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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. GastricBypass simply doesn't have a big enough userbase to carry some no name multiplayer game. Plus, GP users have ton of other games to play at anytime available to them on the service, they're not gonna stick to one mediocre online game. 


    GP doesn't make much sense for these type of games, maybe later in it's life cycle when it has matured and the sales slow down but letting everyone with a GP subscription play your MP game at launch is asking for it. MP games rarely reach their pinnacle until after a year or two of added content, ironing out bugs and balancing.


    These video games companies are fucking clueless. 

  2. 19 hours ago, z,warrior said:

    Imprisonment has become the new form of lynching black people where in Florida, even though they make 14.5% of the population, black people make 47% of the prison population.

    Coincides with the amount of crimes perpetuated also by the same demographic.


    Not to say that no black men, or any other race for that matter has never been wrongfully arrested and imprisoned because of dirty cops.

  3. On 2023-06-27 at 7:15 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


    I was going to comment about you being purposely obtuse, then realized you're actually just unable to counter what  my point because you're too dumb to see the bigger picture.


    This is why dog whistles work, people like you who are too stupid to realize they are being manipulated and clinging on to what farce you want to believe so you can think you are the good guy. 

    Police arrest Democratic state senator Joshua Miller for 'keying car with Biden sucks sticker'


    Police arrest Democratic state senator Joshua Miller for 'keying car with Biden sucks sticker' (msn.com)





  4. 3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:



    Well we've been here before. Southern conservative MOTERHFUCKING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS  openly stating their political rivals aren't welcome in there cities and states and you middle of the road-down the middle-common sense-red pill-snydercut-my exgf is crazy guys see no issue with it. 

    Such serious and worrying threats to his political rivals. Amazing. This will be remember for years to come. 

  5. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    damn, i can't believe that's 9 years ago. time is moving way too quickly. i was engaged back then. considering i'm now divorced, i think i got it wrong more than job did :deadest:

    rofl, you said till death do us apart to a woman who is now sleeping with some other guy. 


    75% divorce rate in America and 85% of cases are brought forward by the women... Let met try those odds. Said lovestruck GD. :kaz:

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    No sweetheart.


    August 2021



    Movember 2018



    And i know somebody who is with Marine Corps who was deployed on an undisclosed training mission back in November of 2021 through the winter.  We later learned that it was in Ukraine.


    The US military and intelligence community has been planning for this since the Crimea invasion happened.

    NATO war support as a whole as only increased after the initial news of the invasion. The US isn't alone here. 


    But yeah, no surprises here. 

  7. Just now, Goukosan said:


    First off, Ukraine is not getting America's best weapons, not even it's 2nd or 3rd best.....


    Second of all... No American soldiers will be taking part of this conflict as Ukraine is not a NATO nation and the US is not in a direct war with Russia. 

    I never said they did, I said it was a testing ground, which it certainly is in some capacity. 


    I just said the same thing. Are you fucking stupid? 

  8. Just now, Goukosan said:


    You're talking in circles with circular logic.... First you said NATO is a dinosaur..... Now you're saying Putin wouldn't attack any NATO nation... That's the fucking point of NATO dumbass :kaz:





    You're ignoring my main argument and obsessing over the fact I said NATO was a dinosaur for decades, which it was until last-year. Ok. 

  9. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No it clearly isn't, if Russia was threatening multiple countries to NOT join them.

    That's where you're argument comes to a dead stop.............by merely looking at what WAS RANKLING Putin to begin with: losing buffer countries to NATO.


    That, alone, makes NATO worth its existence.


    We're seeing the benefits right now...........America isn't have to shoulder everything, we have so many other countries coming in to help Ukraine out with weapons and money.


    That single-handedly demonstrates why having NATO helps the United States.

    You mean ex USSR states joining NATO such as Ukraine? That's different. 


    What you think the only reasons why NATO countries are supporting this conflict with loans and weapons is because they are part of NATO? How?


    Maybe some of the more reluctant countries but otherwise you'd have a very similar course of actions under the same idea of defending a democratic country that has been invaded without direct provocations.


    Keep in mind the west only started sending serious aid once they realized the Ukrainians had a fighting chance and were kicking serious asses. Now it's the perfect proxy war to undermine Putin. Perfect proxy war to test out weapons and make the military industrial complex warmongers happy and rich. Perfect proxy war where they don't even have to send American soldiers to die on foreign soils. What a bargain. 



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