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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 hour ago, Bodycount N said:

    Damn, Switch is really taking the japanese gaming crown away from PS4 viciously.

    Oh sure, let's see some of the 2019 Japanese games NOT coming to Switch.


    No Resident Evil 2, no Ace Combat 7, no Kingdom Hearts III, no Devil May Cry 5, no Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, no Catherine Full Body, no Grand Blue Fantasy, no Dead or Alive 6, no Final Fantasy 7 Remake, no Shenmue 3, no Judge Eyes, no Code Vein, no Death Stranding, etc, etc.


    Taking the crown what? :D Go hype Vapornetta 3 some more, know your role you stupid faggot Sheep.

    • Haha 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    I'll never forget 2009 when I shelved my 360. Halo ODST was an abysmal embarrassment SP wise and I tried the lagging as shit Firefight with 4 SW members. And I was paying for this shit while PS3 had free online. 


    Bought a PS4 with MGS4, Demon Souls, Uncharted 2, Valkyria Chronicles, and Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. 


    Never touched an XBox console ever again. 

    :D We played ODST together that year during the Holidays. That was also when the shift from 360 to primary PS3 happened for me.


    I still blame you for making me sell my original PS3 that could play PS2 games. :( 


    In fact, looking back at all the timed exclusives and flops that sold me on the 360, I could have easily lived without one. It was worthless other than having Dead Rising and the superior version of Bayonetta.

  3. Bragging about emulators. :kaz: Just the shittiest, most ghetto way to enjoy console games. 


    This is coming from the same retard who brags about getting 120FPS in some multiplat games. Breath of the Wild with fluctuating 30FPS all over the place, bugs and constant crashes? Good enough.


    Oh wait, the crashes that happens every two minutes was actually due to having the wrong textures pack. Better make sure to get the right one this time.


    *after two hours of downloading crap on some malware infested website and fiddling with emulator settings*


    Ah fuck, the game stills crashes! At least it happen every 5 minutes instead of 2. The console plebs have been owned! :tom: 


    Hermits are non gamers. No one in their right mind would deal with this trash just to play an old ass game.

  4. 4 hours ago, McWicked said:

    Deeno posted this while singing the praises of the 1X.  Why do none of the lemmings have any self awareness at all?

    Damn right. They are just as bad as those very same annoying Hermits he's mocking.


    but bu RDR2 at 4K, it's a Xbox One X exclusive :cries:





  5. I love how ghostz thinks he owned me with this thread........................................ When in reality, you are only feeding my own ego even MORE.


    Better make more threads OBSESSING over me. 


    .......................Thanks for playing. :trump:





    Good enough? :D 

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    ya telling me howmany orbs, or the final boss isn't revelaed until ****, if i wasn't such a DUMBASS like you two, who would fail the SATs on analogues alone,


    I can figure out and pace the game. I can probably guess the final boss is an ally who crosses you, or fuck, your father coming back from time. God knows what. Or some hidden pipsweek ahead of 1st in line.

    It still tells me a lot more than "press B and mario jumps."


    You dumb.  Ain't my fault.  

    Wrong on all accounts. Oh shit, is that a form of spoiler too to break your worthless assumptions that you based on another vague 'spoiler'?


    No you're an overly sensitive twat. The narrative and your experience hasn't been negatively affected by knowing that there are orbs at some point or a true final boss.


    I already knew there was post game content before it even came out. Oh, is that a spoiler too? Even though that is a series staple (so are orbs collecting).


    This is literally the same as someone crying that they were spoiled that Bowser was in a Mario game. I'm sorry if you didn't know but that's just common knowledge.


    You've not been spoiled anything significant enough to impact you in any way. You're like the snowflake of spoilers, triggered by the slightest hint at something, regardless of it's purpose or intent. Maybe you should cancel your ISP service while you're at it to prevent from further 'spoilers'. Make yourself into a offline safe space where you can play video games while knowing literally nothing about them beforehand! 


    You miserable cretin.

  7. 7 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Great now you spoiled it. I'll just block you both! I get giving him attention doesn't help. I also get hints at gameplay structure aren't necessarily spoilers, but you nikkahs should just stop and be gentle before I purposely spoil the next game you start. 


    4real tho. Up to you how much or how little you want others to enjoy the game. If it was me, i make my posts perfectly vague and redic, or i'll put up hidden tags, especially for stuff like you don't clearly know who the fb is even halfway through the game. Awfully deep info. I don't need to hear that shit. You know that too.

    Here are more spoilers for your dumbass.


    When you press B in Mario, he jumps!


    When you steer the joystick in either left or right direction in Gran Turismo, the cars will steer in the same direction. Fucking brilliant.


    You can skip tutorials in most games by pressing start.

  8. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

    Eternal for a Switch is not a port,  obviously it won't be the most technically impressive version.     


    But should run better than the first Doom on Switch because this will be optimized during development.... instead of optimizing through porting code. 

    That changes very little, if nothing at all. Coding software during development or after is of little difference, especially on a multiplat project that don't use Switch specs has lead development plat. At best it will be better because it's in-house and not outsourced.


    But like I said, at the end of the day Eternal is going to be a lot more demanding than DOOM 2016 was. Thus you should expect the Switch version to struggle even more to run a game that is more graphically ambitious.


    Best case scenario is better optimization this time, so you might get a version that will perform similar to DOOM 2016 despite being a better looking game. But to expect Eternal to be significantly better is wishful thinking.


    It's only going downhill from now on.


    That reminds me of an old convo I used to have with Vini where he thought all PS4 games would be 1080p by the end of the gen because of better optimization over time. :kaz:  When in reality, a lot of PS4 games runs at 900p now. NieR Automata, Dragon Quest XI, Soul Calibur VI. roff, probably thought the Pro was going to run all games at native 4K by the end of the gen too.



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