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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 8 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, they're not an "issue"


    Countries have been accepting refugees since................oh, I don't know.....................the United Nations was founded.


    1951.  Did you think this whole "muslim immigrant" thing was recent?


    Yes, it is xenophobia, and yes it is a recent creation of right-wingers (or rather them trying to resurrect one of their oldest Populist gimmicks).

    Lol, legal immigration is not the same as mass, unchecked immigration started by Merkel in 2015. 


    Europe did take a lot of migrants post world war 2 to fill in the gaps in their war torn countries but it eventually slowed down and become normal again. Post 2015 is a whole different thing.


    More and more French people are coming to Quebec, it's a tidal wave actually. Even the mayor of my city was in Paris recently to incentive more French workers to come live in Canada. Over 22k people showed up and 13k have been accepted. I can't walk a street corner without hearing a French accent. People are leaving Europe in droves, but nope it's not an issue at all. Just more xenophobes.


    More Germans left Germany in 2017 that there were births. The most common names for babies is now Mohammed. 


    Not an issue at all.

  2. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Like for real.


    He JUST SO happens to drop words and phrases that come straight out of the alt-right textbook..............and then he goes "oh I dunno, I was casually reading about it the other day."


    EU is maybe thinking about building an army...............and he immediately said "Macron and Merkel want to build an army that will become state police and go into other European countries to crack down on them!"


    Like he doesn't know the concept of Posse Comitatus, the idea that you can establish an army, but specifically have laws that prevent the army from being used for domestic purposes.


    You'd imagine Europeans might know a lil bit about that...........cuz y'know..........the whole thing with Gaius Julius Caesar.

    Caesar was forbidden to enter Italy with his legions but did anyway, which lead to a civil war and the death of the Republic to become an Empire. 


    Not a very good analogy.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    This is a guy who was laughing at the idea of knowing anything about politics 3 months ago and then went and red pilled himself on YouTube conspiracy channels


    dont bother :lul:

    Yet in that short time I've learned one very important thing. All you guys on the left ever do is either A) Accusations of racism, xenophobia, sexism, etc. B: Absolute denial to listen to someone with different opinions.


    You're doing the latter right now. I'm gonna discredit this person, thus he's wrong and I don't have to bring actual arguments. :tom: 

  4. Just now, jehurey said:

    Dude you're a moron.


    This is about riot regarding a fuel tax, which people are complaining that its a regressive tax that disproportionately hurts the poor.


    What does that have to do with immigration?


    You seem to have a real hard-on for talking about immigrants, and wanting extreme right-wingers who are promoting xenophobia.

    The tax hikes is just the the tipping point. Macron was already losing favor with the French public well before this, they're not holding French flags for no reason. It's not a massive protest from the working class for no reason.


    Xenophobe, right wing! How quick you are to drop judgment. The immigration pact from the UN and the forced policies of the EU are a serious fucking issue. You can continue denying that it's just racism fueled hate but it's the most concerning political issue all over Europe at the moment. It's what lead to Brexit, it's why Hungary is shutting it's borders.


    Most Europeans aren't in favor of mass immigration and it's why right wings parties all over Europe are gaining newfound popularity extremely fast.


    Even the police are siding with them in some instances. :D %80 approval from the public. 


    EU stooge Emanuelle Macron must be feeling it. I hope it escalates even more and he's forced to make a deal with them.


    I still can't believe Macron was sold to the French people as being center on the political spectrum and wanted to make harsher borders regulations, when in reality he's just another tool of the left establishment who continued the EU/UN psychotic no borders policies. Marine LePen should have won that election.

  6. 1 minute ago, bhytre said:

    It's Sweden what do you expect, one of the most cucked European countries.

    Also it's some kind of psychologic thing that when people decide to go down with something they don't wanna back up and change course, makes them admit they were wrong.

    Gamers don't want to be used as guinea pigs for any political agenda, it's too damn in your face visible what they're all trying to do now.

    You can leave politics out of movies but no, it has to be rammed down every game nowadays.

    Guys just want to play games and shit talk to each other like they normally do and not be taken for idiots. 


    I'm incredibly happy it flopped :juggle: Beta males and women need to be kicked out of gaming design and only get a position in menial things like coding :laff: 

    Lmao, Sweden - Africa. 


    The worst part is, there's already tons of females in games, no need to push them in a WWII game.


    I can't wait to play Rome Total War III and have my Greek armies made up of asians, arabs and black people. Fuck historical accuracy, let's rewrite history! Leonidas of Sparta was actually black, and a woman too!

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lmao you are a buffoon :D


    you will not replay ANY of those .


    Also funny that you list a game I can play on xb1 and a game I'll soon be able to play on xb1 .


    Idiot :D

    I only mentioned a few games that are part of the pre-loaded line-up and that I consider to be still great, once this thing is hacked it will be glorious. You can't play Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears and Parasite Eve on your ShitBox. 


    I actually replayed FF7 last year on my PS4.  But bu you won't play them! 


    Great argument, dumbo.

  8. Just now, bhytre said:

    50% off after two weeks, burn motherfuckers :kaz: 

    Last time I checked their stocks were way down compared to earlier in the year. 


    What I find baffling is that they are doubling down on their agenda. Any sane company would backpedal on their mistakes and try to rectify them. But nope, apparently pushing feminist agenda in a World War 2 game is more important than making money. wtf

  9. 12 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I use my Xbox everyday 


    You guys are gonna buy this and a keyboard , hook it up to your tv and realize how disgusting and shitty these games are after playing for an hour then just watch it sit there .


    Lmao idiots 

    PSOne >>> Xbox One. I'd rather replay ''disgusting and shitty games'' like FF7, MGS1 and Tekken 3 than State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves. lmao

  10. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I don't care where as long as it's a good platform. 

    Steam is turning into shit, they need some kind of quality control, there's so much worthless trash it's taking away the visibility of actual good games. So it's not such a bad thing that Epic are going to compete with them.


    You're just lazy (except when it comes to dealing with multiple hardware, cables and monitors). lol

  11. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    One bothers me because it doesn't need to be that way and previously never was. The other has to be separated.

    Lol? PC physical games at retail is dead and it's never coming back. So you want one company to hold a monopoly on digital games (on a open platform nonetheless) out of convenience. You'd love it if you could only buy games from the windows digital store wouldn't you?

  12. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Those are fragmented by the necessity of seperate manufactures, hardware packages and operating software. PC is a single platform, Windows is a single OS which houses all these games, and within that gaming accessibility is fragmented.


    That's not in the least bit comparable; faggot.



    The issue is that one bothers you a lot while doing something else that is even more fragmented, you homo. Double standards much? I'm aware you don't really have a choice, duh.


    It's made especially worse when you think a few emulators on your PC would do all that.

  13. On 2018-12-03 at 4:19 PM, lynux3 said:

    It was Kameo: Elements of Power, Call of Duty 2 and Condemned: Criminal Origins for me.

    Dead Rising and Oblivion for me. :killzone: 


    Lol I also remember being so impressed by Lost Planet and Gears of War. 


    Early 360 years were ownage, too bad the Xbox division is absolute garbage now. Guys like Peter Moore understood that it was all about games. Nowadays they are trying to sell you a Xbox with no exclusives, weak third party support, and we're supposed to care because they have a controller designed for handicapped people and hobopass. Wow.

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