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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. So because they are right leaning means they can't be right about anything. Gotcha. That's exactly what I meant earlier by 'I'm not gonna back up my claims with left leaning sources just so that you start listening.'


    Okay, I'll play your observable facts games.


    Globalists are pushing mass immigration and multiculturalism.

    1. Politicians actively calling out for open borders in Europe. 

    2. Media propaganda for multiculturalism in UK and Germany. 


    Wow, that was hard. :|



  2. Just now, jehurey said:

    No..........you're not understanding.


    You don't have proof in what you claim...................and your BELIEF of something does not carry the same WEIGHT as a FACT.


    Never did. Never will.


    And that's is what I will point out, every single time, from this point forward.  You have nothing.


    I want people to see you running away from your own claims, and not providing proof.  It HELPS me.

    First off every time I post something you claim they are biased and EVERYTHING they say is wrong. You don't acknowledge anything that doesn't suit your narrative. Hell, you don't even have a narrative, in this entire thread you still hadn't an opinion of your own. It's like you get off from denying anything coming from the right.


    And how am I supposed to prove an ideology with concrete facts??? 


    Are you denying that there are people pushing mass immigration?


    Nope, no globalists in today's politics.

    Related image


    Needs more proofs he said.



  3. 29 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    You can't even answer WHY they are doing it, and what they gain from it.


    You have nothing, and you will be question for EVERY CLAIM you make regarding this................from this point forward.


    If you can't answer shit, then I will point out that you can't answer shit.


    I don't think you understand...................I WANT to make you look like a right-winger who CAN'T prove his claims. That's the entire point of all of this.

    I already told you, not my fault you aren't reading my posts.


    2 hours ago, Ramza said:

    The only sensible explanation behind the globalists idea is that they saw the aging and declining population of the first world and decided this was the way to prevent that. Scared that declining populations will lead to economic crisis in the west (yet Japan is doing just fine while have the same issue).


    They are going to create more cultural problems than anything and it will end up being a money sink that never help the economy of any nation that partakes in this insanity, at least not for the next few decades. Especially with unskilled workers and welfare parasites from the third world.


    This is my own take. I see no other reason why people would push mass immigration to such a degree that it's shaking the very foundation of western societies. 


    Maybe if they put that much effort into encouraging native people to have more kids we could avoid such insanity. But the typical western family values has been utterly ravaged by modern values and it's never coming back.

  4. I'm not gonna come up with a court solid case backed up by proof from left leaning publications just so you start to listen. :|


    If you don't think globalists are pushing an agenda with all that's happening then I don't know what to tell you. 


    I guess you also think the migrant crisis is a fake propaganda piece from people on the right. And somehow convinced enough Europeans to start voting towards nationalist parties all over Europe? Damn, everyone is falling for them alt-right conspiracies. Must suck for the left. 

  5. @jehurey


    Open society are funding NGOs smuggling immigrants under the pretext of humanitarian causes. An illegal activity mind you.


    I never once said it's for profit you fucktard. Must be another alt-right conspiracy.




    It's quite irrelevant if he started for the cause of democracy, what's important is what they are doing in the mediterenean.


    What you think all those third world migrants from Lybia who earns $10 a week somehow manage to make it through the other side without being helped at all? They're making rafts out of plastic bottles and swim over? roflmao


    Wake up and smell the ashes.

  6. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Wait a minute, you think Soros is doing this to MAKE MORE MONEY?????????????


    He's a holocaust survivor.


    He established that school in Hungary IMMEDIATELY AFTER the fall of Soviet Union in 1991..............so does your theory imply that EU establishment was making their move way back in 1991?????????????????????????????


    He's FROM HUNGARY, which got overtaken by the Nazis when he was 13 years old, and was influenced by the soviet bloc.


    Gee, I wonder why he would George Soros would invest in schools to promote western democracy and prevent soviet and facist influence from in his hometown of Hungary?

    I didn't say that. I said he's 'bleeding' money and financing illegal immigration through NGOs. Which he is. This isn't about promoting democracy anymore, he's promoting mass immigration.


    The only sensible explanation behind the globalists idea is that they saw the aging and declining population of the first world and decided this was the way to prevent that. Scared that declining populations will lead to economic crisis in the west (yet Japan is doing just fine while have the same issue).


    They are going to create more cultural problems than anything and it will end up being a money sink that never help the economy of any nation that partakes in this insanity, at least not for the next few decades. Especially with unskilled workers and welfare parasites from the third world.


    But I know, it's alt-right conspiracies, blablabla. I'm sure good old Soros is doing this out of kindness and financing ILLEGAL people smuggling for democracy.

