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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 hour ago, Tulsi & Nikki 2020 said:


    I like glam and I like JRPGs but for whatever reason I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy and haven't checked out XV because of its boy-band-road-trip vibe (I liked X-2 so I guess I'm cool with girl-band-road-trip vibe). I haven't played VII so I'll probably wait for that to come out. 

    Is this the Saucer I know? You wouldn't like neither FF7 and DQXI.


    You must be really desperate you stupid faggot.

  2. 19 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This game seems to be so all over the place that even if you took in every piece of media there is for it you still wouldn't have a clue what in the hell is going on lol. 

    Just like you won't have a clue when you play the final game. The story of KH is some seriously Japanese convoluted GARBAGE. Best you just play the game and not focus so much on the story, it's generally awful.

  3. Borderlands 2 VR - My first time playing this, it's quite fun but the outdated visuals don't make for such a nice VR experience. It plays great with the dualshock and in a sitted position though, and I need VR games like that to take a break from standing/motion control games. It fits the bill perfectly and has a lot of content. 


    In Death - Pretty challenging VR roguelike that gives Dark Souls vibes, PS moves issues aside it's fantastic. My first few runs were like 'meh' but once I got the crossbow I was having a blast. Addictive as fuck. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    I just started God of War, have Ni No Kuni 2 still in plastic wrap from March, picking up a PSVR this week, and grabbed Smash, Octopath, and Tropical Freeze from a B2G1 at a local game shop this weekend.


    Q1 2019 games are gonna have to wait until Q3 2021. :tocry:

    You might as well keep NNK2 sealed. It's not terrible but meh.

  5. 4 hours ago, kokujin said:

    Lol this is why I think the game plays itself. Charm is useless too, from what i gather. And it's not like luck. Just going pure atk and magic off, and the obv healer. Withuutb spoiling too much, can you turn Veronica into a good phys offence dealer if you wanted to?


    Did you feel much variety or variance was available for you with builds? 


    Mmmm, did you even care about status ailments, buffed bosses, or strategy other than waiting your turn to hit? :wonder:



    Charm is not useless, it gives Jade and Sylvando attack boost to some of their skills. 


    Debuffing bosses is usually a waste of time, buffing your party is mandatory. I usually aim for big physical or spell damage. Agility buff is not bad during long boss fights.

  6. Just now, kokujin said:

    Watching 2, 3, 4 party link strikes, and how they differ based on who you pair with, and sorry but how seamlessly they happen while gaming is enough to make any true gamer cream cum their pants in appreciation.  You just bitter/don't care.  Nor know the technical feat it takes to design that.  Tldr: you are not a fan. 

    :| They practically teleport to a canned animation and it looks silly %90 of the time.


    Lol at you being impressed by that. You need to play more games, Mr. true gamer.


  7. 1 minute ago, kokujin said:

    I thought it was Aza speaking.  Too bad man. You just weren't happy to.control ffxv.  I was thrilled to just play it. Drive around, catch cutscenes, see how freaking preddy it is, i forgave it came out choppy and unsure of what genre or game it was.  A sequel w the same engine, and better focus on a driven campaign will be glorious!!

    That's fine but don't try to sell me FFXV as some kind of super deep gameplay.

  8. 5 hours ago, kokujin said:

    lol no you didn't. you have to spam so  many techniques to get an S rank in offence. The ranks are arbitrary. You don't know SHIT, which is why you didn't respond to my post. You also forgot link strikes and doing more damage coming in from behind.

    Striking opponent in the back for massive damage, such deep gameplay. :tom:


    I did get S ranks in almost every fight. Sit your stupid ass down.

  9. 10 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    FFXV's combat isn't bad, it just needs some more variety to its moves and mechanics.


    The Xenoblade series is just terrible. Awful MMO quality combat. The massive hitboxes and detached feeling it gives you is just lame, you spam the hotkeys and watch the clunky animations and transitions play out, just like the average MMO.

    No FFXV combat was dumb as fuck. One of the most shallow game I ever played and I got S ranks in pretty much all fights, doing the same patterns for 60+ hours. The game requires 0 skills nor thoughts. Absolute trash.

  10. It's just some nostalgic piece of gaming history. It's a cute as fuck mini PS1 with some preloaded games. It's a tad overpriced, has a few issues, the line up could have been better but it's still cool.


    It's not meant to replace your current consoles. lmfao, stop crying about it. 


    I love these things personally. Me and some of my old friends can quickly whip out a SNES game in local coop on his mini with the genuine feeling of the old controllers. It takes us back every time. (he stopped gaming a long time ago unlike me)


    And once hacked they are even godlier.


    Now I want a mini N64 and a mini Dreamcast. Aza is such a downer, lmao go waste more cash on garbage indie limited run games you fucking hack fraud Russian SCUM.

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