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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    It's funny how the Sony sheep shit on Xbox BC all day but are will to pay 200 dollars to play old ass ps games :D

    BC is cool. Bragging about playing old Xbox flops when everyone are enjoying better games though isn't.


    ''Look guys, I'm playing FFXIII on Xbox One.'' ROFLMAO:kaz: 


    Stick to actual good games like Dragon Crack XI: Echoes of an Elusive Ownage. plz

  2. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I don't understand this release, is it like the same exact game with one more character or something?

    I assume it has more content other than just the new character but they haven't revealed much about it. I'm glad I skipped the original anyway, I suspected they would do this for a while now. But they seriously need to add the missing classic DOA characters like Tina, LeiFang and Lisa. If they don't then it's just a lazy cash grab.


    VR pass is free for one month after launch, by the way. For the Jap version at least.

  3. 1 minute ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Yes it does.  I just checked it.


    Yeah, we've all heard the innocent until proven guilty line with Mueller's targets.  And they keep getting indicted.  All I gotta do is wait. :rawf: 

    Yeah it works now. I'll check it out.


    The American obsession with Russia and Putin is embarrassing, it's as if you guys need another nation to antagonize and point finger at, for every fucking issue. As if it was the root of all problems.


    ''Man, I was about to eat a bowl of cereals but I'm all out of milk. It's Vladimir Putin's fault.''

  4. Just now, Team 2019 said:

    You're not going to be low on protein on this lol.


    But you need liver, fish eggs, and butter to hit all  your vitamin and nutrient macros

    Butter is worthless, it's just saturated fat. I use it for cooking but eating it as no serious benefits. There are better sources of fat, olive oil (non cooked) for example.

  5. 1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

    It's okay it HAS FIBER1111!! So it will digest 30 minutes longer than a pure bowl of sugar! TEH MAGIC OF A PLANT BASED DIET (PS. Don't forget your daily vitamin B12 injections)



    Tbh a carnivore diet is also pretty limiting. 


    I always have some veggies with my meat as it helps proteins absorption. 

  6. 1 minute ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:




    If you're defending a country that attacked your electoral process, or you're being asked about by an investigation regarding Russian meddling...put two and two together. :mjgrin:

    Your first link don't work.


    And presumed guilty by default isn't earning you any points here. Being under investigation =/= being convicted. 

  7. Just now, Goukosan said:

     Bro... not even going to go back and forth with you on political and social issues.  You already admitted multiple times that you barely have surface knowledge on these things and don't pay attention to these issues detail.   


    It was just hilarious seeing you spout talking points that you had zero backing for :mj:





    So I guess that means that mass immigration is not real. Even though it's shaking the very foundation of Europe right now. :D 


    I've already admitted that I shouldn't have used the word unchecked. 


    The original quote from me:


    Lol, legal immigration is not the same as mass, unchecked immigration started by Merkel in 2015.


    Look I just fixed it and still holds true in it's meaning. :D


    Lol, legal immigration is not the same as mass immigration started by Merkel in 2015.


    Do that sentence need backing up, really? :mj: Jerry is latching on a minor, irrelevant victory. rofl Spare me please, you guys can't even talk about the issue at hand.

  8. 46 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Macron's infinitely better than Le Pen, who was another Russian stooge.  People forget that the same shit Russia was doing to the US, they were also doing in France.  Macron may not be great, but the alternative was a Trump-level nightmare willing to break out of the EU (Frexit?).  Macron at least had the balls to walk up to Putin's face and say "cut that shit out".  

    How is LePen a Russian stooge? Serious question. First time I ever hear of this. Is Nigel Farage a Russian stooge as well? Seems too convenient.


    LePen was falsely accused of being a far right fascist by the media and all they had as proof was a Twitter post dating back from 2015 so you'll excuse if I question accusations thrown at her.


    Macron is flopping right now regardless I'll have you know.



    39 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Just because I've said unchecked immigration don't mean the issue of mass immigration is suddenly, magically disappearing. My points still stand. Feel free to continue to think it's some kind of victory, one word from my post was false. Wow, that changes everything else I've said in that post, surely it means I'm wrong about everything I've said (even though it literally changes nothing)... :D 

  9. 4 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    Macron flopped harder than State of Decay 2.


    Remember when the left were cheering this guy? :lul:

    :D I remember he was sold to the French people as a center pariah in the political spectrum that came out of nowhere during the elections or some stupid shit like that.


