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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    If you're not contesting my argument what the point of what you're saying?.... Oh yea you're just contesting shit I never said. 



    NATO wasn't a dinosaur you imbecile. Putin would not dare to invade a NATO nation and that's the point.... The fact that would never do that because he knows he would get instantly curb stomped proved that it's working.. It's a deterrent... 



    That's the same retarded logic Trump took when he disbanded the pandemic response team and removed the ban on gain of function research in 2018.


    Bbbbbbut we're wasting money in preventing pandemics and outbreaks..nothing is happening we don't need it...... Bamn.... Pandemic happens. 


    Samething with NATO.. Bbbbut we're wasting money.. We don't need NATO.. It's a relic... Bam.. Putin decides to inside Ukraine. 


    And now like you said more NATIONS have joined NATO and it's stronger than ever. 


    Putin's plan backfired :juggle:

    We were talking in the context of attacking Ukraine. Putin is not attacking any NATO nation. If you want to argue NATIO effectiveness as a deterrent to Russia for NATO countries that's another topic entirely.  


    The point is the US pulling out of NATO wouldn't really change anything in the context of Russian invading Ukraine as you seem to have implied in the first place. Not my fault your argumentation was flawed and stupid to begin with.



  2. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    No, everyone didn’t see NATO as a dinosaur... Only Trump..all his senior staff told him as much that NATO is still very much needed. 


    And yes.. Glad you agree Trump wanted to pull out of NATO just like I need. 


    I wasn't contesting your statement. 


    NATO was a dinosaur, if anything Putin has did more to unite NATO members than any NATO country has done since the cold war ended. 


    Regardless it's irrelevant because Ukraine isn't part of NATO. NATO countries aren't supporting Ukraine because of previous diplomatic agreements between two NATO nations. Your argument doesn't hold much weight.

  3. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


    That was his plan to gain public support for pulling out of NATO... First claim we're playing too much then say it's obsolete and pull out. 




    Trump's own national security advisor said Trump wanted to do it..... Trump himself said he was musing the idea during his first term... And his aides, defense sectary and national security advisor said he would have done it if he was re-elected in 2020.




    "National Security Advisor John Bolton says 'Putin was waiting' for Trump to withdraw the United States from NATO in his second term" 


    "He previously warned that Trump would have withdrawn from the alliance if he'd won a 2nd term." 




    Hia top aides including his defense secretary confirmed as much. 


    "Trump was considering pulling out of Nato and cutting the US’s alliance with South Korea if he won the 2020 election, according to an account of his private meetings with top aides." 


    "In fact, Trump had privately indicated that he would seek to withdraw from Nato and to blow up the US alliance with South Korea, should he win reelection. When those alliances had come up in meetings with Esper and other top aides, some advisers warned Trump that shredding them before the election would be politically dangerous"



    Then in a prior interview interview Trump already confirmed what the aides, his defense secretary and National security advisor said about him wanting to pull out of NATO. 



    Halperin: Should America be the leader of NATO or not necessarily?


    Trump: I think NATO may be obsolete. NATO was set up a long time ago — many, many years ago when things were different. Things are different now. We were a rich nation then. We had nothing but money. We had nothing but power. And you know, far more than we have today, in a true sense. And I think NATO — you have to really examine NATO. And it doesn’t really help us, it’s helping other countries. And I don’t think those other countries appreciate what we’re doing.


    Heilemann: But it’s possible that NATO is obsolete and should be gotten rid of?


    Trump: It’s possible. It’s possible. I would certainly look at it.



    You were saying? :umad:


    Your point? Everyone saw NATO has an dinosaur at the time that didn't serve much purposes in recent decades.


    The US could still be just as involved in this conflict as a part of NATO or not. It's just an alliance. This isn't the end of all arguments that you think it is. The US not being part of NATO in no way ensure Putin success in the Ukrainian war or guarantee the US non involvement in the conflict.  


    Trump wanted European NATO countries to increase their military budget and not rely solely on the US.

    Trump wanted European countries to be energy independent from Russia. 


    Trump wanted to pull out of NATO. OMG, Putin ally, confirmed. 




  4. 39 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Cooke you're as dumb as rocks....


    You claimed for years that Biden is some powerful all Mighty war monger who wants to take us into perpetual wars and maybe even WWIII... but now you're saying he is an inept old buffoon... Who Putin thought was weak and wouldn't do anything about it.... Which is it? 



    As far as Trump is concerned.. 


    Did you forget Trump got impeached for withholding aide to Ukraine unless they fabricate lies against Biden? 


    Trump wanted the US to pull out of NATO with the ultimate goal NATO disbanding ... That was his goal.... 



    Which would have then left Russia unchecked to invade those nations would be invaded and the peace deals would be for Russia to take over. 


    If Trump were president Russia would have already taken over Ukraine and NATO would be disbanded or severely weakened by the US pulling out of the alliance. 


    Now under "inept buffon" Biden.. Russia has been exposed as weak and pathetic... And the NATO alliance is stronger than ever as other countries have joined. 


    Putin's plan backfired spectacularly :juggle:

    You're distorting facts. Trump threatened to pull out of NATO because he wanted European countries to INCREASE their defense budgets and contribute more militarily and also be energy independent from Russia... None of which would have benefitted Putin.


  5. 17 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    So what are the numbers now? 1.1 million? It wasnt limited for long. 


    If this thing is barely hitting a milli than you know the other devices out there arent selling shit.


    These things are a gimmick and wont even outsell VR. 

    Why does it matter? It's a portable PC that share the same games has any other PC. It get the same support either way.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Thats unfortunate. The main issue i've read about recently is that there are some balance issues when it comes to the difficulty, like some bosses and enemies have an unreasonable amount of HP and deal a ton of damage to your characters.

    That's because they suck. There's no balance issues in Tactics Ogre, it's just a hard game. Some missions are just hard in the way the battle is played out, it has nothing to do with unfair shit like enemies having too much HP.


    Just know that the game is really tough early on until you have truly developed some killers in your party. Canopus, the angel guy or whatever he is called, is seriously OP, one off most enemies in late game.


    Once you get a solid war party, it's smooth sailing from there but you'll probably suffer to get there. At least depending on your choices and the paths you take. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


    Nice. I briefly played either the first or 2nd game (can't remember) but I never got far into it. The thought of playing one of these all the way through but with revamped graphics and other new features is kind of exciting though.

    I doubt you played the first, unless it was on emulator, on PSP, or the port that came out a few years ago on PS4.

  8. Just now, Twinblade said:


    Is this a standalone game or does it build off of the first one?

    Standalone. The protagonist father of SO2 is a character in the first game though, it takes place in the same universe but the story is pretty much all new, they are maybe some subtle references to SO1 but nothing you need to know to get into SO2. It purely stand on it's own. 

  9. Just now, Goukosan said:


    On getting your information from random edited YouTube videos. Lol

    I don't go by that youtube channel for anything but getting to see war footage and of weapons in actions. This isn't a news channel, it's more like military info dump daily with video montage. 


    Go watch CNN, I dunno? 

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