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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Eh, for me the highlights of these games is discovering new locations and environments. One of my favorite things about the first half was the simple pleasure of coming across a new town or settlement and just exploring it while talking to all of the people. That feeling of discovery just isn't there in the 2nd half.

    That's fair. I agree to some extent. It's still a good time though, I expected the backtracking anyway. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    There's about 3 good ones on PS4 that I would like to play... other than that... PC is way better.. but whatever.   Beat Saber is SICK.  You'll love it. :wow2: 

    And the PC headsets barely have anything over PSVR. A few notable exceptions like Fallout 4, Hellblade and that other scifi game you can't stop raving about (forgot the name).


    Basically only the most graphically demanding games are missing.


    I much rather get Sony's first party exclusives instead (and a few third parties). Lol at not being able to play Astro, Statik or Wipeout. At least you got Moss.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    There are some good story moments but the pacing and gameplay become less interesting.  



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    the sense of discovery and exploration becomes almost non existent. You’re no longer coming across new towns and areas and are instead just backtracking through all of the same ones.


    True, but I like the world flipping on it's head and there's still some new locales. No new towns seems like a wasted opportunity though.


    It just isn't an issue for me. The game is stronger in other aspects during the later half and I'm just totally hooked to it's gameplay now. I'm still far from finished, nor did it ever started to drag.

  4. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    By best system you mean also on PC right?

    What does it matter that it's a multiplat? PSVR isn't lacking in exclusives right now.


    Wipeout, The Persistence, Astro Bot, Firewall Zero Hour, Deracine, Tetris Effect, Zone of the Enders. I mean damn, PSVR has better first party/third party support than Xbox's. rofl


    As a bonus we get all the good VR games from PC. Sprint Vector, To The Top, Creed Rise to Glory, Beat Saber, etc. :rickjames:

  5. 1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

    Ok, I know what you guys were talking about now... Shit got real, and the cutscene was fucking awesome and even though I still had the possibility in the back of my mind, it still kind of surprised me just how quick that all went down.  Fuck though.. that scene was badass.. and I loved how they handled the transition.  I saved on a different file so I could watch that shit again :whew: 


    This is the best RPG of the generation right here man.  I LOVE this game! :wow2: 

    DQXI checks all the marks of a great old school JRPG. This is the closest RPG experience similar to FFIV I got in decades. It's an epic adventure and a mechanically sound RPG, well paced and has a great story.


    Old school JRPG fans should not sleep on this. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, talamatross said:

    I got the Platinum last week. It’s definitely the best Dragon Quest game and  in the top 3 JRPGs of the last decade, maybe last 2 decades.

    I want a DQVIII remaster after this. (I never finished it) But one that has some actual effort put it in, and a fast forward system a la FFXII Zodiac Age.

  7. 35 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Are you saying it has a good story? 

    It does but it takes time to develop and time for you to appreciate it. I didn't care so much at first but I've grown to love the journey and characters. It's less melodramatic than let's say Final Fantasy but it has it's moments, and it helps that the dialogue and voice actors are excellent.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Ike said:

    I played the demo a bit more and I’m buying it physical. This is a game I can play anytime and with infinite replayability. 



    Picking it up next-week. With a bunch of other games.


    Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
    Firewall Zero Hour
    Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars
    Creed: Rise to Glory
    Mega Man 11
    Tetris Effect (Nov 09)


    Hollow Knight

  9. There's something deeply wrong with Square Enix internal development. At least the Square side of things. Still KH3 looks promising so there's that but you can tell Nomura treats it as the premiere franchise and not Final Fantasy.


    Enix owns hard with DQXI, the best classic JRPG in decades. DQXI shipped 4 million worldwide (with digital sales), hopefully it means more RPGs from Enix on consoles.

  10. Just now, Jon2B said:

    I don't have time to knock out a 60 hour game quickly. I played FO4 for MONTHS and still didn't finish it yet. Assassins seems to be another HUGE game.

    Long games are hard to get thru because of the time commitment.


    BTW you are a non gamer. VR TrashCan gaming lmfao stfu 

    Dude, Idgaf, it's your problem. I'm 60 hours in DQXI alone right now. :tom:   I beat FO4 back in 2015 clocking in at 100 hours. lol, on the hardest difficulty too. Started numerous playthroughs as well... I'm kinda crazy addicted to Bethesda trash RPGs.


    Anyway, just fucking chill. I agree that games are getting too long. I had to stop playing Fist of the North Star (30 hours game), and Vakyria Chronicles 4 (40 hours game?) to finally make some real progress in Dragon Quest. Shit adds up and your free time as an adult keep shrinking. It's hard to beat everything when everything is now an open world game with endless content. 


    Hell, I know you hate VR and shit but at least some of the great VR games are short and to the point, or fun and quick arcade experiences that are infinitely replayable but requires no real time investment, reminds me of the Dreamcast days when they were tons of fun, pick and up and play arcade games. It's kinda dying out on consoles, unless we're talking indie games but most of them sucks. 

  11. So JonB, the same guy that is always judging how other people play their games, actually can't play games for more than a hour or two at a time and rarely ever finish his games to completion, and that is despite playing all of his games on the easiest difficulty levels.


    It only confirms what I already knew for years, all the ''you don't play games/you're a non-gamer :jonb: '' nonsense was nothing more than bitter self projection.  :tom: 

  12. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    In ambition... it's not even close to the same fucking realm man.  You're embarrassing yourself...


    Well, actually you aren't, because you're on a forum where mostly everyone are console players primarily... so you'll just laugh shit off. 


    But SC is far far more ambitious as a game.  You have no idea.

    Cloud Imperium Games vs Rockstar highest production value game... :fatcruise:

  13. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    LOL... Star Citizen makes RDR2's characters look like fucking cartoons man wtf :D 


    It's moot anyway... because RDR2 is coming to PC... and will look better... and run at 2x the fps :mj: 

    Is Star Citizen a fully realized open world? :| You think these devs could release something as ambitious as RDR2? :kaz: It's not just a question of shaders, you're delusional lmao. 

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