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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 7 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    ANd you would still talk about us for years :D You miserable fuck 

    Delusions of grandeur much? :mj:


    You're all here for me, and you will all be talking about me for years to come when I'm gone. :fatcruise:


    Because your poorly written and thought out posts are such an amazing experience for all of us. :grimaceright:

  2. Just now, Jon2B said:

    Its not new. Its been around for decades. It flopped every time just like 3d and its flopping now. 3 million sold lmfao. Nobody wants that shit.

    There has never been a mass market VR product until the Occulus. Don't kid yourself. And all of that early VR shit was never good anyway, those were prototypes, not at all the real deal.


    3 million is pretty good considering all adversity PSVR faced. Flops comes from under delivering on expectations. And anyone who'd expect VR to sell as well as mainstream games consoles during their introduction phase is just fucking retarded.


    I'm not sure what Sony's expectations on PSVR were but I doubt they were like 20 million in two years like their main product the PS4 is pulling off with ease.


    VR will keep being slowly introduced to the gamers and it will definitely take shape into it's own huge thing, but it's not there yet and won't be until better hardware comes out. If anything PSVR is still a prototype, but one you can actually buy and play.



  3. 4 hours ago, kaz said:

    and astroschrott shaking off green sperm with your head. VR was a mistake

    It's actually awesome, works well, I loved dodging those. While it may looks like stupid gimmicks on the surface, it just works in VR. Astro Bot is convincing at making you feel like you're in there alongside Astro. Especially when the cute little fucker passes by, look at you and wave at you or when you enter the ocean underwater stages. 


    As opposed to just looking at a game on a 2D flatscreen which will never be as remotely immersive or engaging. VR is clearly superior way to experience games, period. So much for being a mistake.

  4. 17 hours ago, Jon2B said:

    most of the traffic here is caused from me and him.


    We have yall shook. Its embarrassing lmfao

    RetardB thinks we post here for embarrassing MS shills like him and PredictionsFlop. :fatcruise:


    The door is over there, chump. :D Log off and never come back, you can take your boyfriend with you while you're at it.

  5. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Anecdotes are fun.. :O_O:

    Anecdotal evidence >> bullshit out of your ass with no real argumentations. :fatcruise:


    Here's another, my friend thought he had a Xbox One X when in reality he bought a Xbox One S. Now that I told him he bought the wrong one he wants to sell his One S for a Pro, so he can play the next annual NHL game. :killzone:


    And his TV is such garbage, I suspect it's actually a 720p monitor. 


    That's your average joe buying video game system. I'm sorry but it's true.



  6. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Which would make a cheaper purchase more likely, most who buy these more expensive things know exactly what they're getting themselves into.

    LMAO, tell that to my friends with Pro and no 4K TVs.


    You grossly underestimate the sheer ignorance and stupidity of the average consumer of video games foaming at the mouth when asked which console they want to buy.


    The people who know their shit like you and me are a niche, small group.

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