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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

    works fine FOR ME

    Me too. It's just a slight glitch where you don't get taken to your next post, and I always assume I didn't click the reply button so I press it a second time.


    It's a non-issue, it isn't my internet and you have been raped.

  2. 1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

    Wow big range in the reviews. Wonder if it's a game thing or just a VR thing. 

    It probably don't help. I find most VR games gets reviewed harshly or not at all.


    Gamespot didn't even bother to review two of PSVR biggest games with Firewall Zero Hour and Astro Bot. Somehow they had time for Deracine though? Lmao, sorry if I don't take their review on PSVR games seriously.

  3. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

    The numbers in the OP include digital sales.  :monocle:


    The "huge" market for digital games never really existed in Vita.    There was a niche market for indie games on Vita but it wasn't huge by any means. 


    wtf :dame:

  4. 13 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Sony's used to being the leader in the console space where they can have two years of 3rd party flop after flop and they'd still get full 3rd party support.  They didn't realize this didn't extend to the Vita.

    How do you explain the PSP then? That had great third party support for quite a while.


    Vita failed for a multitude of reasons, but the major factor was an already declining handheld market due to smarthphone games taking over and terrible pricing $250 with no memory card, no games. lmao


    Anyway this thread paints the Vita has a much bigger failure than it actually was, the Vita found a niche with it's digital sales. There's still indie games being released for it on PSN. Obviously it had no real presence in stores shelves so it's no surprise those sales are low, but all those games probably sold equal or more digitally. Adoption rate is extremely high actually for such a flop.

  5. 7 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That moment when you fail to realize that you're saying Microsoft is on the eve of taking over the gaming industry. 


    "Bu..bu...but the exclusives!"


    They're going to exclusively control the industry and you're acting like the lems are getting owned... The lems are going to own everything, everything you hold dear, everything you think is unique, Nintendo, Sony... Everything will be Xbox. 


    Xbox isn't a service, it's an initiative for control, an initiative for control of household computing, the livingroom, and now mobile gaming, it always has been. Nothing has changed, it's actually coming to fruition.






    :jordan3: :kaz:

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