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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, ghostz said:

    That is a fact, please disprove it. 

    It is a fact, you're missing the point. You can optimize results from better understanding of dietary functions.


    And by the way, eating less calories to lose weight is not a healthy lifestyle. It means your body is literally starving, you can lose weight and still get adequate amount of calories.


    No shit, someone who eats 300 calories a day will lose weight and eventually look like a malnourished Kokujin. Duh.

  2. 1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

    This is proof you have no clue about anything. 


    Scientific studies empirically show that fat has LEAST effect on feeling full, than even PROTEINS ! let alone fiber ! 





    :D Fats usually come attached to animal proteins... genius. No one is arguing about taking a spoon of olive oil and shit.


    Although I think I've seen Aza says he eat butter? Lmfao. 

  3. 1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

    As soon as you see Poitras, Voidler, and Aza on one side of a debate


    and Deeno, me, and ghostz on the other side. 


    you don't even have to know what the debate's about, to know who won. :tom: 

    Lol, when you side with the ''but you only have to spent more calories than you eat'' side of arguments when talking deeper dietary facts, you know you're on the losing side of the debate.

  4. 1 minute ago, ghostz said:

    The only thing that matters for losing weight is to burn more calories than you intake. Literally a fact 

    A heavy meat diet like he's doing actually makes this easy. 


    You'll generally gain way more calories from gains. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, ghostz said:

    Carbs may equal sugar but there are different types of sugar that effect your body differently 

    Like I said, the main difference comes from the speed of absorption, not so much it's healthfulness properties like you find in different kind of fat from omega 3/6 to a saturated fat.


    Sugar is just sugar. 

  6. And carbohydrates are sugar. Anyone arguing otherwise is a clueless moron.


    The only difference with refined sugars is that it will be more slowly absorbed, thus not creating a huge insulin spike and make you more prone to gaining weight.


    But at the end of the end, carbs = sugar. There's no other way around it. There are only three macros, it's not very complicated.

  7. Just now, SheepKilla said:

    I laughed irl when he said that fiber is bad for you in the next post. :hest: literally probably THE most important thing for losing weight


    No it's not not, other than slowing down digestion and making you feel full longer, which can be helpful when losing weight.


    Fat have the same property of making you full longer so there's that.

  8. 4 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    big difference, noone cares when PC gets a year late pity port with nothing added but some gay gfx options. :cruise: 


    When something like DQ11S, Persona 3 FES, RE4 PS2, etc come out? Watch the value of the incomplete versions. Content is king. DQ11 on PS4 will be worth a quarter. RE4 cube looked better but was missing <5 hours worth of content, that one became a coaster. You can't give Persona 3 vanilla away for 2.99 but you can get FES for full price, still. :rofl:


    When extra content gets added it's one of the biggest ownages possible in SW. It literally rips $60 out of the pocket of the beta tester's hands.


    between DQ11S and P5:R, Nintendo's essentially bitch slapped $120 out of cows hands. :rofl: 

    Lol? I spent 107 hours in DQXI and 110 hours in P5 and I ain't going back to these games regardless of a dozen additional hours of new content. :D I had enough of both. Especially not to play some inferior handheld port.


    Persona 5 will be 3 years old by then.


    It's like when games get DLC almost years after launch, it's hard to give a shit. Hell most GOTY edition I had, I usually beat the main game and move on. As most games overstays their welcome, hell, I thought P5 could have ended sooner.


    It's really not as ownage as you'd want it to be. Not from the perspective of someone who already beat both games anyway.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    That's the beauty of SW; once a meme become infamous with any game or moment it will forever be revived. There can be no future Crackdown threads without that obligatory image from @Quad Damage going forward :D 

    :dove:=SW original meme

    :killzone:=SW original meme

    :geese:=*I stole that one from a KoF forum a long time ago and it stuck.

    :psychoben::santaben::haloben::bisonben::benio::kenben::ben:=I'm pretty sure you made most of these, I think bhytre did the Bison one

    :TJ:= Teddy Tuna

    :jonb:=SW's legendary court jester.


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