, Ukraine lost more armored vehicles and a few tanks in failed offensive operations. I was trying to find video evidence which I saw like yesterday but youtube is a bitch that underpromotes non Ukrainian partisan channels. That's the problem when you only watch partisans channels, you only get one side of the story. 






    • Upvote 1
  18. Just now, JonbX said:

    I am not surprised that you are too dumb to see my point 😂


    Its ok Davey, keep coming here every day to impressively hate xbox with Jerry and TLHBO 🤣

    What point? That you used to be a shitty Xbox fanboy troll yourself?


    I also play games. That's not an argument.


    I also barely pay attention to Xbox, if at all. You're be hard pressed to find a Xbox related thread from me. Just because I laughed at the state of Xbox here and there doesn't mean it's a daily obsession.


    Once again, your Xbox fangirl side is showing. You wouldn't say a thing if people bashed PS5 instead. Proving that, in the end, you haven't changed one bit. Except, you're more hypocritical than ever.


    Good job, Johnny boy, you're on a roll. 40+ years and still dumb as a rock. 

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