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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    This video is a month old and was hastily edited with today’s date to try and get more people to click on it so whoever runs it can keep spreading inaccurate information. You gotta stop getting your news on this conflict from random YouTube videos.

    Never seen that massive explosion before.


    Lol, what do you recommend instead, legacy media and Twitter fanboys? I'll pass.

  2. I spent hundreds of hours in their games and I'm about to stack another 100 hours or so. It's going to be a pretty epic game.


    It's the narrative and world building elements I'm worried about. I mean, Elderscrolls is actually a pretty good medieval fantasy universe and they inherited Fallout, which is probably the best universe in gaming in terms of background lore. Since Starfield is completely new, I have no idea what to expect and I have my doubts they can pull of something truly interesting that hasn't been done already in other science fiction works. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    The guy who told the story, which may be true or not. I've had to do the same thing before, so I take him at his word on it isn't a MAGA person. 


    They might be, but his actual feed is more nerdy conservativisn and mostly kind and positive. There's nothing political I've seen on his feed. The account that retold his story is a MAGA account. So your critique of my point was incorrect. 


    Lol "represents all conservatives? "  yes, because we know the diversity of thought for right wingers have between the red pill/tradwife/manosphere communities.


    Remember when Gillette made an ad where one dude does this exact same thing and conservatives boycotted the company? Then Daily Wire made anti woke razors to sell to them. 


    Isn't the leading Republican candidate a well documented misogynist who recently lost a court case for sexual assault? Didn't you enjoy him putting a "bitch" in her place during his townhall? 



  4. 8 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    MAGA female meets MAGA male. 


    Funny how conservative men only want to "protect women" from trans people. 

    Wait, so one MAGA guy actually helps a woman out (or so he claims) with a witty and fast action but you fixated on the weirdo who says he's cold hearted and wouldn't risk his life for a random woman?


    This is also the guy who represent all conservatives? Ok, sure. Lol. Get some help, dude. 



  5. On 2023-06-12 at 3:51 AM, lynux3 said:

    Not looking good for Russia. :reg: 

    Not sure where those heavy Russian casualties news come from from but so far the Ukrainians have barely managed to conquer any serious ground and it's been over a week. I've seen German tanks burning in the fields and some Ukraine flags over small, insignificant villages. This is far from taking Crimea to say the least.


    I know Ukraine still has a lot platoons in reserves though. That is definitely accurate. 

  6. 1 minute ago, MalaXmaS said:

    A PS5 is really cheap compared to the kind of PC gaming that you want.

    It all depends what games you want to play.

    If you are strictly into PC games like fps, and games that you can play on consoles, then get a PC.

    However I see you really want VR gaming , so stick to the PS5. Just take the cost of VR into consideration.

    I have a metaquest 2 which I can use on PC though. Still won't get me GT7 or RE Village. 


    But yeah man, I'm definitely becoming more of a PC gamer. I was looking at Atomic Heart first thing that popped to my mind is ''no way I'm playing this on fumblesticks''. lol

  7. 2 hours ago, Remij said:


    lol, I hear ya.  Trying to figure out how to feel like you're getting a decent deal in this shitscape of a PC market will drive you crazy.  However, I'm going to be honest with you man.  I think you'll end up disappointed no matter which side you choose... unless you do both.  If you buy a $1500 PC, some shittily optimized game will release at launch and you'll be like WTF did I spend all this money for... and if you buy a PS5... you'll eventually just miss the freedom of PC gaming.  Getting games much cheaper... being able to take it on the go with you without having to buy a stupid remote play device... ect ect.  If PSVR2 is a major part of you wanting to get a PS5... you'll also end up disappointed, because I'll tell you right now... it's going to follow the same trajectory as the PSVR1 did.  Not going to move any needles, and you'll get a couple games which maybe don't show up on PCVR which are worth a damn.  You'll have wished you just continued to put your money into Steam.


    You'll end up at the same place man.


    Which is why I think you'll ultimately just do what I did, albeit a bit later.. which is say fuck consoles completely, and if the games come to PC, they come.  You know PC is the better platform overall.. and you're getting too old to care about buying every platform and needing it day 1. :fblike:  

    You make good points I agree with but for the price of a PS5/PSVR2 I can only get a mid range PC with a 3070. Which won't match PS5/PSVR2 performances, I think. 


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