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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, teh_4th said:

    That was never even my argument to begin with.


    I agree that what most hunters do is vastly more humane than commercial cattle/pig/chicken farming.


    I'm saying that maintaining a western or keto diet is bad for your health and people like your boy over there love doing mental backflips to defend these diets because they don't have the willpower to eat a salad or drink a smoothie for 1-2 meals out of their day.

    But that was my argument. Most vegan are against the idea of killing an animal to feed themselves, they're deluded and don't actually do anything to stop actual cruelty towards animals anyway. They are just doing it to feel good about themselves and stroke their egos. Hell, we can also talk how the agricultural sector is also damaging for the ecosystems and kills tons of animals in the process by poisoning the environment they live in. Are we going to stop eating veggies, grains and fruits as well? :D 


    In this very thread I just said that a keto diet is unhealthy. 


    Russians don't eat salads, bro. 

  2. 1 minute ago, teh_4th said:

    Yes, lions build massive slaughterhouses and commercially farm zebra meat after raising the zebras in squalor in a 1sqft pen.



    Raising cattles and other animals is not supposed to be cruel by default. Granted this is not the era of the happy family farm with a few chickens and cattles anymore. The excess of consumptions is the problem here that leads to the over industrialization which degraded the conditions for the animals excessively. I wouldn't argue with that.


    My point is, killing animals to feed ourselves is not cruelty.  It's straight up stupid to think otherwise.

  3. 2 minutes ago, teh_4th said:

    I don't think you know what irony means.


    I guess you fuck your mom and eat shit?

    Lol, retard level debate indeed.


    I wasn't making an argument that we should mimics animals behavior, you dumbass. I was simply showing it's the natural order of things and animals 'cruelty' happens regardless of humans being part of the food chain or not. 


    What's more cruel, a deer getting shot in the lungs by a hunter and dying in a few minutes, or a zebra being eaten alive by a pack of lions and agonizing for hours???

  4. 1 minute ago, -GD- said:

    i eat 1 or 2 chocolate bars a day. yet, i'm leaner than most of the dudes who eat "clean" at my work. it's all about moderation. you can eat shit, just don't fucking pig out (which a lot of fatmericans do).  like...if i want a greasy cheeseburger, i get it without mayo, fries, and i just drink water. if i want a snickers...i just have 1 snickers. i will usually not crave carbs/fats during my next meal, so it all balances out. i think all of these diets are load of crap. if i'm getting too bulky, i cut back on my overall intake. if i'm getting too lean, i eat a bit more. no rocket science. if YOU prefer to avoid sugar because YOU feel better without it, by all means then. 

    You seem to think I'm on a keto diet or something? I'm not, I ate at least 1-2 fruits a day. My only motto is to not eat starch based food, bread, pastas, that sort of things. I don't believe that an orange and an apple in a day makes you fat. And I don't want to force my body to completely rely on fat as primary energy source, that's not healthy. 


    Basically I'm not really on a diet. I simply cut the crap out and replaced it with more proteins. Making more healthy choices.


    Refined sugar is garbage regardless, fact. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    They're not bad, they're ineffficient. They're is a reason why you fart and shit like a motherfucker on them, your body digests them badly.

    That's due to the high amount of dietary fibers. Not the plant based proteins.


    Proof is it won't happen if you take a supplement of the same proteins.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    Yes. In numbers.


    Plant based proteins have 20% of the bioaviability of meat protein in the best case scenario. 100 grams of plant based protein gives you less than 20 grams of meat equivalent protein.

    I'm aware that there are different amino acids. Still legume aren't as bad as you make it out to be. It's quite a complex source of nutritional value. I would have added them to my diet if they weren't so high in calories, they're actually quite fattening but sill nutritionally dense.

  7. 2 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    most vegans are vegans because they feel it's a way of protesting against animal cruelty. 


    as for "diets", they all suck. 


    why? there's no "one size fits all" meal plan. we all have different body types, hormone levels, activity levels.


    the best diet is one that works for YOU. 

    That don't mean there can't be a general rule sets to obey. IE Sweets made out of refined sugar is bad for anyone regardless of difference in genetics or metabolism. 


    It's the quantity required that will change, like a 220 pounds bodybuilder has different needs than a scrawny ass like Kokujin but the general rules remains the same for anyone.


    And vegan are fucking idiots. Animals eats each other alive in the wild in the most atrocious ways possible but somehow humans aren't supposed to kill animals to feed ourselves? Lol, please.

  8. 1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

    Who ever said that. Even legumes are basically starch/sugar filled with barely any digestable protein. They are considered a holy staple alongside whole grains, basically more sugar.

    Lol? Legumes have a decent amount of proteins and fat. Granted carbs are high but it's not the same as grains.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    Only poor people would eat pasta, bread, ghetto grains, potatoes over a good piece of meat. Actually fuck that even those cheap sausages are better than the crap listed above.

    I used to eat T-bone steaks for breakfast during my diet. I ate sausages every week too. (moderately) Everyone at my job was telling me how I was going to get fat. Then I lost 20-25 pounds and they all look at me with the same stupefied look. :tom: 


    Keep eating those cereals for breakfast, retards. With added sugar/vitamins and milk (more sugar). That's more carbs than I used to eat in 5-7 days. :pavarotti:


    Seriously the concept that proteins and fats are what makes people fat is the biggest lie ever told.



  10. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    After Sekiro no one will care about Bloodborne anything. The mechanics will have evolved and people will expect much more out of games next gen.

    WTF. :kaz: 


    First off, Sekiro isn't some giant departure from the Dark Souls games, it's pretty similar in a lot of ways. Just like how Bloodborne wasn't a giant departure from the Souls games. It was Dark Souls in anything but name, with an actual dash and a gun in a Lovecraft inspired setting. lmao


    Secondly, the fanbase definitely wants more Souls/Bloodborne games. A lot of people are actually disappointed that Sekiro has no RPG leveling and online play. 


    Chances are, Sekiro won't even sell as much as Dark Souls 1, 2 or 3 because of that. And you think somehow it's going to kill of their RPG series that got them where they are now, for good? What the flying fuck. :tom:


    I'm not sure what your agenda is when it comes to Sekiro, I saw you mention how it's far more interesting than their usual Dark Souls games, how it supposedly look so much better. Which I find very baffling. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. PS1 is still the greatest console of all time. 


    They should consider releasing a revision for the mini. With a better games line-up, Dualshock controllers and rectify on all the complains this thing is getting. No pal versions and some graphics options.


    They fucked up hard, I don't even want it anymore.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    Whatever asshole approved this needs to die.



    That was created by the Canadian Government by the way a long time ago (that shit was so enforced at school when I was young). Who produced grains at the time more than anything. They had an economic agenda when they made this.


    11 servings of grains. :kaz: That's a whole loaf of bread per day. It should be the other way around. Meat/fish and dairy products should be the pillar, then veggies/fruits, then fats and at the very last grains products.

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