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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 minute ago, bhytre said:

    Finished Alien Isolation a few days ago, loved it. Sick atmosphere throughout the game and amazing use of sound.

    Quite lengthy too with a bit too much filler, navigating around gets confusing at some parts since there's not much handholding in the game.

    Worst thing about the game is that you can get randomly killed by the alien sometimes, which is unavoidable if he happens to spawn too close to you and you have nowhere to hide and can't outrun it. So you need to save often if you don't like losing progress.


    Still loved the experience.


    Played Sniper Elite 3, first time I tried the franchise. Godly to see how enemies get BTFO by your shots but otherwise it's too simple and arcadey, shelved it after the first 3 levels.


    Now actually playing Polish trash :will: 

    I figured I'd have to eventually try the game I bashed for so long :tom: The combat is seriously trash though, Jesus Christ  :mj: 

    Change the movement to alternate method in the options menu by the way, makes it feel less like a PC port.


    Witcher 3 is great for it's story, characters, quests, dialogues, player choices, music, etc. The gameplay simply isn't great and it never really gets better from what you have already experienced early on.

  2. Beat Bloodstained Curse of the Moon. The last stage fucking sucked but otherwise it was alright. 


    Still, I could have lived without. 6.5/10


    Beat Wolfenstein II. I put the difficulty on the easiest difficulty (something I rarely ever do) because the difficulty is poorly balanced. Even with overcharged health and full armor you still die in a matter of seconds, while everyone are bullet sponges. The worst is when an explosion drop BJ on his ass, you're guaranteed to die before he can even get back up. This game doesn't know if it wants to be an old school FPS like Duke Nukem or a modern FPS a la CoD. The hybrid design choices only hurts the game. The story also started to falter a bit during the end.


    I loved it for it's story and meaty singleplayer campaign but it has too many gameplay quirks that needs to be addressed. 7.5/10

  3. The Persistence. Had a lot of fun with this but as usual with roguelike once the game stopped introducing new stuff and devolves into a grind, I lose interest. Really cool game but it needs more environment and enemies variety.


    Horizon Zero Dawn. Awesome game so far but I'm still early.


    Wolfenstein 2. Almost done with this. I'm gonna rush it to the end and avoid the filler missions but I intend to give this another playthrough to see all the story moments (can't do that in one run). I'm on Venus... Lmao, the game owns.


    SEGA Genesis Classics on PSVR is awesome. I want more classic compilations with a VR mode like this. Made me feel like a kid hunched in front of his old CRTV. It's perfect for a nostalgia trip back in time.

  4. 5 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    I hadn't played VR in quite a while so got that feeling of awe again. Bound especially had me just looking around at the views. Beautiful game. PSVR is awesome!

    I kinda lost that feeling of novelty and awe since I play it so much. 


    But there are still some games that manages to impress me every now and then. Most notably Moss.

  5. 21 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Okay so been playing a bunch of smaller stuff over the last few days.

    Finally got my PSVR hooked up again and played:

    Wipeout (amazing, crazy how this was a free update)

    Finished Mortal Blitz (typical Time Crisis type game)

    Bound (visually stunning in VR but no idea wtf is going on)


    Also been playing a bunch of smaller titles, the one I'm enjoying most being _Observer. Awesome setting and atmosphere.





    Bound visuals are fucking amazing in VR.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ike said:

    I have The Inpatient. I like the story, atmosphere and the setting but goddamn the gameplay is awful. :scared:

    I'll give it a second spin some day. The PS moves controls were pure fail. Which is weird since Rush of Blood, while not the best tracking, worked overall really well. 


    The PS Aim was also shit in Bravo Team apparently. I'm not sure what happened but I suspect Sony rushed both games out the door.

  7. 4 hours ago, Ike said:

    Finished Rush of Blood. Amazing experience and a wonderful VR experience and only $15.




    I'm probably going to move on to Danganronpa 1-3 as my next games.

    Fuck yeah. Preach it. :juggle:  


    It's worth mentioning that Rush of Blood is a launch title for the PSVR, they really nailed it on their first go and at the price it is now it's just perfect. An essential PSVR game. 

  8. 1 hour ago, bhytre said:

    Jon you can buy more space for chips at the resistance camp, when you enter it go straight to the female merchant to the right. She also sells programs for your pod. 

    I'd keep some of the items you find for weapon upgrades, if you gonna do that a lot you'll need the items you find. 

    Machine cores from destroying enemies (10k) and the stuff you can catch when fishing are safe to sell.

    You'll eventually learn which chips to sell as well. Some take a lot of space and have a number behind them that represents it (like 10 or 11 for early game chips) 

    Eventually as you progress and defeat enemies you'll find the same kind of chips with a number as low as 4, taking less space and enabling you to use more different chips at the same time

    The chip system is fucking ownage. I had almost forgotten.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Casual said:

    Man I forgot how amazing Horizon was. The world they've built is damn incredible, even on a base PS4. 


    Kinda pissed at myself that I stopped halfway through because I forgot quite a bit of the story details...it's kinda coming back though. I'm nearing the end of the main story now I think. Just uncovered what Zero Dawn was all about and now I'm headed back to Aloy's home cause sounds like buddy went and fucked it up. 


    I'm pretty hyped to jump into Frozen Wilds. Love a good snow environment and this game does that great...and entire DLC focused on that sounds great to me. 


    Got a decent amount of side content left to do too, I've only really been focusing on story missions for the last half of the game. Any of the content that's specifically worth doing? Cauldrons? Hunting Club?


    I might just do a NG+ run at some point. This is probably in my top 5 for the gen. 

    The GOTY edition is $30 CAD, I need to get on that shit asap.


    But MHW is taking all my free time. Addictive as fuck too.  :scared: 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Where are you? It sounds like you're at the home stretch, you might as well try to finish it.


    Sucks to hear though, IIRC you were a big fan of the first one. 2 is definitely one of the more underwhelming big games i've played this year.

    There's no doubt the first game was better than this, even if it had it's faults too. This is just not enjoyable anymore.

  11. Just now, bhytre said:

    It's almost depressing when I take the headset off sometimes, it's like "oh back to real life now:mjcry:



    I want that Creed boxing game next:bate:

    Those slow mo punches in Creed will be awesome.


    And Survios is probably the best emergent VR studio right now. Raw Data and Sprint Vector were excellent games with great production values. They know what they're doing.

  12. 1 hour ago, bhytre said:

    Yeah first time, I only played the demo before on flatscreen. 

    Peeking works well but is kinda uncomfortable when sitting down on my sofa, or trying to look back. It's too much work :TJ:

    I'll try it standing up next time, read some reviews where they recommend this. 

    Also got that RE7 4D candle that I will light up, and a small fan blowing wind in my room. Total immersion :smoke:



  13. 2 hours ago, bhytre said:

    Started RE7 in VR :dame:

    I haven't built proper VR tolerance yet and the graphics are quite downgraded but this is pretty amazing already. 

    Walking through a sewer, water feels like it's almost against your lips and the reflections/riplles look real enough, then a dead body emerges right in front of your face :dame:

    And this is just the very beginning :finkle:

    First time playing? I wish I did the same. Kinda spoiled myself playing it in flatscreen.


    The best thing about RE7 VR is when you hide behind something, pull out your head to see something and you get spotted by Margerite/Jack. It's scary as fuck.

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