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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 6 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    @Ramza if you like WW2, you check out this channel. They're basically covering the entirety of WW2 in weekly episodes (currently there are a whopping 250). Once its complete its going to become the most comprehensive documentary on the war out there.


    They also have extended coverage for major events in the war. The last big one was pearl harbor, but they just put out a new one for D-Day. Its 24 hours of video just covering the entire day, right down to pretty much every single detail. Pretty insane stuff, I can't even begin to imagine just how much work they had to put into those videos.



    I've known him for a while now. Also like his WW1 stuff. 




    At the end he goes into how the defensive lines and supply lines of the Russians were impacted by the recent flooding. Lol at the blue and yellow kayaks. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The problem is that Ukraine needs to keep a bunch of vital air defense equipment around Kyiv to protect from Russia’s constant missile and drone barrages. If Ukraine could put a Patriot battery closer to the frontlines, Russia’s Air Force would be swatted out of the sky like flies.

    Yeah, one of the patriot system got hit during some of the latest ballistic missiles barrages from what I remember. It's just not an option Ukraine got. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

    I skimmed through. That guy needs to chill out. It’s a combat zone, Ukraine will obviously have losses, especially in wide open fields where mines and artillery strikes are plentiful.

    The most concerning thing is how Russia was able to get their choppers close enough to attack the convoys. Ukraine needs to support these movements with air defense, and that’s one thing they might be struggling with.

    He's saying this first wave is probably made out of conscripts meant to probe out Russian defenses. 


    Lack of air support is definitely an issue here. Russians have air superiority, including drones surveillance. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


    Dude, you're just making shit up at this point. Russia is 100% on the defensive and has been since Bakhmut fell. They weren't going to suddenly do a flanking maneuver over the river :D  



    This is textbook counter to an offensive: to outflank the supply lines of the invading forces. It's how Russians almost lost their initiative on Bahkmut in the earlier parts. It's crucial to have strong flanks during an incursion forces, otherwise you spearhead is going to get surrounded and isolated. (I wish I could draw an imagine, it's easier to show than tell) 


    I don't see how Russian supply lines are improved, I don't see how losing electricity for a dam they had control of since 2014 is worth it, I don't see how Ukrainians doesn't benefit from causing massive chaos on the Russian side and basically protect themselves from one one of their flank that was under the control of Russia.


    I'm not saying I'm a war expert and my knowledge of the region is limited but I think my assessment is more fair and logical than ''Russia bad''. You have failed to produce better counter arguments and I'm saying this respectfully. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Ukraine has already started the counter offensive in Zaporizhzhia, which apparently was their plan all along. And now that the Kherson area is flooded, that is no longer a possible axis of attack for Ukraine so Russia was able to send many of those soldiers to Zaporizhzhia to reinforce the defense lines.


    So you're basically saying Ukraine deliberately made their long awaited counteroffensive HARDER on purpose? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?


    And no the Nordstream pipeline was not obvious. I don't know why I have to repeat myself, but a RUSSIAN SHIP was spotted in the area of the explosion around the time it happened......if that doesn't point to them being the culprit then I don't know what does.

    You fail to realize that the supply lines affected by this are Russian's. The place of the counter offensive would be reinforced either way. Now they have a flooded and vulnerable region that is indefensible and prevent Russians from doing a flanking maneuver. 


    An American team did a deepdive water military exercise around the pipeline a month or two prior. Now saying that's conclusive evidence but...


    It's ridiculous how quick you jump to conclusion. A Russian ship on the baltic sea. What a surprise.


    Once again, Putin wasn't the biggest benefactor of having the pipeline destroyed. The US were. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Russia controlled the dam. They were in a better position to blow it up. And their propagandists in the past have already spoken about how dams should be destroyed



    And now these same people are calling for Kyiv's dam to be destroyed so the whole city can be flooded



    And its amazing as someone who supposedly knows so much about WW2, you somehow forgot that the Soviet Union blew up a dam in that same area during WW2 to slow down the Germans.


    Its literally apart of Russia's history but somehow its Ukraine who decided to flood their own country. RIIIIGHT.


    I can't believe over a year into this war clowns like you and Cooke still doubt Russia's appetite for destruction and chaos, while trying to put the blame on the invaded country who just want their land and people back.





    They were talk among Ukrainians to blow up the dam too. 


    What happened over 80 years ago under different leadership is not proof of anything. Nor does simply mentioning that Russia is evil is also worth mentioning. 


    I looked at how benefitted the most out of this and it makes no sense that Russia would do it. They destroyed their own defensive lines to slow down a counter offensive that isn't happening? If they so feared the counter offensive, they would have waited until Ukrainian forces were on the side before blowing up and killing tons of Ukrainians in the process. 


    Not to mention the obvious part that the dam produced electricity and was an important infrastructure in the region that benefitted Russians in Crimea. 


    So if you look at it from a perspective from who benefits the most, a different picture is starting to form. Sorry but I don't go by feelings and partisanship for anything. 


    Nordstream pipeline was a lot more obvious. 

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