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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 9 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Yeah in your world and cooke's im sure the west and Ukraine are the source of all evil while Russia is the driving force for world peace and stability.....

    That's just stupid damage control where you insinuate things I haven't said. 


    I'm sorry if Ukrainian possibly been implicated doing bad things in a war is shattering your simplistic, black and white, little world view you have going there. 

  2. On 2023-06-06 at 12:46 PM, Twinblade said:

    Russians just blew up the Nova Khakovka damn, flooding huge parts of the left and right banks of the Dnipro river.


    They feared a Ukranian counteroffensive in this direction so much that they decided to create a massive humanitarian and ecological disaster.


    Entire villages and towns have been evacuated, others are almost completely flooded.


    The local wildlife has been displaced, and loads of chemicals including 150 tons of motor oil leaked into the river, which will leave the water polluted for years to come.


    This constitutes terrorism and is yet another significant war crime, yet somehow Russia apologists on this board will still find ways to stay neutral and claim a false peace where Russian retains all of their occupied land is the best solution to this conflict.....


    Guys, no proof that Ukraine destroyed nord stream pipeline, you hear? Russians did it. 

    Guys, Russians destroyed their own dam, even though it makes no logistical and tactical sense. 

    Guys, Russians are shelling their own residential areas. 


    How can you stay neutral with these act of terrorism, people? 


    ... :tom: 


  3. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    Diablo's marketing has sure been something




    Honestly, everywhere I look I'm seeing advertisements for this game... no wonder it's already become the fastest selling game in Blizzard's history. :whew: 

    Nice graphics. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Lmfao tales from your ass. Xbox first party games don't even sell that much and Japanese games sell even less on Xbox. 


    Did you just multiply 70 by 2 million as revenue that SE would receive? 


    So you think 3rd party publishers get 100% of the revenue for sales on their games? :kaz:

    At full price too. :D FFXV was sold at 60$ and went on sale less than two months in. What an idiot.


    Not to mention, Xbox softwares sales are down thanks to Gamepass.


    Square Enix isn't missing out on anything major by not releasing on Xbox. Sony probably paid for the marketing and publishing. Which easily mitigate the mediocre sales it would get on Xbox Series L. Not to mention having to make a downgraded version for Xbox Series Shit.


    They will release a PC port at a later date, enjoy great sales on PS5 and that will be it. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Shit was like pausing for seconds at a time at 1080p. It was unplayable. Looks like PS3 too like fucking ugly it makes no sense. So no way console runs worse than that. That mode seems like trash anyway

    Oh I'm just saying. It's probably not as bad. 


    As you can guess it looked TERRIBLE on my PC. 


    And yeah the world tour mode seem bloated and stupid. If you want good SP content MK1 is coming out soon. Lol. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Remij said:

    lol it's a hitbox style controller.  Instead of the stick it has 4 buttons for each of the directions.


    A ton of the highest level players use these things.

    Yeah, psychopaths used this kind of controller, no doubt about it. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Yeah, it's weirdly demanding.  I get 120fps average in world tour, but it definitely drops down to 90fps at times... oddly when there's fuck all seemingly happening.  The GFX in World Tour mode are ugly as shit too :D 



    Anyway, I'm thinking of also trying out one of those hitbox controllers.  My arcade stick I got with SF4 still works perfectly, but was just thinking of trying one of these out for fun.  Anyone else used them before?



    Wtf is that thing? Where's the fucking stick? 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lol calm down, they are OK videos. It's very enlightening for people who digest mostly miserable grifters rage-edging bigots. 

    Meh, I watch all sort of things. My favorite youtube channel is probably The Why Files, which goes into paranormal phenomenon and all sort of conspiracies. And History March which go deep into battles of the past.


    Do you think I watch boring as fuck, unfunny Matt Walsh everyday? Lol, I usually stay away from politics. It's hard not to address some concerns when you see the world going mad around you but as I said recently, I don't care anymore. Not my battle and not my business. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    World Tour runs like shit on my PC lol damn. Console it is

    Also doesn't run at a smooth 60 on consoles from what I read from the GS review. The world tour, I mean. That was one of the main con mentioned. 

  10. 54 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    To keep it simple, an example is him making a video about birth rates. He mentions something real like needing 2 household incomes. But then also gives "degeneracy" as another component as his visual example is a trans person. 


    He sprinkles stuff like in like some snipe and shit. He's not right wing and at times calls out some people on the right.. Well Elon Musk, but like his intent may be deep seated but it remains evident. 




    So his intent is being a closet transphobe who makes interesting and well documented videos about various topics, sprinkled with subtle transphobe bigotry? 


    Also that's the reason why I'm posting his content? 


    I didn't knew you wore a tin foil hat. 



  11. 23 hours ago, bhytre said:

    Dinosaur gaming :rofls:

    :mad: You don't know about the epic story and all th- PLEASE INSERT DISC 3

    lmfaoooooooooo 😭


    I just remembered you admitted to being a fan of FFVIII before... :D FFVII was the better PS1 RPG, no one would ever say otherwise. 




    Also you were a fan of Parasite Eve 2. Lol owned by my superior memory for remembering absolutely useless details about SW posters. 



  12. 23 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    You brought up Midgard, I’m not referring to the rest of the game. But Midgard in the remake is absolutely better than Midgard in the original. You get to see parts of it that you never saw before, like the residential district and many of the underground areas. The main and side characters alike have a larger presence, and are more fleshed out. The Avalanche members in particular have full backstories and personalities, while in the original game they barely got any screen time at all. This also contributes to the larger scope of the story, with more events and higher stakes compared to the original.

    you guys are so bitter and can’t appreciate what the remake adds to the FF7 universe.

    :D The new story beats were mostly about Jesse craving Cloud's dick and the big guy having cats? It didn't make the story better or upped the stakes in any way. 


    You're completely delusional. 

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