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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. I love how the biggest protest movements in decades is so easily brushed off by Jerry. 


    It's just some tax hikes that hurts the poor. Nothing more, please look at Russia! :D 


    Europeans are fed up of their corrupted EU stooges politicians. Every fucking polls and statistics proves it. People are tired of the globalists agenda being forced down their throats and seeing their nations caving in to the corrupted, non elected officials in Brussel.


    The tax hikes isn't to stop global warming. It's to fund the welfare state of migrants. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    The fuel tax which would affect the average salary man with about an additional 150 to 200 euro per month for his daily work commute is just a tipping point of a growing malaise of the working class and below that's being growing for many years. They're being taxed to death while making way too little to comfortably make it to the end of the month, for many there's no purchasing power or any way to save money.

    It's not just about fuel, there were protest in Belgium as well and there is no leader in this movement, it's all spontaneously being organized over social media for 3 weeks now.

    And because there's no leader in all of this  every yellow jacket participant can demonstrate for their own reasons, mass and illegal immigration included which also has been affecting everyone. There's 400.000 illegal migrant in Paris alone and people are also fed up of that. 

    They chose yellow jackets because they're required by law to wear one when a car driver is in distress, hence their symbolic displaying of their own personal "distress".


    I'd say stick to American politics Jederpey, but even there you are a complete dumbass :laff: 

    Destroyed. :D 


    Gotta finance the welfare state for migrants. Fuck the working class and tax payers who made that country into what it is. :mj: The welfare of Abdul from Lybia is far more important.

  3. 7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Well, lets be cynical. They are giving her money like a persian guy throwing dollar bills at a stripper dancing on-stage.


    She'll come over in your direction, but that's about it.


    So these people would probably donate money so that they get the chance to meet Clinton at a meet and greet. They could try to lobby her with their interests.  But Clinton wouldn't have to listen. They're not paying her personally, and she doesn't owe them any debt, personally.


    Jared Kushner, Trump, and Ivanka are quite different.


    They go out of their way to meet them........for free.  Because Kushner/Trump want these foreign states to DIRECTLY LEND MONEY to their private businesses.


    The Clintons are not business owners trying to book deals with foreign countries.  The Trumps and Kushners most definitely are.

    I wouldn't count on any US politician to not be swayed by oil money from Saudi Arabia in any way, Hillary included. Her emails leaks prove she's in constant contact with Arabian princes. You brush it off way too easily. 


    It's illegal for Trump to do these kind of deals. If they were public knowledge he would be almost instantly be out of office yet you talk as if he was already convicted. Or are they exploiting some loopholes through his family businesses? Or just more guilty until proven innocent accusations? 

  4. 26 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I read that wrong, but still... Sounds like the game I have now is better than this new one. 


    Lastly, some items or functions influencing aspects in the game such as breast physics won’t be present in the PS4 version ofScarlet

    I wouldn't buy those seeing as they are paid DLCs, so it doesn't bother much tbh. 


    Censoring is bad though. What's the point of censoring a mature rated game exactly? :wonder: 

  5. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No...........if its common, then explain it.


    And as for your first sentence, this is a perfect example of right-wingers like you criticizing "the left" in both directions.


    The excuse was "you leftists are CLAIMING that Trump had dealings with Russia, but there's no evidence"


    And now the excuse is "oh.......everybody already knew that" [dismissive hand wave]


    I just literally made a prediction that people like you were going to do that.:tom:

    I'm not going to judge until proven guilty. And I wouldn't excuse Trump for being corrupted just because he represent the side of my political spectrum. Don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say.




    Just a quick google search. 

    Saudi Arabia has been a particularly generous benefactor. The kingdom gave between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. (Donations are typically reported in broad ranges, not specific amounts.) At least $1 million more was donated by Friends of Saudi Arabia, which was co-founded by a Saudi prince.



  6. 12 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    Lmao Ramza and conspiracy videos.  What a moron

    How is it a conspiracy? :D Those are some of the biggest riots France has seen since the French revolution. ffs


    Macron being hated is not a conspiracy. His popularity only plummeted since he entered office. And his globalist agenda is in full display for everyone to see.


    ''Nationalism is the exact opposite of Patriotism'' Macron said, aimed at Trump during the Armistice. What a fucking fraud. :mj:

  7. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No. Go prove where Hillary was "financed" by some royal families from Saudi Arabia.


    We just HAD A STORY LAST WEEK in which Trump lied, repeatedly that he had no dealings with Russia during the election campaign, only to find out that his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen testified that they still had dealings for Trump Tower Moscow into the Summer of 2016......well into the presidential campaign.


    This story just broke last week.


    Ivanka Trump has her request for a large amount of Trademarks in China approved, the same day Trump commits to saving Chinese communications company ZTE in the United States because of sanctions placed against the company, in a surprise announcement.


    Jared Kushber got $600 million dollars in last-minute funding to pay the loans on his New York building. he got the money from Qatar.  Oddly enough, prior to the $600 million dollar loan the US, Kushner had Trump support Qatar's local adversary, Saudi Arabia, with a blockade against Qatar.


