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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 37 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    They didn't prevent the book from coming out as it already came out 3 years ago. They informed the meeting space of the writer's book and their content and the space declined their booking. 


    Did they make social media campaigns burning or shooting her books up in their backyards? 

    Oh because it doesn't have the same effect. It's preventing someone from doing business. :lul: 


    Why are you so triggered about people destroying their leftover bud lite? No is meeting Bud Lite associates to try to get the product out of the market in some way or another. They stopped buying it. Except maybe in a few cases where people bought and then shot a 12 pack in their backyard and send it to social media. Lmfao, still conflicting two vastly different things. 


    40 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    She wrote a book with bogus information aimed at how parents should treat their kids with gender dysphoria. You know, one of the things your kind pretends to care aboutm


    Did they treat him like the antichrist or did it just feel that way to you because you dont care if he says transphobic shit anyway? So any level of dissent is too much in your eyes. 

    Bogus information like puberty blockers being irreversible and posing a serious threat to children's and teenager's health on the short and long term but it hasn't been mass tested and no one cares?


    You don't cancel comedians over being offended. Grow up. 


    It's no surprise someone as unfunny as you think it's perfectly fined to be outraged over a comedy show. But mah feelings. Literally killing trans people by opening them up to violence. Words are violence too!


    It's all fake moral outrages served to shift social power back unto them with endless, non sensical claims of victimhood. Proof is any minor offense will send woke snowflakes in a frenzy, simply disagreeing with them, misgendering someone by fucking accident. No one is ever good and pure enough, it's a form of authoritarian fascism based on a set of non sensical ideologies and repeated, accepted lies. Acknowledge that men can also get pregnant or you're a bad person. :D Some weird, modern Mao communist China dystopian cult shit. 


    I don't care anymore. This is how evil win, when good men turns a blind eye and I just don't care. You can go fondle little children with your trans freak clown show. I don't have kids. I will wash the fall of western societies and laugh all the way through. Burn it all. Bring on the comet. 




  2. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Coming from the guy who has to hastily Google talking points only to have them backfire or get debunked immediately, that's rich. I don't rely on buzzwords or phrases. I drop receipts. You still can't form an idea from over a year ago now. 

    Calling someone a transphobe is not debunking someone. :lul:  

  3. 4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol I'm going to screenshot this, now the next time people are like "what kind of idiot actually finds the Babylon bee funny I can post this shit. 


    This is like a 4D meme or something. Lmfao motherfucker you're like some Dailywire ai bot or something. I genuinely laughed my fucking ass off reading this. 

    Rofl, says the NPC whose whole political identity can me summarized in a few buzzwords. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Yeah there's 2 main units. They're basically the Russian equivalent of the Belarusian and Georgian volunteer units fighting for Ukraine




    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Volunteer_Corps (these guys have neo nazi origins unfortunately. But the whole 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' ordeal applies here)

    I heard of such units at the beginning of the war. Ok so this group is not a rogue element at all. So this come from Ukrainian chains of command basically. 


    Wow, ok. 


    Diversion before the counter offensive? 

  5. On 2023-05-22 at 4:31 PM, z,warrior said:

    They fired the advertising agency who hired her, so yeah they have their regrets. 

    Now LGBTQ+ places such as gay bars are also banning bud light for denouncing her.

    Just requoting that for @Mr. Impossible


    But bu right wingers are the only ones who boycott or cancel things. ;( - The biggest lie ever attempted with me. Lmao.


    You're some kind of revisionist, not surprising coming from someone who regurgitate all social reengineering experiments and agrees with all of them, without fault, without questions, categorically.  


    Like that meme with the teacher writing on the board. If you take LGBTQ and you divide it by racism you get climate change. 


    In your case though, to be more precise, it's more like: If you take Capitalism and divide it by misogyny then subtract antivaxxer, you get white supremacy.


    I'm cracking myself up for real. :lawl:

  6. I found the next conservatives boycott @Mr. Impossible


    Time stamp because you just need to see that 30 second and I'm too lazy, nor care enough to find the original.


    LGBTQ clothing section with items for babies and kids at Target.


    Bathing suits made for 'tucking', perfect for Jehurey. 




    I don't even care at this point. I just want to see the world burn. :lawl:


  7. Just now, Twinblade said:


    Well, they want to avoid that. Which is why the units going in are compromised entirely of Russian volunteers who want to 'liberate' those territories from the Kremlin. Im sure some Ukranians are mixed in with them, but its no different from what Russia did in 2014 when they originally invaded and claimed it was just separatists who wanted to protect the people in those regions from Ukraine.

    Russian volunteers among Ukrainian forces? 

  8. 26 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The war being brought straight to Russian territory actually needed to happen to a degree.

    I don't know what's going on yet. Lmao.


    Ukraine can't be on the offensive on Russian soils for obvious political reasons though. 



  9. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol it's not even Mulvaney. They were just told to be upset. That's what's the saddest part of all of this. The right has become so bot brained they just do what they are told by people on TV and the internet. 

    That's just symptom of the sensationalist social media and the polarized political landscape.


    It could easily be stated for the left as well. You're in hard denial if you think that's exclusively a right winger phenomenon. Come on, we can at least agree on that, right? 

  10. Zelensky has been throwing everything they had to hold Bakhmut, the point was to gain time to train new conscipts, receive important weapons and vehicles and preparation of the upcoming counter offensive. While in a way it succeeded it came at a great cost of lives and resources.


    Cooke assessment of Ukraine not being able to hold out a war of attrition is not 'propaganda'. It's perfectly reasonable to say. Russia is very hurt though.


    This conflict is absolutely brutal. I never seen so much missiles and artillery strikes in my life. Bakhmut while not a major city, is no more, it's just a pile of rubble now. 

