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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. JonBitch1 was the most active poster on SideScrollers. Some days it felt like it was just me and him arguing about the dumbest shit. ''You don't even play games :jonb: '' 


    What a stupid faggot. Dude is just mad Xbox One flopped terribly during those times and was mocked by everyone. 


    ''Best in every genre, thank you MS :leo:''


    Sunset Overdrive - Flop

    Quantum Break - Flop

    ReCore - Flop

    Dead Rising 4 - Flop

    Sea of Thieves - Flop



  2. We've seen what it does to invest in third parties last-gen with MS and the 360 with all the timed exclusives. Short term? Great. Long term? Garbage.


    Sony has the best approach, creating new IPs for themselves and nurturing their studios. I mean who would have thought Guerrilla Games would produced a AAA open world game this gen.


    Sony also produce a lot of mid tier budget titles, some of them turning out really good like Astro Bot.  Wipeout, Everybody's Golf, VR games, etc.


    I find Nintendo non risk approach really bad. It's always the same successful IPs. Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, Metroid, Splatoon 2 (first game was a surprise hit! quick we need a rehashed sequel for Switch!). All the other games they make are low budget/risk affairs. The only new IP they have produced this gen is Nintendo Labo, let that sink in for a moment.


    MS tried to take some risks with Sunset Overdrive, ReCore, Sea of Thieves, etc but they absolutely suck at picking the right games. So now they are back to Forza, Forza, Gears, Halo. Buying B-rate studios. Yawn.



  3. Got a A on both missions on my first try in Valkyria 4. I'm already loving the artillery class, I didn't think it would also do support fire during the enemy's turn. That's pretty amazing.


    Can't wait to improve the sight on the snipers. Shit is infuriating.


    I'm enjoying this so far. The voice acting performance is solid. Not as good as DQXI but definitely not cringe.


    It plays exactly like I remember.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    They are saying that an input delay of 90ms  is closer to what you get in a 30fps game. 


    90ms in a 60fps games is not a 2 frame delay..... they said it represented 2 frames of delay MORE THAN the other versions. 


    But with all that said... they did say it is playable and not game breaking. 

    They make it sound worse than it actually is. 22ms difference with the Switch version. Whatever, lol.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    we are looking at input lag closer to a 30fps title than the full 60Hz experience that Mega Man 11 delivers


    The input lag on Playstation gives you a response of a 30fps game. 


    Its not game breaking I agree... just might affect your timings on the precision platforming areas. 

    I don't understand how 2 frames off in a 60FPS game is almost the same input delay as if the game ran at 30.


    The input delay does not come from the game or what?

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