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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 2 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


    • crytek/ryse, disgraced and fell off the face of the earth
    • respawn/titanfall, sequel bombed, forced to make licensed star wars trash from now on
    • crystal dynamics/tomb raider, sequel bombed, handed off to rotating dev
    • remedy/quantum break, next game will probably bomb
    • insomniac/sunset, next game a monster ps4 exclusive


    only insomniac and team ninja cracked the code, go playstation or get out :dame:

    The curse is real. :dame:

  2. MS marketing deals are cursed. When MS finances your games it's bound to be a disaster. See: Battlequeef Vaginal and Fallout 76 this Holiday. Good job on choosing the right games, MS.  :kaz: 


    Also for historical proof.


    Dead Rising 4 -> shutting down of Capcom Vancouver.

    Scalebound -> dead before arrival. 

    PUBG -> got destroyed by Fortnite in the battle royal genre.


    MS money is tainted. :dame:

  3. Lmao, I just checked some of PSVR games averages at Metacritic. PSVR basically got a better 2018 line-up than the Xbox One, despite barely getting mainstream media coverage in the first place (some of my favorite VR games doesn't not even have a rating). lmao :D 


     Six of Thieves, State of Doodoo 2, Forza 2k19 $60 Season Pass... :mj:


    Astro Bot (90)

    Tetris Effect (89)

    Moss (85)

    Wipeout Omega Collection patch (85)

    Beat Saber (83)

    Transpose (83)

    Sprint Vector (82)

    Firewall Zero Hour (79/underrated)

    The Persistence (78)

    Blasters of the Universe (76)

    Creed: Rise to Glory (75)



    TLHBFR :kaz: 

    • Upvote 3
  4. God of War 2018 is way more gameplay focused and better paced than something like Uncharted 4, imo.


    So was Horizon Zero Dawn. I spent way more time hunting robots, exploring and completing objectives than I did watching cutscenes, or forced to go through linear/scripted setpieces and what not.


    I bet Spiderman balances gameplay/story pretty well too.


    Naughty Dogs should take notes... other Sony's devs are doing a better job. I usually despise cinematic games but I have no issue when devs finds the right balance.

  5. I definitely feel a similar way since I've experienced VR games. It's why something like RDR2 don't impress me so much, you can push graphics details as much as you want but you still aren't in the game.


    Even old, ugly ass Skyrim is a surreal experience at times. Random dragons attacking me in the wild made me jump out of my seat, meanwhile dragons in GoW was just another boss fight with obvious patterns. lol

    • Upvote 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    oh yeah that was honestly my least favorite battle. I thought it was how bullshit how they just spawned so close to the camps. Thankfully i save scummed my way into a favorable position where I had a mortar guy positioned to immediately take them out as they spawned :D


    Im surprised you're still so early in. They change things up in some cool ways a few chapters after your current position.

    I've done all the skirmishes and 4 squad stories though. But yeah I'm still early.

  7. Just now, Twinblade said:

    Lol I haven't lost any units yet and i was terrible at the first one. Which mission was this?

    Chapter 6 battle. The one where you go through flames with the tank and have to defend three camps. I really didn't expect the enemies spawn points to be where they were, I really couldn't do much about it, a scout rushed one of my strayed unit, killed him and ran over him (which instantly kill the unit for good). :( 


    I was too far in the battle to restart over it. Fuck it.

  8. 2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    I'm getting the impression that DQ11 is overhyped lol. "Organic treasuring and side quests"  What's so organic about going off the main road just a little bit, and finding the same copy pasta brick box with a treasure?


    Either way, the game is super clean, and has a charm, and not nearly as dry as ni no kuni. And I do like the combat is simple yet tough, and doesn't have a grind-y feel to it.  I like / love it's in Japanese, so very fun for me. 


    I just got to delcata.  Not too difficult Nippleneese so far, but I suspect I'll struggle at some point?  This game is kid-friendly, so all the speech and townsfolk stuff is easy to muster.  But waiting for them to talk about a dungeon or lore or history and I may be like "ffff....I'm not Japaneeese enough."


    I will brag about how much I understand after 15 hours of gameplay.  I've probably put in 4-6 hours so far if I was playing in ENglish.  Thanks to Ramza and Rejim and whoever made this game for making it (oh ya SE).  Enjoying the simple soft pleasure.  There's only been 2 words I did not understand!  Rude/haughty and 満更   and some other kanji about 細棚 

    Who said it has organic exploration and side quests? :wonder: 

  9. 3 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Same here.  I just bought the original instead.  It wasn't on sale, but it was only $20. :] 

    They're almost the same game. If you don't like VC4, you won't like VC1, and vice verse.


    I love both games and 4 is a worthy sequel, the new little additions like artillery units, accessories, squad stories, command orders, apcs, etc are great.


    I had no idea the VC1 Remaster was on Switch as well?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    I'll give it this though, the presentation and graphics are the closet I've seen yet to capturing what DBZ is.   At times it feels like you are controlling the Anime.


    But I can't help but feel we would have gotten better fighting mechanics from a different fighting game developer like Capcom or Namco

    It looks amazing, yes. 


    Nah ASW gameplay usually is better than this. But also far more difficult in term of execution. The blame is probably with Bandai Namco. Everything in FighterZ is over simplified to a point where it's a bit too simple. There's still some depth and more advanced shit but it never feels as good as it should to execute.

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