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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 3 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    I'm not surprised in the least. Even 3DS is dead... everyone is jumping ship to the newest handheld. I'd be surprised if Sony didn't release another handheld system considering they want to increase their presence in Japan. Consoles just aren't going to do that for them.

    Fuck that noise. Handhelds are trash and making a dedicated handheld worked so well for them last-time...  PS5 will have a hybrid option, that's about it. 

  2. Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)

    1. Switch – 200,850 (54,235)
    2. PlayStation 4 – 8,922 (8,154)
    3. PlayStation 4 Pro – 8,867 (7,927)
    4. New 2DS LL – 4,189 (4,243)
    5. PlayStation Vita – 1,877 (1,869)
    6. New 3DS LL – 1,788 (1,681)
    7. 2DS – 622 (294)
    8. Xbox One X – 119 (360)
    9. Xbox One – 45 (46)


    200k vs 17k :fatcruise:


    Obviously that's a huge boost due to the release of Pokemon. Which sold 600k+.



  3. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did I strike a chord there with your blatant hypocrisy? Most of this stuff you play are indie level efforts, not any kind of footnote in the gaming industry and I don't even mean because VR has low adoption, I mean because if they were not VR no one would take a second look at them. 

    And in what way is that supposed to make Sea of Thieves looks any good? :mj:


    I can think of a few dozens indie games this gen that shit on Sea of Thieves, VR or not. It's not hard at all. :D  

  4. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Not just that, you don't deem all of these things worthy of even being considered but will drown yourself in heaps of VR trash. I mean come on man. 

    That VR trash you are talking about scored on par or higher than Sea of Thieves but I thought you weren't judging games by scores anyway? What happened, have you played them all, or are you LIMITING yourself? :mj:


    It plays both ways you moron, don't try to act all high and mighty because you really loved some flop that no one else likes. Fuck off. :kaz: 





  5. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This is why I really couldn't give two shits about the views and opinions from the likes of people like you or most anyone on this board. You're a time filler where I can be unfiltered and that's about the extent of your value. A time filler made up of morons who couldn't be bothered to actually articulate any valid reasoning or thoughts but would rather just shit post.


    Maybe you should kill yourself, I'm sure in all your drug binges you've thoroughly considered it.

    Three fucking hundred hours. :kaz: 

  6. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's very simple, they've proactively rectified any criticism leveraged against the platform using community feedback at every turn. They uprooted their entire vision for the platform to appease their consumer base. They've maintained the best network, introduced the best controller, introduced the best services, introduced accessibility for the disabled, rekindled the appeal for independent developers, are making efforts to get more Japanese support, went so far as to create an entirely new console within the gen to quell the need for the compute ailing of the original system while also ensuring it's the best system on the market, also garnering the largest amount of developer support for a mid-generation system. They're introducing what is shaping up to be the best streaming platform available and have gone even further to acquire like 7 new development studios on top of the 8 or so they already have to quell concerns with first party output. Now this generation has not been perfect by a long shot but the steps taken to better it from where it began have been numerous and massive.


    Yes a lot of this will bear fruit next-gen, that's unfortunate but the steps they've taken and continue to have also ensured benefits in the present. I want to see more games from them, I'm not concerned about it though because unlike most of you I don't see a game as a number and then disregard it based upon the views and opinions of others. Quantum Break was one of my favorite games this generation, there's been a lasting appeal to that regardless of the way it's labeled.  Sea of Thieves while not everyones cup of tea provided me with hundreds of hours of unadulterated fun with friends and strangers in a very unique setting and gameplay environment. But what do you guys see? A number, and then rinse and repeat disregard. 


    Xbox is doing just fine without the cynical views of the outside world, we're doing just fine with our console regardless of the fanatical psychotics like Bodycount flip flopping around for a popularity contest crushing under the pressure of others. There's so much AAA third party output these days that even if Microsoft releases a game and it's not for you there's like 15 other things releasing in the same window of time to choose from. There's no lack of games to play or experiences to have, my Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro get almost split down the middle usage. So no I'm not going to give you a score just as I wouldn't for PlayStation 4 this generation because it's far more complex than just a simple number can account for. 


    There's analyst firms all over the planet collating data from different markets and regions, it's pretty safe to say the general vicinity of what its sold and that number is in excess of the Switch and Wii U by at least 5 million with a year less of availability. You guys think the Switch is some on fire system selling like crazy, it's not, it's splitting the difference between Xbox One and PlayStation 4; and it's newer so see how that pans out after 5 years. 






    Translation: I'm a Xbox fanboy and love everything MS are doing.


    300 hours in Sea of Thieves. Kill yourself. :kaz: 

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