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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 40 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. It was a solid game, but playing 3 yakuza games in the span of a year has left me pretty fatigued. The series definitely needs an AC Origins caliber reinvention.


    I also started DQXI. After the disappointing Ni No Kuni 2, I hope this succeeds in filling the big budget JRPG gap that we've had this gen.

    I'm enjoying Kiwami 2 more than 6. I'm glad I stopped playing it halfway through and got the better game instead. 


    I also want to avoid series fatigue, but there's no way I'm skipping on Fist of the North Star, combat in that game looks freaking good, plus the usual wacky Yakuza style minigames and side content. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Saucer said:



    GoW is up there with the likes of Legend of Zelda, RE4, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc. It's that good. There's no 'traitor', it deserves nothing but the highest praise. 


    I didn't even expect to like it that much but this is beyond all my expectations. When the lake level of the hub world dropped and I realized the level design is actually way more complex and vast than I ever thought, my jaw dropped. Phenomenal game. If it keeps delivering at this pace this is going to top Bloodborne as my GOTG.


    This might just be the best game of it's type in the entire Playstation history. 

  3. God of War is insanely good, and the game keeps on giving the more you play. Every facet is excellent, the exploration, the combat, the puzzles, everything is well executed and works in unison.


    Truly an incredible game. GOTY no questions asked. 


    I was getting pretty far in Detroit but a nasty bug/glitch locks me on the loading screen. Shame I was getting closed to the end, I regretted a lot of my decisions though so starting again might not be such a bad idea. Pretty good game, there's some great scenes and the overall story is interesting enough, it helps that this is the first Quantic Dream game I've played with good actors and a solid script.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    playing shenmue 2...game did not age well at all :ben:

    I expect to hear that a LOT. 


    I kinda want to play it but there are too many important recent releases I want to play right now. These remasters are way too late, I would have been all over them if they came out a few years before. Now they're pretty irrelevant, too many great new games.

  5. 2 hours ago, Casual said:

    Majima is such a badass. Way better than Kiryu. 


    Did some Dead Cells runs last night. Finally unlocked the random starter weapon which has been nice. Still haven't really put together a great run yet though. 


    Kiryu is pretty boring in most Yakuza games. He's the typical hero that always does the right thing. 


    Majima is fucking boss. His story also connected with me the most in 0. He really makes that game, imo. 

  6. Playing the Valkyria Chronicles 4 demo, it's like none of the sequels to the original ever existed, I felt right at home with the controls and everything. I usually hate rehashes but this is an exception, I fucking love this.


    Characters seems a bit too like anime-ish archetypes but I can probably get over that. The gameplay is damn good. Definite buy.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The hell, the story is awesome. 


    The combat’s not amazing, I’ll agree with you there. I feel like they stripped out too much stuff. Most of the customization, weapons, and environmental objects are gone.

    It has been absolutely boring story wise so far. Nothing really happens. I was about to get the reveal of the barmaid in Hiroshima who apparently did know Haruka but I stopped playing there.


    Should I continue playing or what?

  8. Just now, bhytre said:

    One hit wonder franchise :tom:

    Is Kiwami 2 Yakushit 2's remake? I liked it more than the others I played

    Well, to their defense there's a lot of well done new features to like in 6, it was definitely an improvement, at least on paper. I was thinking of keeping it just for VF5 Final Shodown and Puyo-Puyo arcades. lol But they messed up the core gameplay so that's just unacceptable.


    Yeah Kiwami 2 is the remake of the second game with tons of new story moment (Majima is playable). But it seems to carry a lot of the issues I have with 6.


    Man, all it took to bring it all down was a new graphics engine and physics... Embarrassing. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Casual said:

    Finally got around to starting Yakuza 0. Game is legit, it definitely feels different than anything I've played before. The map seems so small but damn is it packed with shit to do...I keep getting sidetracked by minigame stuff though, spent like an hour at the batting cage last night. Just on Chapter 2 of the story trying to get some info about these real estate dudes. 

    Finally. :) The story is really good once it picks up, you'll see. Majima also have his own hub city to explore, which is also dense and filled with content.


    And make sure to do the sidequests, some of them are hilarious. The dominatrix one made me laugh so hard I was in tears. It's priceless.

  10. For every new improvement Yakuza 6 has made to it's formula, it's also taking one step back in another regard. The ragdoll physic based combat is fucking awful. 


    I love a lot of the new stuff though, the ability to move around in first person, the expanded locations, no loading times when entering buildings, the leveling up system, the phone apps, the new graphics engine, etc, etc.


    But the unstable 30FPS sucks big time after 0, the intro was overly long and tedious for no good reason, and the combat sucks as previously mentioned.


    The side quests are fun though so far at least. And this has to have one of the best minigames collection to date in the series. A full arcade version of VF5 Final Showdown alone is amazing.

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