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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 32 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Sure, when this place was active.  Now its 4 of you loser idiots coming here everyday to hate xbox, near or in your 40s. Impressive 😂

    Yeah, when the forum was mostly compromised of shitty, immature trolls like you. 


    The kind of forum that flipped it's shit because Zelda TP got 8.8 instead of 9.0. :D Such mature and intelligent debates we had. 


    At the end of the day you're just mad Xbox has reached it's lowest point ever. Cry more. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    At least they get paid. You guys sit here day after day with your anti-xbox campaign for free and with no reach 😂

    Lol, look at this Xbox fanboy who posted here for around two decades trying to pretend he's above everyone else for doing the same fucking shit he himself did. Lmao. 


    No one is impressed that you matured a bit in your forties. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Between you and me, you are the one who claimed to be among the most persecuted group of people in North America. I have  not. Stop projecting. 


    As for Cooke, He willingly buys the worst versions of games, some he already has, just to give some pity sales to Nintendo. Which I'm sure cost more than a month or two of GP. 

    I never said that. 

    • NPC 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Yes, the main board where people call each other stupid, fgt or retarded for liking different videogames. Take your bitch ass to Resetera then. 

    You do realize that most back and forth here on the main board is all in good fun and none one take it seriously, right? Besides maybe a few weird ones like Jehurey or DynamiteCop. 


    Meanwhile, you came here to insult Cooke, not because of his cancelling of Gamepass. Don't try to bullshit me you clown, we all know where it's coming from. 


    And between you and me, you're the one with a Restera account most likely. I can imagine you perfectly crying about lack of representations in video games. :D How about you stay there next-time?

    • dead 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    You're nearly as dumb as he is so I see you're getting defensive. 

    Yeah, clearly I'm the one who is on the 'defensive' here by telling you to chill. :D 


    You can't tolerate people with a different opinion and it's sipping into the main board. It's absolutely embarrassing and show exactly what kind of intolerant and close minded character you really are. You know the things that you keep accusing everyone else of being. 



  6. 36 minutes ago, Remij said:

    It's lost its identity for sure.. but that said, it doesn't mean this is a bad game.. just not a great FF game.  It feels like SquareEnix is going through Capcom's "RE4-RE6" phase where they try to make everything more action focused and fast paced..


    Eventually they'll get to the point where people are like "yea this is no longer Final Fantasy at all" and then they'll try to go back and recapture the magic of the old titles again.

    I dunno about that. It's been like this for so long now, I don't think that's changing anytime.


    With that said, games like Octopath and Triangle Strategy proves, even though are B rate budget games, that turn based RPGs still very much as a place in the market by moving a few million copies and getting great critical reception across the board. So at least there's those lower budget games that keeps the old SE alive, at least to me. 


    If SE made nothing but shit like Forspoken and main FFs I wouldn't give a fuck about them.



  7. 22 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    The lack of discussion on this forum related to a recently released main entry FF game is kind of crazy :ben: 

    Maybe because it has very little to do with being a proper Final Fantasy game.


    FFVII on PSOne didn't sell 13m copies in a much smaller market than today because it was a pseudo action game. This series lacks a strong gameplay identity. It does nothing for me and I have been playing the series for three decades. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Everyone's aware the Russians are dug in. Mine fields and KA-52 choppers (which Russia is quickly running out of) are real threats.


    This is why the counter offensive has been slow, but its also been methodical. Ukraine is picking and choosing its battles to minimize their own losses while maximizing Russian losses. Seriously, even though there's not much territory changing hands right now, the numbers paint a very vivid picture:


    Visually confirmed Ukranian losses for 6/27 - 29 pieces of equipment

    Visually confirmed Russian losses for 6/27 - 70 piece of equipment


    Despite having the defender advantage Russians are losing more vital equipment and more soldiers


    Their logistics are also being crippled. Im still seeing daily videos of burning Russian bases or ammo dumps on occupied territory.


    Ukraine is also still holding back most of their reserves. They're clearly waiting for the right moment to unleash potentially tens of thousands of NATO trained and equipped soldiers.


    Lets not forget that Russia's offensive capability has been completely exhausted. They literally have 0 chance of seizing any more territory anytime soon. All they can do is lose it.


    Ukraine has been patient so we need to respect that and be patient as well. They shouldn't be forced to rush their operations just because us over here in the west want to see a frontline on a map move to justify our tax dollars.







    Russia has conducted small scale offensives, retook some lost grounds but I agree you won't see any major offensive push coming from Russians anytime soon. Very unlikely. Maybe if wagner was still operative on the grounds... lol


    I don't know what the Ukrainians reserve is like at this point but it'll take some serious firepower to get through like they are trying to. You saw what happened to bugged down tanks and apcs. Small scales infantry operations that the Ukrainians have been doing for a while now doesn't seem to be working well at all. Drones recon/howitzer and tanks automated heavy machine guns are chewing them up. I think US intelligence and Ukrainians vastly underestimated the will of Russians to keep fighting. 


