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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. The backlash against Fallout 76 is pretty ridiculous. If you couldn't tell it was going to be a piece of shit pre-launch then I don't know what to tell you other than you have zero insight in games.


    I'm a huge Fallout fan and I instantly lost interest when they revealed the game at E3, I already knew it was going to suck ass. The game being focused on multiplayer alone should have been a pretty big hint. Granted it turned out worse than I could have ever imagined, but still, it looked awful since day 1 and if somehow, anyone thought it looked any good, then they probably deserves to get ripped off in the first place for being such dumbass, uninformed consumers.


    Let alone when you pre-order a $200 collector edition of a bad looking game, then cry because the junk in it is just some worthless crap. As if it wasn't the case with EVERY collector's edition ever made. The point is to make even more money off cheap plastic garbage that cost next to nothing to produce. For $120 I bet you could get a really good fucking bag, morons. but bu it's written Fallout 76 on it! lmfao

  2. Sakaguchi post Square though is an embarrassment.


    Tried to make his own Dragon Quest with Blue Dragon, even taking the same Toriyama aesthetics. At the end of the day, it can't even top some of the worst games in the DQ series.


    Lost Odyssey was just an attempt at making a FF style game on Xbox. While the artstyle and Uematsu OST were great, the gameplay has 0 hint of creativity, it's seriously one of the most generic take on JRPGs I've played in the past two decades. The story/characters sucked (but bu teh wall of texts in between chapters were great!!1), the combat was boring, just a forgettable piece of shit all around. I was so hyped for it too. 


    And the name The Last Story was supposed to mimick the Final Fantasy name and meaning. Except this time, it actually was his last game. :tom: 


    I love the gooch, he worked on so many of my favorite games ever made, it'd be hard for me to hate on the man but he completely under delivered with Mistwalker.

  3. 20 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    The Last Story was made from the guy who used to run the FF franchise, right?


    Who was the studio developing that? Its not like Xenoblade, where Nintendo owns the IP and they eventually bought the studio.  It was second-party development.

    Yeah, Sakaguchi/Mistwalker made The Last Story. I never bothered trying it though.

  4. 2 hours ago, notzwarrior said:

    the moment you get your head out of your ass and make a slight attempt at empathy 

    Empathy towards corrupted, multi millionaires politicians assholes. Yeah it's not happening. Fuck him and his entire family, Skull & Bones members don't need empathy, you fucking idiot.   :kaz:

  5. 14 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

    This blue and red box of JOY is so godly! I've been playing Dark Souls and SMB 3. Gives me a bolt of joy to boot it up each time. :glad: TCHBR

    Oh wow, a game I played in 2011 (at a better performance level mind you) and another I played in hmm, 1989? :mj: Wow, TCHBR indeed.

    • Haha 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    So you’d immediately assess the strength of an earthquake, the structural integrity of the building you’re in and the building components that are falling around you and stand in the middle of the room


    watch out we got a bad ass here :whoa:


    I don't see any problem with your statement.


    I'm not hiding under a fucking table like a pathetic, scared woman. :kaz:


    It's like those stupid air masks in air planes. :D I ain't putting it on, we're all gonna die the same if this go down anyway.


  7. 1 minute ago, kaz said:

    I was like ramza until I met his majesty on this forum. and then he left me for discord after sidescrollers. :( 


    but  I like other people here too. cheer up ramza, I love you. :-* you too pigoli. :-*



    I like you too. It's not what am saying. We have plenty of great posters here, I wouldn't come here otherwise. :-* 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    Cool so your tactic in an earthquake is to stand in the middle of the collapsing room?:patrice:

    And yet I'd perfectly fine, while some woman pisses herself and pray under a table. (aka; you)  :D 

  9. 1 minute ago, Voidler said:

    Shit was falling from the roof, of course it could help 

    It's fake ceiling pieces that weight about 200 grams and are about as robust as a cardboard box. :| The worst that could possibly happens are light bulbs/neons. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, S#$@%^i said:

    You're right about not giving a shit about other people.  Yes, this is how humans behave and this is our mentality.   Why do you need to hate yourself and project that onto others?

    Because I'm honest. The truth isn't always pleasant to hear, but it beats being a hypocrite that pretends to care. Wouldn't you agree? 


    This is the kind of mentality virtue signaling SJWs have. Pretend to have feelings towards a group of people when in reality you're just stroking your own ego, or trying to appear as a good person in public.

  11. 4 minutes ago, S#$@%^i said:

    The non lemmings never change.  :D They have so much hate and envy for us.  Hermits hate us because they're at the mercy of our lord and savior MS and King Billy G.  part founder of Microsoft.  :bow: Once upon a time some people thought pc and linux could take over.  Or even Apple for that matter?  None of those platforms would dare or can even really compete in terms of a gaming platform.  If you're gonna game on PC then you will be doing it most likely on a Microsoft Windows/Xbox platform.  That's our baby.  Xbox is just the icing on the cake. You guys have always been bitter... either that or y'all just trolls.  But that's okay, MS has the most powerful gaming console on the market and that ain't never gonna change.


    Have fun on your fisher price mario tablets and shitty wack looking ps4 design with completely inferior controller. 

    Have fun with... Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 and Forza 2k18, I guess. 

  12. 1 minute ago, S#$@%^i said:

    What a piece of shit.

    Give me one good reason why I should be emotionally invested in people I never met/never will over the internet in a stupid fanboy forum primarily about video games? :wonder: I mean the extend of some of the conversations I have here is ''You're stupid for liking X product'' ''Nah, you're stupid for liking Y product''. Amazing, deep emotional connections, mate.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not actively hoping something bad will happen to any of you, I'm simply stating the truth. You don't care about me, I don't care about you and it's perfectly normal. I like some of people here but saying I actually give a shit what happens to them when I have my own problems to deal with would be pure hypocrisy. 


    Let's not kid ourselves. Most of us don't give a shit about people we actually know IRL. :D Like when you pass in front of a homeless man living in your street and you don't even bat an eye, or when some coworkers goes through some bad shit, you pretend to care to be nice but deep down you don't give a shit and your mind quickly go back to your own problems.


    But anonymous people on SW, you care about? Lmfao, don't give me that shit.

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