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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 9 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    No shit. Getting drunk is just way more destructive in general in every category, it's way worse for your health and more addictive. It will also make you do stupid shit, you'll sleep with some ugly woman, you'll punch your friend in the face over the stupidest argument, you'll embarrass yourself in front of everyone to see, and you'll black out in your bathroom with your own puke all over yourself. 


    While on weed the worst thing that could happen is that you ate the whole bag of chips... and the fudge brownies too.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    I don't get it though. Activision made a fairly fun Goldeneye remake.\


    Why does Nintendo own the rights to this shit.

    Some leftovers/ignored shit from when they sold their shares? As far as I know, Donkey Kong was supposed to be the only IP that Rare/MS couldn't use as the character/IP belong to Nintendo.


    MS did remake Perfect Dark, so why not Goldeneye? 

  3. The copyrights could have easily been bypassed or endorsed with Nintendo's approval, idiots. It's a non-issue. They didn't own Rare anymore and wasn't going to do anything with Goldeneye. Which mean they specifically didn't want it to happen. It's in their rights but it's also a shitty move.


    Activision did release a few Goldeneye games not long after. 



  4. Gaming is immature. It's such a time sink. Games are too long nowadays. 


    Remember the old days, very few games lasted more than a few hours. (they were hard to beat though) Even the JRPGs were relatively short compared to today. You can beat old school FF and Chrono Trigger in less than 30 hours.


    Now everything has to be a 100 hours open world with endless side quests.


    I'm having a hard time finding the time these days and I'm single with no kids. If I was a parent I probably wouldn't play at all, or maybe a few hours each week just for fun but I could no longer play tons of games.

    • Upvote 1
  5. A good comparison to make people understand is as if Sony had cancelled the Crash Bandicoot Remasters from happening. Granted it was a timed PS4 exclusive but at least it still happened and is now available on pretty much all platforms.


    but bu Crash is a PS1 legacy game, you can't have it even if it's in your legal rights to do so!!!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Dino has a point. Nintendo didn't have any rights (and still don't) over anything Goldeneye. I remember that story pretty clearly, Nintendo basically made threats at Activision for this not to happen (which was already in the making) and they caved in for whatever reason.


    It's shameless acts from Nintendo who thought they were still calling the shot in this industry. lmfao  You can't even imagine  this kind of behavior today, Nintendo threatening Activision? ROFLMAO, sit the fuck down. CoD sells more than Mario and Zelda on a yearly basis. Fuck off.


    Shitty company, and shittier fanboys. This is why you never want to see Ninty calling the shots. They are terrible to third parties. What a shit company.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    They were both 720p 60, the 360 held a better framerate but still in the 50's and in some instances the 40's. With the X it's a locked 60 now with added 16x AF, so regardless it's the best way to experience them. 

    Not a big difference if you ask me but fine.

  8. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    It was always a neat idea.. but I always felt that the VR community would do a better job of it ultimately.  This is a work in progress, but it's pretty much taking that and amping it up considerably.


    I also expect that some group will also make a super elegant VR emulation interface.  Almost like virtual museum for game consoles.  They'll all be fully modelled and you'll be able to check out all sorts of accessories and stuff that were made.

    It makes too much sense, indeed. I might have to cope a PC VR headset at some point.

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