  7. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    To promote western democracy in countries that had just escaped the reigns of the Soviet Union.


    DO you...............................have trouble FINISHING sentences?


    You are basically saying that ANY sort of leftism is inherently bad ACCORDING TO YOUR STANDARDS. You are effectively saying that SOVIET communism ranks higher than liberal policies.


    There's no getting around that, David. That is what you are clearly saying.


    Not even Aza sounds that stupid.


    Dude, you are in a bad place, mentally.

    The Soviet Union hasn't been a thing since the past 30 years or so? Soros is still bleeding money and his new obsession is his globalist agenda.


    I'm a commie now because I don't agree with the left? :killzone:  I went from alt-right, to communists dictatorship partisan. Awesome! 


    Who is exactly in America right now is openly preaching socialism and communism, huh? The right? :tom: Oh wait.




  8. Just now, jehurey said:

    So you are posting alt-right stuff.


    I'm not freaking out................I'm laughing that you EASILY proved me correct, after all this time.


    You do understand that you just sided with a FAR-RIGHT Hungary government.................right?  It specifically says it in the arti-oh that's right you post stuff without reading past the 3rd sentence.

    Soros didn't donate $18 billion out of the kindness in his heart. Calling it an alt-right conspiracy isn't going to chance the fact that he's financing NGOs smugglers all over the Mediterranean.


    No shit they are far right, so am I. Better that than Merkel, Macron or Theresa May's cultural enrichment.


    By the way the yellow vests in France were shouting ''We want Trump''. :D 




  9. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:



    I knew you'd freak out. :D 


    You laugh at it at alt-right conspiracy but it has actually been an openly discussed issue at Brussels.




    :D :D :D  :rofl:


    Soros himself has been a target of the Orban government for some time. In June, Hungary passed a measure it called the “Stop Soros” law. Crafted by Orban himself, it created a new crime, called “promoting and supporting illegal migration,” banning organizations from helping undocumented immigrants. Under the new law, distributing information about the asylum process or giving migrants financial help, could result in a 12-month jail sentence.

  10. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    You have to remember something.


    The EU is 33 countries who have 33 representatives that vote on these measures.


    The big rich countries from the West can't just overpower the rest of those in the East.

    I know that. But there's also unelected officials in Brussels. They are supposed to be neutral but from what I've seen at the EU parliament, it's rarely ever the case. And half of them are receiving bribes from Soros foundation. 


     Although members of the Commission are allocated between member states, they do not represent their states; instead they are supposed to act in European interests.

  11. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Go look up how many non-binding resolutions our United States congress has drafted in the past year, alone.


    And see if they had any real-world effect.


    That's how I can cast it aside.

    Hopefully this has no effect too... Hopefully.


    Maybe I jumped to conclusions too fast. Still, what's in the document is troubling, no one should enforce this crap. 


    Illegal mass immigration for economic reasons is not a universal human right.

  12. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    What are the point of non-binding resolutions in ANY form of government?


    Its a goal that they work towards, but they know they can't make anybody do anything by force.

    SO you didn't watch the first 45 fucking seconds of your OWN video that you posted?


    And you wonder why I talk down to you.

    I hadn't watched that video yet.


    It also could be used by people smuggler against nations who signed it, no? I mean it is a promise towards safe and orderly immigration (lmfao). It maybe not change your domestic laws but you still agreed to it. This will only create more complications. I'm not sure how you can so easily cast it aside like it's nothing. 


    Australia's Foreign Affair Minister:

    “We’re concerned about the way in which [the compact] might be interpreted by the courts here.

    “We’re concerned about whether or not it starves us … of the ability to decide the way in which we can return people. Under the compact certain obligations could be imposed where we needed to support people once they’d been returned to a country of origin.”

  13. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Wow..................so it sounds like an UNFINISHED piece of legislation.


    Sound the alarm.


    See, let me point out HOW you use pointless bullshit phrases.


    Here's the most obvious one:


    "used as a political tool"


    What you said was a bunch of nothing. HOW would it be used as a political tool? You're not saying anything. It would require legitimate legislation, and there is none. They can't enforce it in any court, because there is no hard legislation.


    No amount of buzzwords is going to change that simple fact.

    What's the point of doing something like this then??? Gentle persuasion towards mass immigration? lol


    And I still find the content in this to be really offensive. Would you sign this as a leader of a sovereign nation? I wouldn't, regardless of the repercussion it may or may not have.


    Last night I didn't know it was non legally binding, to be honest with you. Although it's not like I expected them to fully enforce this either as it makes 0 sense.

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