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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. You might like it for it's story, characters, music, loads of optional side mini games and solid gameplay.


    You might not like it for it's long cutscenes, outdated visuals and gameplay (still looks and plays great though), JRPG style random encounters and pacing issues.

  2. Swimming is good for fat loss. lol High energy exercises, high cardio all works.


    But that's a lot more effort than changing what goes in your mouth.


    I've lost a bit of weight from bulking diets/weight lifting but that took herculean efforts and a lot of my free time.


    I've lost ton of weight from just a low carb diet/doing nothing, that took very little effort nor time and was much faster. Just needed some self discipline. 


    So yeah, it goes without saying. Enough with the ''but bu just be more active and eat whatever'', it's bull crap. You don't need to go to the gym 3 times a week to be lean.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    I'm not arguing against the validity of those diets.


    There exists no other easier and faster method to burn 15 kilos off yourself than keto. Average keto fat lose if done right is 6 kilos of fat without eating uscles in a month. It's just in a league of its own in terms of efficiency.

    The issue I have with keto is that you can't do it indefinitely. While just a not starch diet is a lot more sustainable life style. Easier too since you eat a more diversified diet (but not by much).

  4. Some people wakes up and eat a bowl of cereals in milk, a muffin, a bagel with peanut butter/jelly, it's always grains (basically carbohydrates) with added sugar (more carbohydrates).


    That's more carbs that I get in 3 days of 1/2 fruit portion + 1/2 dairy portions per day, IN ONE FUCKING 'MEAL'.


    This is the real issue in today's dietary world.


    My usual diet breakfast is a steak with asparagus, or scrambled eggs with a fruit (usually apple or a grapefruit).

  5. Just now, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    You might not know this, but greek yoghurt has 6 grams of sugar mostly from lactose that always turns into sugar/glucose.


    Greek yoghurt is terrible budgeting for keto specifically, and lactose also has this weird ability to kick you out of ketosis even if you don't pass your carb counts. Your only options are basically cheese, mayo, and heavy creme from dairy, and eggs.


    Thats it.

    All dairy product with milk turns into sugar. At least most of them. I'm saying after your keto you could add it to your diet for diversity sake, it's okay to eat some carbs, as long as you keep it consistently low carb. The carbs you get out of a portion of yogurt is nothing compared to a slice of bread. Keto is unhealthy anyway.  


    You do realize it's such a shock to the system to not eat food made out of grain in today's world that you'll get the fat burning effect regardless? No one in 2018 is getting fat because they are eating too much fruits. Let's face it, you're lucky if you had more than an apple in a day. Same thing for greek yogurt, what matter is that it's super high protein. I ate about 250ml a day, sometime more and still lost considerable weight. Plus the milk in my coffee.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Chronicles of Souls actually seems pretty cool. They should have fleshed it out a bit more (maybe with some 3D cutscenes) and just scrapped Libra altogether. 


    The fighting definitely doesn’t feel great, and the gimmicks (like the reversal edges) are distracting and don’t work well. 


    I don’t like how the tutorial is structured either. They just dump all these moves, counters, etc on you all at once and expect you to memorize everything. As someone who hasn’t played SC in years it feels like way too much.

    The core gameplay is cool, just the gimmicks that are BS. And the game's content is disappointing. 


    Whatever, I got it on sale during E3. I could sell it right now for a profit. 


    I would never recommend this game at full price.

  7. Wow, Soul Calibur VI is ass.


    Libra of Souls - Garbage RPG mode for your created character with too much filler and not enough worthy unlockables. 

    Chronicles of Souls - It's an alright idea but the presentation is cheap as fuck. I skip all the story anyway, I might as well be playing the arcade mode.

    Arcade mode has no boss fight.

    There are not enough characters, too many are missing. No interesting new characters.

    Graphics are not very impressive, looks and feels outdated, like it should have come out a few years ago. 

    New clash system or whatever is called is a lame gimmick that interrupt the flow of the fight constantly.


    The only positive thing I have to say is, I like Geralt.


    I'm gonna buy some superior fighting game and not waste too much time on this one besides playing with my casual IRL friends.

  8. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you not see my original post? I said when neither is abused, regular intake of alcohol is near harmless, the same cannot be said of marijuana, not only cognitively but physically as well. 


    You're speaking in terms of abuse which I acknowledge alcohol is far worse, but regular use is not abuse. 

    True I guess but we all end up drinking too much one of these days. Not that many people has enough self control to drink moderately %100 of the time.

  9. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you not see my original post? I said when neither is abused, regular intake of alcohol is near harmless, the same cannot be said of marijuana, not only cognitively but physically as well. 


    You're speaking in terms of abuse which I acknowledge alcohol is far worse, but regular use is not abuse. 

    True I guess but we all end up drinking too much one of these days. Not that many people has enough self control to drink moderately %100 of the time.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Hey Poitras did you vote for the dude thats forcing an mandatory French test on immigrants?

    I didn't vote. I don't see what's the problem with that. If you can't even hold a basic conversation in French you should get the fuck out of my province.


    There are 9 other English speaking provinces that will take you in. Bye.

  11. 1 hour ago, kokujin said:

    i worked with some Russian LADIES old fat brim top round bunch.  And they were warm and nice to me, and each other.


    The MEN might have this problem.  


    then again, you went to bakeries churches and markets. I beget they are welcoming their.


    All Americans are racist fat slobs. Look at RAMZA's dumbass. Thinking I have brain damage for typing more than 6 words as a grown fucking man. 

    I'm not even American. lmao

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