    The moment Qatar lent $600 million dollars to the Kushner family, the US withdrew their support for the blockade, and the Saudi-led efforts to impose a list of demands from Qatar began to fail, their blockade had stopped working.


    So........................I'm sure you can list that Hillary-Saudi Arabia thing just as easily as I explained these three examples I just gave to you, right?

    I'm pretty sure the story with Trump's lawyer and Trump's son meeting with Russian officials during the election is older than a week and was already swept under the rug. wtf 


    The clinton foundation has been financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia for a long time. It's pretty common knowledge.

  8. 45 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    The game doesn't have boob physics on PS4... Sony is censoring shit hard..

    What? A DOAX game without boob physics... That's like a male porn star without a penis.


    Are you sure it just isn't the gel items that increased the boobs physics? Cuz that's what I heard.


    Man Sony needs to stop censoring shit. Especially for a product that won't even be officially sold in the west. 

  9. Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Ramza doesn't know.  :roff: :roff: :roff: 

    Fuck you, Micheal. :D 


    I'll have to check on the Mueller's case I guess. But I'm not expecting much, you did the same thing when Trump was under investigation a few months ago and nothing came out of that (I don't remember the details) but you acted like Trump was on it's way out. Weekly accusations and shit. We swear we aren't being paranoid! :tom: 

  10. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I love how he doesn't have an actual criticism to make.


    We are 'creating more tension" than the racist fucks who are marching with Tiki torches.


    If only................IF only the left can just be civil and ALLOW the xenophobia and hacked elections, and a man who is running rampant nepotism and pay-for-play politics, and brokering deals with Saudi Arabia, China and Russia because they had business dealings with the President's family.


    if only the left could be CALM and civil..........and just allow that to happen, everything would be much nicer.


    But those darn leftists committed the crime of "creating tension" by pointing out those, uh.............crimes.

    Tiki torches mob? Are you talking about the actual far right racist group? I'm sorry but that's not the right. Just like how I wouldn't put everyone in the left in the same basket as angry Antifa thugs. 


    Wasn't Hillary financed by some royal families from Saudi Arabia during the elections? :D And Trump's family breaking deals in Russia post election was debunked so many times. And he pushed China around more than any other political leaders in recent memory. 


    You're playing the xenophobia card again, quick let's make a protest rally to impeach Trump. :tom: 

  11. 5 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    No shit.

    :facep: Pretty hard to keep up with USA weekly political drama. How many times was Trump accused of something that could supposedly see him being removed from office but never happened? :D


    I can't keep up with all that shit. And tbh I'm way more concerned about Europe than the US. 


    Might be hard to believe but this thread started with the yellow vests movement in France... how far are we from that subject now? Thanks Jehurey.  

  12. Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    There it is. :rawf:


    "bu bu bu it'z UR FAULT TRUMP WUZ ELECTORED!!!"

    Trump would have most likely lost that election if the opposition wasn't Hillary and they had a better Democrat leader to go up against. Everyone was laughing at the idea of him being President at first, but Americans chose the lesser evil. That's the way I saw that election anyway.  I could be wrong but Hillary Clinton is not very well liked in the US, by people from both sides. Which is why she got destroyed so hard.

  13. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    And that is what is happening today. You got one side literally trying to stop actual bad shit from happening, trying to stop intentional sabotage..........and you got the other side just dumb as fuck and oblivious to it all, and they 5-8 years from now, when all the dust has settled, these dumbasses will be like "oh, get over yourself........yeah Russia was trying to hack a couple of computers here and there, everybody knew" and try to pretend like they weren't the very people who were duped.

    Your side is creating more tension than helping anything. Clinton would have lost regardless, get over yourself indeed.

  14. 2 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Exaggerated in what way?  Be specific.

    Everyone is a Russian spy. :D Trump is Putin's stooge, Hilary Clinton colluded with Russia, LePen is pro Russian fascist, Nigel Farage too!


    How fucking convenient that everything can be tied to Putin's involvement somehow. Don't you see how ridiculous it is, this is paranoia in full display. 


    Like Putin once said when denying that Russia was meddling with the election results ''if one hacker in a restaurant in Russia can change/sway the result of a democratic vote of a nation, then what does that say about your country?''


    You're actively going out your way to undermine Russia but somehow they can't have a geopolitical agenda of their own. This is the kind of stupidity that leads to conflicts all over the world. Obama was a pro at that. At least Trump wants to ease diplomatic relations between the two countries, which is the right thing to do. Keep your enemy closer and all that. 





  15. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I'd like to give it a go again, I forgot the order of everything and the solder points but I'm sure I could get my bearings back in about 15 minutes by reading something.


    @Ramza Apparently the content in this game will also be available as DLC for the original release. One thing though, the new release has censorship so from the sound of it it might update and fuck up the original game. Sounds like I'm going to be disabling automatic downloads and backing the present game up. 

    Well, there goes the chance of seeing more girls. 


    The censorship is only for the items like gels and shit. If you bought those DLCs I wouldn't be too worried.

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