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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, kokujin said:

    I hate persona and I fuking hated Dragon Quest X.  Sooo freaking dry. I played Eternal Sonata for about 5-10 hrs and only with 0 expectations was it enjoyable.


    So... I'm hoping the robust open world and side-quest nature of DQ11 (plus playing it in my target language) will be spectacle enough for me to like it. If it's dry like other DQ games, or honestly, ... weird like Persona, I probably will have an iff feeling about it. Even if it gets my weeaboo blood. 


    I know steam users can hack the interface/#notepad files. I would not be shocked if there's some hack to put the English version back to JPN? Or maybe not.  I'm gonna go test my graphics card and see if this game would even look good for me. <3  

    It's not open world and there's barely any side quests. 


    DQXI is as classic as it gets. The only thing that isn't old school is the fact there's no random encounters (except on the world map when using the boat).

  2. 3 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Fuck, if I could buy DQ11 for PC, I would have done so long ago... :(  

    Why can't you?


    I'm loving DQXI, the first ten hours were kinda slow but the game keeps expanding and getting better. It's the best traditional turn based JRPG in forever. Definite must play for fans of the genre. 


    It's even better than Persona 5.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

    Both PS4 and Switch will do well. 


    Xbox1 on the other hand... has stalled to a crawl WW. 

    The no exclusive games strategy is working so well. :tard: 


    Xbox One X will switch things around. Because the average consumer always go for the most expansive machine that displays teh best graphics. :hest:

  4. 7 hours ago, Vini said:


    4k has been around for like half a decade if you don't have a 4k TV you don't really have anything to add to this conversation. 



    Xbox One X is barely a year old and this is one of the first game that actually has a native 4K resolution. :|


    and I don't see how that somehow neglects my opinion on games. Graphics aren't everything you dumb casual pos.  :hest:


     If I cared so much I'd be a PC gamer. Where people enjoyed resolutions over 1080p back when you were still playing sub HD games on PS3/360. stfu with the graphics high ground.

  5. Just now, Vini said:


    The pro is doomed to have INCREASINGLY inferior multiples for the rest of the gen. 


    Better take the L now on that and keep focusing on exclusives cause it's gonna be a long 2 yrs for you cows

    I don't even have a Pro. I don't have a 4K TV. I don't give a shit.


    Got plenty of games though, all multiplats, all Xcluded games, all the first/third parties exclusives you could possibly want and even VR games on top.


    Meanwhile your $500 mid gen upgrade displays more pixels in a Rockstar trash game than my $400 console I bought many years ago can. Wow, so jealous. :fatcruise:

  6. 22 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    So many people are going to load this thing up and be utterly destroyed by how dated everything plays and looks..


    They couldn't even get Need for Speed Iii? No Gran Turismo? No Tenchu? No Tony Hawk? No Driver? No Ape Escape (DualShock required lol)? No Medal of Honor? No Jet Moto?


    Dafuq are these dipshits thinking?

    20 games just isn't enough to do justice to the PS1 library. 


    And the fact it doesn't have dualshock controllers limits the potential of it's games even more.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Ike said:

    That thing needs Twisted Metal 2, RE2, and Final Fantasy Tactics.


    Also, FFIX>>>>>>>>>FFVII.

    You could only have Squaresoft games on this thing and it would own.


    FFVII, VIII, IX, Tactics


    Bushido Blade 2

    Parasite Eve

    Front Mission 3

    Chrono Cross

    Vagrant Story




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