  11. 50 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    So let me get this straight. You fully defend people cancelling Bud light and shooting up cans and stuff but Trans activists are the bad guys for protesting a transphobic book that has proven lies and disinformation and was debunked when it came out like 3 years ago?


    And I know this because youve brought up this transphobic woman a year ago when I showed you how discredited her work was. Do you people have an antitrans Google alert or something? 

    Not buying a product out of personnel choice and preventing a product from coming out is not the same at all.


    I'll admit I didn't read the book. Maybe it's Mein Kampf level, I dunno but it certainly, rarely is the case. I remember when the same people threated Dave Chapelle like he was the anti Christ. Lmfao. 


    Bwahaha, I got this on my MSN main page when I open up my windows browser and I was browsing this thread. Another transphobe like JK Rowling, I bet, huh?   

  12. 13 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Some people make being religious their entire identity, or their guns, or their cars, or the gym, or money, MAGA...WAIT didn't you defend people making bud light about their personal identity? It's almost like the only sin that matters is being queer? 


    Like you guys digest so much bullshit, but only when it comes to queer people or people of color does your spider sense tingle. I've still not seen a single right winger talk about banning child beauty pageants. 

    I did say those people were shallow individuals (the Bud Lite insecure snowflakes). And they have no taste for obvious reason. 


    If your whole identity is based around your car, your guns collection or the gym. You are just as much of a clown as someone who base it's identity on the immutable characteristic of their sexual preference. Point denied, breh.


    Still going on by the child beauty pageants contests...


  13. All of this corporation pandering is coming from the WEF ESG score system. Soon it will be forced down your throat in every mass consumerism products. For those who don't know ESG stands for environmental, social, governance. Not much different than a social credit score system based on those three factors. Any company part of the system that will not push the message enough is going to see it's social credits deducted, which lead to less perks and funding for the company.


    This is why you can't watch commercials for more than 5 seconds without having some woke social engineering scene that doesn't reflect real life at all.  


    And this is why a company of soap is judging the video games you play. Fantasy RPGs have to represent every normal person in existence, including, fat ugly people. FFXVII's hero is going to be a fat, black, trans woman in a wheelchair, because representation. 



    74% of girls don't feel represented in video game. Oh noes.  :kaz: 


    Yeah, because when I play Mario, Zelda and Final Fantasy what I want to see is myself in an italian plumber cereal mascot, a gay elf wearing spandex and effeminate Japanese men that looks like supermodels. 


    Clown world. But bu MAH representation!!! 



  14. 1 hour ago, Cooke said:

    Does a rainbow on a truck make you want to buy it? Do you like being pandered to by massive corporations? Who the fuck cares about sexual orientation when buying a vehicle. That has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen. We don't need this shit.  

    Some people out there are making LGBTQ their whole identity. I saw a woman at the bus stop the other day and she was draped in rainbow colors from head to toe, green colored hair and was morbidly obese (of course). I'm not even joking.


    Ok, you're 'queer', we saw you. Such a fascinating and unique personality trait. :roll: 

  15. 11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Yes, we've had the you defending bigotry discussion already. Where you clearly describe the unreasonable and disproportionate response to something so small. 


    You don't even find it weird people are tying their fucking beer to their sexuality. Why is this a zero sum game? Why can't trans people and straight people drink the same beer- separately-in their own homes? You guys talk about MLK and here in 2023 the right can't even stand sing a similar brands product as a trans person? 



    I already told you, the image of the brand was everything, no one ever drank Bud Lite for the taste. I never said it wasn't shallow. 


    You're conflicting. It's not because trans drink Bud Lite, it's because Bud Lite chose a highly controversial, hated and famous internet trans. 


    Bud Lite was already doing gay pride cans way before this. Dylan Mulvaney was sure to make some heads turn. They got what they wanted.

  16. 1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    They are the ones who stopped buying it...who else is there to blame? 

    The company who tarnished the image of their brand  and alienated their fanbase in the pursuit for a small minority of potential consumers. 


    You get what you sow. 


    We already been through this. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Wait, are you so sheltered that this is some out of box concept for you? You've never heard of an anti-gay politician who turned out to be secretly gay? 


    This is why I treat you like a child, a lot simple shit seems like quantum mechanics to you or something. 


    Not sure what this has to do with Cook who is openly gay and obviously comfortable with it. 


    Talk about grasping at straws. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    You right wingers are always so hysterical and ass backwards. You guys keep accusing leftist of promoting obesity yet the most unhealthy states in the country are red states. Who have been against any health initiatives? Republicans. 


    Who do you think is drinking soy and oat milk? Who are eating impossible burgers? Let's talk about the health conscious red neck who is also a vegan? This concept y'all created sounds stupid now, correct? 


    Like this isn't even a health issue, it's just wanting to make fun of fat people as a social hierarchy thing. Like they want to be able to make fun of gay people or call trans people names and purposely misgender them. To the point there are many right wingers now waxing nostalgic for bullying. 


    Nothing is ever too much for you people. 

    One wrong doesn't make one right. It's one thing to be fat due to your personnel choices, it's something else to promote obesity as healthy and normal in some kind of social experiment.


    No sure what you are talking about? Fyi, soy and oat milk are not healthy as they contain no nutritional value besides the ADDED vitamins and minerals. Impossible burgers are filled with chemicals and oils, it's pure trash. Your diet shouldn't be based on your political ideologies. Lmfao.


    No one is making fun of anyone. If a story involve a moment where a boy get called fat, maybe there's a point to it and sugarcoating words to protect children isn't going to change anything but restrict creative freedom in literature. 


    Nothing is ever too much indeed. Let's cancel the children book story altogether. Let's not take any chance, less we may offend a snowflake, somewhere.

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