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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. Just now, Remij said:

    @Ramza it's ok breh.. it's ok to admit that this showcase did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to incentivize people to buy a PSVR2.


    No Astro, no Alyx... just Quest tier junk, and RE4... a game we all played months ago.  Too little too late.



    And @jehurey was beaking off about this shit too, fuck that hoe ass bitch :kaz: 

    I didn't defend the showcase. I don't care. PSVR2 isn't dead because of some weak showcase. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    And?? It sold 8 million in the first 8 weeks. That’s over 10x what PSVR2 sold.  LOL PSVR2 is exactly what we thought it was. A niche product that won’t have any support in 2 years, just like the first one. :hest:

    Yeah, prices doesn't matter. Apparently. That's a new one. Lol you're an idiot. 


    Kinect is a failed product line that enjoyed good sales in the beginning because soccer moms thought it would be good for exercising. :kaz: 


    It never got any good games support and is a failed technology with no follow ups. The thing almost killed the Xbox One. Literally a short lived trend around 2010 to 2014. 


    VR is niche but it has been here since 2017, is never going to get away and has produced about100 x times more games than Kinect and has actually contributed and innovated gaming.


    Meanwhile Kinect legacy is a Star Wars karaoke game. :hest:

    • Haha 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Things will get better homie. ❤️


    Yea, the Quest 2 with the default strap can definitely get uncomfortable for long sessions.. no denying that.  I'll personally never go back to a wired VR device ever again.  I crossed that bridge and have no intention of ever going back.  To me, the best VR sets are stand-alone with the ability to connect to PC.


    Covers all ground.  So far PSVR2 is looking pretty much like the PSVR1... A Resident Evil game, a bunch of PCVR ports, and a Team Asobi Astro-bot game...  Looks like it's going to follow similar trajectory.. so I'm not impressed.

    Oh yes, wireless VR is a blessing. You can play Metaquest wirelessly on PC but it requires a really powerful wifi modem apparently. 


    Well you're not wrong but I'd say PSVR2 has it way better. PSVR1 had so many issues. I can deal with the crap on PSVR2 no problem after last-gen. 

  4. Just now, Remij said:

    From a laptop too :hest: 


    You should see how much some of those rare gems you're collecting will sell for?  I'm sure that will cover the costs of a PS5+PSVR2 :fblike: 

    That limited VRAM is insane for VR. :D I can only run games with the most simplistic of graphics. Like I dunno Superhot or Walkabout Minigolf. Or something static with no much going on like Demeo. Haha. I mean they are good games but yeah, it's very limited. 


    I have about 5000$ worth of physical games right here according to pricecharting.com. I need to step up my sales a bit.


    I wanted a new PC but I hate the Metaquest, it's really uncomfortable for long sessions. A new PC and a new headset would break my bank account. 


    Haha, I'm so broke. Can't wait to start working full time again. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Remij said:

     LOL begging for PC ports :lawl: 


    Enjoy them :hehe: 

    It's too bad you can't enjoy AAA VR games like the PSVR2 master race. 


    No Gran Turismo 7.


    No Resident Evil Village.


    No Horizon Call of Mountain.


    No haptic feedback.


    No foveated rendering.


    No retro projection of 60fps into 90fps making the game unplayable. Oh wait.


    PCVR is inferior in every way.

    • Geese 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    I'll have the last laugh on that David... and you know it :shrug: 


    That day... is also going to be so fucking glorious for me.  :juggle: 

    Hey calm down now friendo, I'm in no way implied in this Bloodborne drama.


    But if you want to know what I think, there will be a Bloodborne PS5 remaster way before it will ever come to PC.


    Bwahaha, I guess you're still raped. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    That's.... not a way to grow a business.. lmfao


    They have been porting their best last gen games to PC, and those are running out now... so we're getting PS5 games.  Ratchet, Forbidden West, and GT7 are coming, as is Ghost of Tsushima. :shrug: 

    There was so much more that could have been ported. 


    Like, I dunno.


    2015, Bloodborne...


    Bwahaha, you have been destroyed and raped. 

  8. I just can't stop thinking about the main topic though. 


    Sony game plan was flawed to me, I expected them to port out the PS4 line-up first. Clear out everything that could be ported in order of release starting with earlier PS4 games, then moving forward in time up until you reach the last great PS4 games like TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima.


    I would have even ported the weird niche games like The Last Guardian/Gravity Rush 2, who in all honesty, would benefit massively from better hardware. These games are passed their prime and fully served their purposes AND has stopped generating revenue anyway. They could have made quick ports at modest price points of these games first, they have amassed a massive library over the years from all sort of genres. 


    Basically I'm saying they should threat PC gamers one gen behind. Not give them anything from the current gen until passed it's usefulness.  


    Not that many people has top of the line PC at the moment and they would be easier to run, potentially reaching a far bigger userbase. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Ohh look another poster who had this same argument with LemiJ (we're up to. 4 to 5 now) .... Yet LemiJ claims he never said it.. :kaz:


    Lmfao, I had no idea he was in denial about that. I can confirm it. I told him he was insane.


    He kept saying that during PS5 lifetime we will see day to day release with PC version. And I'm 100% sure he said that. 

    • Geese 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    Sony is going to do day and date with PC to get a whopping 1.5 million sales... Keep dreaming hermits:kaz:

    I used to argue with RemiJ it just wasn't happening. 


    Even if the sales were substantially better than they are now, it would make no difference to Sony main game plan with the PS5. Hell they have the balls to introduce VR at a premium price point supported by exclusive first and third party content. Exclusive killer-apps for PS5 are the priority. They pretty much bought out FFXVI and made sure to block a day one PC version. Lmao and that's third party partnership. 


    PC portage is a side show for easy money. I mean let's face it, 1.5m ain't bad. Look at TLOU part 1 though, it'll probably take forever and be severely discounted before it ever reach 1.5m with such a lackluster start. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    They're probably not good enough for Jim Ryan.


    Which is why we are now seeing him act like PC ports are becoming less and less of a priority.


    Actual PS5 developed games?


    LOL a measley $10-$50 million in sales is not going to be enough to cover the port job and post-launch support.


    The PC market is showing how undependable they are.

    Nah, this absolutely cover the cost of porting and support. It's not that dire.


    I don't think it's worth losing the appeal of the games being exclusive to Playstation though. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. That's about as good as it'll get for late Playstation ports on PC. 


    I mean these are fine numbers IF you port the games years later like Spiderman. TLOU Part 1 though, not so much, too soon and for too little returns. 


    Also Sony needs to consider the games being ported. Something like GT7 would sell way more due to PC having a huge racing fans community. Something like Destiny sells millions every year on PC. Third person action games though? Not so much. 


    It's a different market.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Sabo said:




    I mean, it looks fine but it's like the last thing I want from a FF game so it's hard to feel excited for the game. 

    Yeah, exactly how I feel. Looks like a cool game in it's own right but it's not what I need. 


    Dude if you had told me the series would have turn into an action game by the XVI installment when I was 10 years old playing FFII/III on SNES I would have slapped you in the face.

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