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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. I got really fed up with cheap processed food and deep fried crap at restaurants as of late, so I started eating only non processed food. 


    Completely stopped eating bread, rice, oatmeal and sugar as well. Only starch that goes in my body comes from baked potatoes. 


    My days is like


    Breakfast - 3 chicken eggs, an apple, and coffee (milk, no sugar)

    lunch - pork chops and baked potato

    dinner - chicken and raw carrots


    When I get hungry in between meals I eat raw fruits and veggies or fast animal protein like canned sardines or tuna. 


    I feel great since it's all very easy to digest, I don't feel bloated and constantly satiated. I feel lighter and more energized. 


    It's easy for me to not cheat since I don't crave fast food or sweets. I'd rather eat another pork chop or chicken breast.


    Only problem is I don't eat much beef since it's now so expensive. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    Cool but let's be real- LOL at Fighting Game reviews.


    They should always be taken with a grain of salt because they're not the type of games that are figured out or understood in a week.


    It takes months just to get a solid understanding of the game's balance and system mechanics.

    Even if you gave them two years to make their reviews, they still wouldn't know anything. 

    • Geese 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    No you don't. Everything you say is verbatim what right wing pundits lie and exaggerate about the left. We've seen the shit kickers you post that you follow. None of them are remotely even reasonable people, no way you actually consume actual leftist content. 

    I don't but I listen to stories that are collaborated by video evidence 80% of the time and that's what I'm referring to. 


    38 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    You're definitely a transphobe. Didn't you call them "faggots with wigs?" you might have been hurting emotionally the other day or talking about drag queens, but don't act like you're level headed shoot them. definitely fine with all of those things because you don't empathize with any of those groups.

    Dude this is a niche video game debate forum with about 25 active users that we all know and always been a hostile environment. Get your head out of your ass. No trans was hurt during the making of this post. Lmfao. You fucking pansy. 


    40 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So yeah, when you claim a woman is a dumb bitch or whatever for being pushy to a man found guilty of sexual assault and avoiding her questions or laugh at the thought of women working male dominated jobs...that looks like you're an ally?

    That's not who I was calling a dumb bitch. I was talking about the CNN host at the town hall hearing with Trump.


    41 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    When a person says they automatically side against workers and claim they are disgruntled and defends millionaires/billionaires. How does that look?

    I wouldn't say automatically but from real life experience I take ex working disputes with an immense grain of salt. This could go both ways I guess.


    42 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I put it like this, in the past year how often did you bring up straight male grooming or  assault vs how often you tried to draw a connections to the lgbtq community little to no evidence. 

    What would be the point? There are sexual predators everywhere. 


    The point was always about the lgbtq push to indoctrinate children, not so much act of actual sexual abuse. They're grooming them, teaching them about being non binary, and pronouns, and all that. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Nah, I have never cared for these games. 

    Diablo 1 was my first online game ever, I think it was in 1997. Shit was mind blowing. 


    I love the dark themes of D1 and D2. Think Dark Souls but even more violent. Atmosphere and music were excellent, very dark tone.


    I doubt you'd like them though, they're grindy and it's all about the loot. At the times it was extremely innovative though. First game as far as I know that had randomly generated dungeons and loot. Among tons of other ideas that became staples in so many other games. The contribution of Diablo for video games is huge, imo. 


    These days I think it's just a repetitive grind though. Haha. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Yes, that's exactly my point. You are repeating stupid and dishonest right wing talking points because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about on your own and you're incapable of critical thinking. 

    I meant what I see coming from the progressive left. What I said wasn't a talking point. 


    6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol it's obvious that you are the "women lie on men" type where all things being equal, you just side with the man, white man, straight man... employer man.

    It's so obvious, yet I never acted in a constant manner that would imply anything of the sort. I always take the side of white straight men? How? When?


    You know just because in one case or another, like I not being sure if Andrew Tate allegations are true doesn't mean it's a trend rooted in bigotry.


    These conversations never goes anywhere. This isn't about me. You think I'm a racist, misogynist, transphobic, billionaire bootlicker. That's about sum it up right? Great, congrats, let's move on now.

  6.  Do you think cutting off reproductive organs (breasts in this case), that is tied to the hormonal system and taking testosterones is healthy? 

  7. 19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Oh that's false? They literally are just doing this to what? Troll insecure hetero people? It's funny what you believe to be true and what you refuse to believe. Lol 

    Lol, denial, denial, denial. 


    I'm not responsible for these concepts. I'm just repeating what I can see with my own two eyes and can ear with my own two ears. 


    19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    praise rapist, abusers, and misogynist. 

    Lmao. Mind explaining where I praised rapists and abusers? 


    'Grab them by the pussy' is hardly worth getting worked over. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Because most normal people just want to get through the day and aren't obsessed with lording over people they don't like. 


    Referring to a trans person as their transitioned gender isn't a life altering event for them. They just want to be cordial and go about their day. It literally cost nothing. 

    False, they phrase it to pretend that men can get pregnant and it's socially accepted as such. To say anything else is deemed transphobic.


    It's why trans men needs tampons in bathrooms. It's why people are scared to just define what a woman is on camera. 


    You don't even know what you're defending. 


    4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So basically nothing good right? Funny how you can talk kindly of bigots, racist, abusers, and liars but like everything about woke is terrible lol. 


    How do you people actually view yourselves? 

    I can't think of anything good coming from the modern woke snowflakes. Mind showing me anything good?


    There are better way to preach acceptance than in your face activism and rapid forced social reengineering. Case in point, biological men DOMINATING in women sports. Just insanity.


    4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So you know every single parent to a trans child is a bad parent?

    No, I'm saying that if you tell your young child that he can choose his or her gender (or make up an imaginary one) is bad parenting. 


    Stop trying to muddle the conversation. It's not rocket science. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Oh yeah and the fake women having period cramps despite not having any female anatomy lmao 

    Either it's a serious sign of mental illness or they're doing it for attention. That's just rock bottom behavior to pretend that you have ovaries and menstrual cramp.


    I don't want to make a case about it, but I just realized that's actually insulting to a woman, ain't it? Menstrual cramps and having weird farts from eating Taco Bell isn't the same. Lmao.




  10. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    I'd never do that.









    I wouldn't want to break that VR headset you have glued to your head :face: 




    Watch out bro, I played Thrill of the Fight and got to learn boxing like I was in the matrix. 


    No but seriously, that game is a killer workout. Which is why I don't play it much. :D 

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