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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 10 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Ukraine's strategy is pretty good so far. They're picking and choosing their battles along the southern front, forcing Russia to shuffle around reserves which is eventually going to cause communications and logistics issues. Eventually Russia will leave a gap in their defense lines and Ukraine will exploit that by flooding said area with their own reserves including their new brigades.


    And despite Russia being on the defensive the equipment losses are roughly 1:1 for both sides based on what i've seen. This is actually a terrible ratio for Russia compounded by the fact that Ukranian crews are surviving when their western made MRAPs, tanks, and APCs are destroyed while many Russians immediately die when the same attacks happen against their Soviet Union era junk.



    Russian first fortifications defense are about to get encircled. That's just early part of the counter offensive campaign and I'm guessing it didn't happened as fast and as easily as Ukraine anticipated. Their real goal is a much bigger move, they're going south where there's a gap in the Russians lines and they will then attack in from the east, battling the other defensive trenches from a direction the Russian are not prepared to fight them, or two fronts essentially, forcing them to a tactical retreat. 


    But I dunno, I'm getting conflicted reports. One day Ukrainians are getting pushed back, 24 hours later they took some important tactical heights.



    • Upvote 1

    Flax seeds




    Processed cooking oils (recommends olive, coconut or avocado oils instead) 


    Trans fats

    Bread, pastries, refined grains


    Funny I never really cared about testosterones but somehow I knew all that already. Except for licorice and mint. 

  3. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    43 demos lmao

    Doesn't count as owned games. 


    3 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Time to get a job LOL

    Yes, so I can buy a PC/PS5 and game even more. :pavarotti: Can't wait. 

  4. Just now, JonbX said:

    Maybe talk about them instead of talking to me or about how you hate Xbox. Canadian TLHBO ROFL

    I already have but you weren't here because you're a little bitch who can't handle Xbox suckage and only post here for a day or two at a time when Xbox finally gets some good news. 


    See you next-year and 90 games later, you fucking idiot.

    • dead 1
  5. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    LMAO sales. I have both consoles why would that even matter? Think im sitting around while playing games thinking to myself man im glad PS5 won the NPD this month !!1



    LMAO polls. Think im sitting around while playing games thinking to myself man im glad Xbox won the Retardera poll this month!!1 

  6. Feel free to join us in reality where PS5 outsells Xbox Series Flop, 4:1. 


    Rofl, when all you have to brag about are polls from fanboy forums. Desperate Lemtards. :lul: 

  7. Just now, JonbX said:

    Youre entire shtick here since the beginning was you being some elite hardcore niche gamer. STFU like you dont act like that :rofl:And you ARE miserable.

    Sounds like you're jealous I'm the better gamer and a superior human being all around. 


    No wonder you feel the need to cry about my PC in every post. It's the only thing you have over me in your miserable life... ''at least I have a better GPU than David ;( ''. Congrats. :mickey: 

  8. 3 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Probably a few hours of 76. F4 idr but i beat the game so however long that takes


    Are you going to try to be teh hardcore gamer now on your old dusty laptop that cant run new games? LOL

    And Bethesda past two games were the best games ever made, correct?


    Just making sure you realize which studio you are hyping as making one of the best games ever made. :kaz: 


    Not sure what my laptop has to do with anything? Would a 4090 help me run a game that hasn't been released yet? ROFL. 

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