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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

    dawn of the dead and the thing aren't anywhere close to b-movies

    Dawn of the Dead is B movie %100. I'm not talking about the dumb remake.


    The Thing technically isn't, but it was still a rebel, more independent type of production. The kind we saw in the 80s at least, when directors had actual talents. It wasn't very high budget despite the amazing special effects.

  2. 1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

    This is literally over 6 month old news. They announced this back in March/April and gave people a 1 year warning.

    It's the most obvious news ever, of course they are going to phase out those systems next year. Hopefully they offer PSVR game instead but if not then PS5 is just around the corner anyway. Tbh I'm stunned they managed to find Vita games for this long

    Dino is so desperate for bad news that he will spin a good news into a bad one.


    And he thinks Sony won't ever add anything else instead of old ass PS3 games and the limited Vita library? lol, what a pessimistic dumbass fanboy. They're obviously gearing towards PS5 and/or VR support on top of what they're already offering for PS4. Might even mean more PS4 games, period. I'll fucking that over the 2006 PS3 hardware games and handheld Vita garbage. Goddamn. :D 


    Dino never cease to impress me. lmao

  3. I will get back on topics soon don't you worry, fool. I'm working all weekend. 


    What are you trying to prove really? No one is arguing that. That doesn't change Macron openly advocated for globalism, was a EU bitch, and socially he was very much on the left. His corrupted economic policies are a whole other thing.


    Everyone is against him anyway. Lowest ratings for a French President ever, did I hear that right?  lmfao Left parties asked for a vote of no confidence twice so far, stfu Jerry. lol

  4. GOOD.


    Now add some VR games. That would be actually dope and relevant. My PS3 is plugged in to my TV and I haven't turned it out in forever.


    And I don't have a Vita, who cares at this point, every Vita titles has already been free at some point on PSN+. rofl 


    Time to move on.

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  5. This series is dumb as fuck but also surprisingly fun. It's Spaceship Trooper, the video game. Shit gets epic as fuck with nukes, giant ufos, giant mech, gozillas. The carnage from the arcade like gameplay is always a blast. 


    Although I will wait for the next-one, Iron something, they up'd the graphics a lot more compared to this.

  6. Day one. I stopped watching media for this game a while back, not gonna a play a demo either. Gameplay looks dope, that's my kind of shit.


    And while I'm not a fan of the art direction, especially the characters design, the graphics are pretty amazing. This new REmake 2 and DMCV combo reminds me of last-gen when Capcom pushed the graphical bar with RE5 and DMC4. Except those two won't flop.

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