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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Dark Chocolate's taste can take some getting used to (especially as you get to higher percentages) but its loaded with antioxidants.

    The real issue is that the common brand of chocolate are made out of trash, glucose fructose, vegetable/soybean/rape seed oils, artificial food colorants, bunch of preservation agents you never heard of.


    Then you look at a normal bar of dark chocolate and there's like 4 ingredients, top and none of the above. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    I've actually been sleeping better as well. One of the worst habits I had over the last few years was having an additional cup of coffee in the afternoons/early evenings. That was really having such a bad effect on me and I didn't realize how bad until I cut it out and only have a coffee in the morning. Now I not only fall asleep quicker but I don't wake up as often during the night, and I also feel more well rested after waking up.

    I love my evening coffee, I keep decaf just for that. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Sugar is fine. I eat chocolate every day. However, the bulk of my foods are salmon, almonds, chicken, eggs (I eat 4 every morning), some fruits and vegetables, a serving or two of oysters weekly (optimal for zinc) and plenty of carbs. 

    70%+ dark chocolate? 


    Oysters is a super food for sperm production. No doubt it boost testosterones as well, makes sense. I should try that. I eat sardines like once a week. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Sleep is ridiculously important. Lack of sleep can cause low T levels. 

    I don't really concern myself with hormonal levels but I probably should. 


    What's your idea of a diet that help produces testosterone? I'm guessing high omega 3 fatty acids, no sugar (not carbs, actual sugar), high protein diet? 

  5. I'm sorry, I know this is a fitness thread but I don't train, I'm only trying to improve my general health through nutrition and a healthier lifestyle. 


    One facet that is usually ignored and shouldn't is sleep. Started going to sleep at like 9:30 pm and it's amazing. I never realize how sleep deprived I was all the time. Huge boost of energy but most importantly, my brain is firing from all cylinders. School has been way easier this semester. 

  6. Still no where as good as Capcom in it's prime. Too much reliance on Resident Evil and Monster Hunter. One Street Fighter per gen, one Marvel per gen. This shit gets old.


    Dragon Dogma 2 is a nice surprise though and a step in the right direction. They have to try to revive some of their old IPs. I want to see Dino Crisis instead of always RE, I want to see a new Darkstalkers instead of Marvel. And a new Okami, not another Monster Hunter. Give us something, anything. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    Yea, there's still some impressive native Quest 2 games out there though, like Red Matter 2... but your not wrong.


    Quest 3 should bring that up quite a bit I would think.  In that Asgard's Wrath 2 trailer there's some nice texture work there.



    Still, regardless of all that, I love having a headset that is simply not connected to anything else, just my head.  It's nice to be able to use my PC and play really high fidelity games like Asgard's Wrath, Lone Echo 1+2, HL:A, and lots of others completely maxed out... and all wirelessly.  All my Oculus Store games, Steam VR games, and Quest games all in one place.  Also  the newest beta version of Virtual Desktop allows incredible image quality now with much improved bitrates.  Virtual Desktop was already far superior to Air Link... this just makes it not even a comparison.




    Quest 3 connected to a PC is going to be pretty fucking awesome!

    Red Matter 2 is an anomaly. They even reached 120FPS on PSVR2 with no reprojections. Added 4k textures for the heck out of it. 


    The fact Quest 2 works on PC (wirelessly) is THE reason to buy one. I consider playing directly on the helmet; the 'handheld' mode. It's a neat bonus though.


    I still haven't bought anything on the Oculus PC store but I do have games like Demeo which you get both versions when you buy it on Metaquest. That's really neat too. Of course my laptop can't run half of them so yeah. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Worse than Moss 1 on PSVR?  Really?


    It obviously cuts things back from the PC and PS5 versions, but still looks pretty good for what is essentially phone hardware.




    The simple textures look kills a lot of Quest 2 games visuals. The textures just doesn't have much detail, everything looks like plain colors at times.


    I think it's easier to see in VR bad texture works. It's kinda striking, there are no fine details, just some simple lines.  


    I mean it works, resolution is pretty decent, controls are pretty tight but I can't go back to worse than PSVR1. It's fine if you're some broke kid and you don't have anything else. Anyone else shouldn't settled down for such watered down graphics, imo.


    It's fine for certain games like Superhot VR for example, extremely simple graphics that works, but not for richly detailed environment like in Moss. Totally killed the vibe.

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Damn, they really nailed it with this thing.. although the price is somewhat high, you're still getting an awesome headset for that price.  They smartly are keeping the Quest 2 around and keeping the barrier of entry lower for people.



    I was thinking I could do a quick trade. Quest 2 is UNDERpowered as hell anyway. Played Moss 2 demo, looked worse than Moss 1 on PSVR. 


    Honestly RE4 and Lies Beneath are the only games that impressed me on that system. 

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