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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Lmfao attacks me then pretends to be offended. :mroff:


    yes it’s fucking weird to buy games for consoles you don’t own retard. 

    I didn't attack you, all I said is you bought a Series L.


    I got a PS5 game today because I couldn't possibly find it for cheaper. I won't let a good deal pass me up just because I don't have my PS5 yet. I guess me being smart is retarded in your eyes. What a surprise. 

  2. Just now, Tears of the Cows said:

    And a PS5 and a Switch. Meanwhile you’re over here gaming on your Windows XP desktop and buying games for consoles you don’t own :mj:

    I bought 342 games on steam in the past two years since I got this gaming laptop. It handle last-gen games perfectly, just sucks at playing the newer AAA games. 


    PS5 wasn't in question before PSVR2 and Switch is a pile of shit that I've been avoiding successfully for the past 6 years and I'm quite proud. I'm hoping that Switch 2 will feature BC with Switch 1 games.


    And I like to have a bunch of games when I buy a console and not just one or two, you got a problem with that? What the fuck is your problem?

  3. On 2023-05-18 at 1:59 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

     You mean racist words or phrases? Lmfaocopter racism? Lmfao fuck that. Funny how you empathize with insecure straight men so well you basically described your own prejudice unwittingly. 

    Lmao, it had nothing to do with racism. I said commonly used language. You're so desperate to call other people prejudiced. It's pathetic.


    Radical leftists wouldn't want to offend a fat person. God forbids. Those people are perfect the way they are, eat more ice cream. You are beautiful and healthy. 


    It's modern fascism under the pretext of inclusion. They'll quickly cast you out as fatphobic if you tell them being overweight is unhealthy though. Lmfao. 





  4. On 2023-05-21 at 1:37 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

    We get it, you hate yourself. 

    Wait, are you calling a gay person who doesn't want to associate himself with the rainbow alphabet people an insecure homophobe? :D 


    Bow down to the flag, it's all about intersectional sexualities, you're all part of the same group. 



  5. 59 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Lmfao killed

    Last few things I sold as examples.


    Grandia Strategy Guide for PS1, 60$. Original value, 9,95$. 

    Amiibo Joker Persona 5, 155$. Original value, 25$.

    Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ps4, 75$. Original value, 30$.

    Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth DS, 90$. Original value, 40$. 

    Suikoden 2 PS1, 455$. Original value,19$. 

    Job Simulator PS4, 100$. Original value, 30$. 

    JoJo Bizare Adventure Dreamcast, 255$. Original value 10$. 

    Sonic Adventure 2 Dreamcast, 150$. Original value, 20$. 


    Can anyone explain to me why I shouldn't bother selling my stuff? I make better profit margin than the publishers who made the games for fuck sake.


    Keep renting digital stuff on Hobopass you guys and laugh at people who profit from flipping stuff he already had anyway.


    7 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Horizon’s is absolutely awful. Literally unplayable in smooth turning. 

    I do hear good things about red matter 2. 

    It runs at native 120FPS and apparently it looks pretty damn amazing. 


    I really like the first game for what it's worth. 

  7. 21 hours ago, jehurey said:

    PSVR2 is quite clear.


    In fact, the clarity is what will be able to help you identify re-projection and its inherent flaws.


    When you are driving in Gran Turismo and you see the walls of the track have that red and white striping, and you are zooming really fast, and decide to turn and directly face that wall at high speed, you can practically see 60fps object movement and 120Hz object movement at the same time.


    Its not animating as fast as the screen is displaying, and you can clearly make out the difference. Its the only minor quibble I have with GT7 since its presentation in every else (during the actual race) is awesome.

    That's good to know and doesn't sound too bad. I can't go back to PSVR level of resolution. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    This is why Sony and Nintendo have completely blocked GamePass from entering their platform.


    And why GamePass on PC has absolutely been under-performing.

    And Microsoft is getting desperate and trying to take hostages with these publisher buyouts.


    Gamepass, as a subscription service, will die off if it stays below 50 million. I'm fairly certain that its struggling to move past 30 million right now.


    Sony and Nintendo are hoping to choke it.


    And if Starfield isn't anything special?:banderoos:All of those lemmings who did the $1 conversion trick and going to let their subscriptions die out.

    I can't believe they seriously thought Sony and Nintendo would ever allow them for a MS streaming software platform on their propriety hardware. Do they think they're not competitive or something? If it's such a good business model they'll just make their own with their hardware and softwares, keep all the royalties in the process and hurt the competitor.


    What a bunch of fucking morons, it's like Xbox higher ups are living in la la land, completely delusional and out of touch. 


    Gamepass is actually saved by PC most likely. With just the Xbox platform it would be a guaranteed failure. That's why it's the only somewhat positive news you'll hear about Gamepass in recent memory, PC subscriptions are up! Xbox sales are down! Can you believe this?


    Fucking idiots. I'm dying here. I'm just a mediocre accounting student and I could run their business better with half the budget. I mean think about it, they thought they just had the magic formula that would change the face of the industry and all it did is waste money and damage the perceived values of Xbox software in the eyes of their consumers. 


    Remember when Phil said Gamepass would INCREASE software sales? Can you be more full of shit? 


    I'm dying, Jerry, dying.

    Pee Wee Reaction GIF

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