    I don't know about equipment losses on the Russian sides other than the ammo depots getting blown up. I think that's probably Ukraine best course of action, if they can hit the vitals infrastructures, roads, warehouses, bases, in the back they should focus on that, probably. Russia clearly has had supply issues since the beginning of the war from both a logistical and manufacturing standpoint. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Ike said:

    But lemmings we’re insisting the subscription model was going to be so game changing. :drake:


    RE4, TOTK, and now this proving them wrong as always. :danylol: 

    To be fair, Halo Stinkinite, Transable and Borza 17 wouldn't come close to those games crazy fast sales numbers with or without NogamePass. 


    The real problem is MS first party is boring af. Without Bethesda finally finishing their 6 years project that is Starfield (most of this time MS had no control whatsoever over the project) they would have nothing to show this year at all that captivate interests. 


    If Nintendo and Sony gave their first party on day one, people would come in drove.


    Hell, I would subscribe to a Square Enix Gamepass like service WAY before I would ever consider actually getting Gamepass. :D SE has a far better output. 

  10. 57 minutes ago, z,warrior said:


    On average, its low income people of any race who commit crime. Neither can defend themselves with affording a "good lawyer" but they would all have access to a public defender and other indigent resources.


    An offender’s "recidivist" history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing Black people for longer times than their White counterparts, according to this link > https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf


    "Black people are about 7½ times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder in the U.S. than are whites, and about 80% more likely to be innocent than others convicted of murder, according to a new report by the National Registry of Exonerations. The already disproportionate risk of wrongful conviction, the Registry found, was even worse if the murder victim in a case was white." - from this article written just last year... "debunked" when? how?



    So back to what I said, imprisonment has become the new form of "lynching" (in terms of getting rid of and intimidating Black people, particularly men). You've already been sleeping.... get woke fool :D 

    I was just skimming through the texts and I got this from your pdf


    The differences in sentence length between Hispanic male offenders and White male offenders who received within range sentences varied over the five time periods studied, but Hispanic male offenders received shorter sentences than White male offenders during all but the Post-Report period. In the Gall period, Hispanic male offenders who received within range sentences received sentences that were 4.2 percent shorter than those of White male offenders who received within range sentences. In the Post-Report period, however, there was no statistically significant difference between the average sentences for Hispanic and White male offenders.


    Anti white racism, confirmed. :killzone: 


    I mean, there's probably logical disparities everywhere in all sort of crime statistics but it's not always some definitive signs of systematic oppression. There's variables. Racism is one of them, I mean I'm not denying but the way you guys see your own law system is laughable.


    And here I thought I didn't trust in the institutions but at least I don't pretend the system is completely rigged, flawed and broken. Rigged for the rich maybe but that's the true privileged in today's society. 



  11. 28 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Based on what? Putin's and the Russians' claims? Lol.

    No idea what you are talking about.


    Just the general lack of advance/gains from the Ukrainians and the losses of equipment and lives piling up.


    Told you this was overhyped and the Russians were well dug in. It's just a meat grinder that probably favors the Russian heavily for the first time. Use of reconnaissance/kamikaze drones and air superiority has been brutal for the Ukrainians.  


    Retake Crimea? Yeah, right. 

  12. 32 minutes ago, z,warrior said:


    On average, its low income people of any race who commit crime. Neither can defend themselves with affording a "good lawyer" but they would all have access to a public defender and other indigent resources.


    An offender’s "recidivist" history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing Black people for longer times than their White counterparts, according to this link > https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171114_Demographics.pdf


    "Black people are about 7½ times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder in the U.S. than are whites, and about 80% more likely to be innocent than others convicted of murder, according to a new report by the National Registry of Exonerations. The already disproportionate risk of wrongful conviction, the Registry found, was even worse if the murder victim in a case was white." - from this article written just last year... "debunked" when? how?



    So back to what I said, imprisonment has become the new form of "lynching" (in terms of getting rid of and intimidating Black people, particularly men). You've already been sleeping.... get woke fool :D 

    You were talking about drug possession. That's not exclusively for people with poor backgrounds.


    I won't read that entire pdf. Come on now. At least give me a quote.


    There's no way access to good lawyers isn't following the disparity in poverty rate among white and black people. I'm obviously thinking very much of the ghetto kind of criminals, which affects the crime stats vastly not in your favor. 


    I'm questioning the statistics here of that other study. 


    Black people were overrepresented in every category of the 1,167 wrongful murder convictions in the Registry’s database. African Americans constituted 56% (74/134) of all death sentenced exonerees; 55% (294/535) of wrongful murder convictions resulting in life imprisonment; and 54% (270/497) of wrongful murder convictions in which exonerees were sentenced to imprisonment for terms of years. “Innocent Black people are about seven-and-a-half times more likely to be convicted of murder than innocent white people,” the Registry reported. That figure, the report noted, “applies equally to those who are sentenced to death and those who are not.”


    Isn't that in-line with imprisonment rate? It's normal the exoneration rate would also follow a similar ratio.


    I'll say this though, all it take is a handful of racist judges/dirty cops. I'm not saying that's not a thing but generally speaking the statistics makes sense to me with the crime rates. 



  13. 38 minutes ago, z,warrior said:

    Statistically White people do not go to jail for the same “crimes” committed by Black people. A Black guy with weed is not the same as a white guy with weed…

    The law isn't different on paper. What's different is you have more black recidivist criminals and some blacks not having the means to properly defend themselves with good lawyers which explains the disparity in the severity of the charges.


    These are old debunked talking points you're spewing. You're putting me to sleep. 

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