    But turned out he's just another tool from the establishment and a terrible president, the way he has been handling the situation (or not handling it at all) is laughable. The excuses for the tax hikes on gaz is also laughable. Fight against global warming he said. :tom:  Another burden for the tax payers but let's keep bringing unskilled migrants from the third world that will largely rely on welfare for decades to come. :mj:

    • Upvote 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    jesus christ.


    you can literally SEE the self-bargaining going on within his post.


    He now thinks I TRICKED him by nabbing him on some technicality. 

    Unlike you I can admit it when I'm wrong. I shouldn't have said unchecked but that's all your latching on to. Like it changes anything.

  11. 4 minutes ago, jehurey said:



    I'm complaining that you aren't listening to my opinions?????? And whining about it?????


    Where? Point it out.

    Not what I meant at all. I'm referring to how you claim right wingers are basically snowflakes projecting on others, then proceed to do the exact same shit. :D 


    You're a snowflake! No, you're the snowflake! :tom: 


    Spare me the childish bickering, please. Voidler didn't bring anything to the discussion and simply uncredited me because I'm new to politics. Typical leftist tactic like I said is denial of an individual with different opinions. And you were accusing the right wings as basically xenophobes fear mongering. You two proved my points enough. :D

  12. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:



    I make fun of you for not bring stats and evidence to your argument.......but rather talking about what you BELIEVE it correct.


    I ask you for stats and details.


    You provide none, and then proceed to give me your version of what you BELIEVE is happening to constitute your definition of "unchecked".


    Hmmmmmmm, let's take a look at the recent Global Terrorism Index of terrorist incidents in European countries:




    Portugal, Norway have a terrorism index of total zero.


    Hungary actually has a terror index of 0.835, which is higher than:

    Poland, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia.


    Hmmmmmmmmm, tell me David...............which alt-right gave you that Hungary anecdote. Its okay, you can tell me............you clearly didn't think of it yourself. Something else told you...........and you didn't bother to take 5 minutes to try and research it, didn't you?

    I have no stats, okay some there's some legal framework behind it. Okay, it's not actually, literally unchecked. That don't change anything about the issue though and how the situation was poorly handled by Merkel. But feel free to latch on the fact I said unchecked. :D 


    It's something I heard a while back. I actually think it was Poland.

  13. 6 hours ago, kaz said:

    yeah. Nemesis was my fav with his ugly face and teeth but Mr. X looks scary in the remake. 


    This is what Resident Evil 4 should've been. I don't even want fixed camera angles anymore. 


    Nemesis vocabulary was outstanding "STARS..."



    The problem with RE4 is that it was an action shooter more than an actual survival horror. I want limited ammo and feel like my character is frail and could die at any moment. I want to be forced to conserve items efficiently, I want to be force to scavenge every nook and cranny to survive. 


    Not buy a grenade launcher with points I've earned from killing enemies and birds.

  14. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Nope............the real story is that its right wingers who usually turn out to be the snowflakes.


    They talk about snowflakes alot, because they're projecting.............like, ALOT.


    Like you just TRIED to do, right now.  It was a natural reflex for you to immediately try to assign it to "the leftists"

    You're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of doing. Fucking brilliant, mate. :tom: 

  15. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    LOL has was the immigration "unchecked"


    Give me your stats on that.

    When you invite everyone to come in mass like Merkel did it's unchecked. When you have people without identification papers seeking asylums when in reality they're economic migrants and you're letting them in anyway, it's unchecked. 


    Hungary is the only country that hasn't had a terrorist attack from a muslim group in Europe. Gee, I wonder why. :D 

  16. 45 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    You won't play those either . If you wanted to you could for a lot cheaper . Lmao you really want that 3 dollar plastic PS in your room ROFL 

    I definitely would play those. I think I can speak for myself, thanks.


    I wouldn't mind another alternative, this product is hardly perfect, especially with non Dualshock controllers. All I've seen is the Raspberry Pi 3 thing and that's just too much hassle for me. So, what's the alternative?

  17. 7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I love how they try to claim they are a victim because we "don't listen to someone with different opinions"


    The leftists are intolerant because they don't respond to something making remarks that immigrants are "invading" their territory, and an elitist group of people are going to take control any minute.


    Like as opinion carries the same weight as observable facts.  They think what they FEEL to be true should carry the same weight.

    Playing the victim card and judging things with feelings instead of logic?


    You must have me confused with a leftist. :tom: 

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