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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 1 hour ago, saltyhermitdenial said:

    I'm done with deus ex mankind divided. this game fucking OWNS. it's a pretty well made sequel I felt right at home after human revolution. 


    prague is huge as fuck I didn't even have time to explore everything. main story and character progression was a bit weak for my taste......


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    but maybe its because i was only 6 hours in until my fucking save game kept crashing while loading. fuck this game and my pc. it ran smooth though 40fps on high settings


    was somewhere in the sewers in prague it crashed 4 times, the older saves work fine but I'm too lazy to replay all of it so fuck it. I need a new rig


    I played the game without patches on PS4 and it crashed like twice during the whole game. 


    PC gaming blows. :juggle: 

  2. Beat the second boss in Moonlighter. Ownage game. The gameplay loop of dungeon runs and managing your store is super addictive.


    Bought To The Top for PSVR but hardly had time to play it. Seems like ownage though. Great image quality too even on base PS4.


    Still working on LA Noire every now and then. Still love the game, I'm almost done with the homicidal cases.

  3. 4 hours ago, Saucer said:

    I'm finally playing through Breath of the Wild and it really is a Beth/Ubi open world game. I've already put five hours into it and haven't gotten to a main dungeon yet. I think I like tighter pacing with Zelda games. I definitely don't like how weapons are made out of glass and the busy work it creates. 

    Sounds terrible. 10/10.

  4. 2 hours ago, roflpwnedz said:

    You weren't kidding. Got up to 26 then had to spend a week farming lower levels. I don't know if i'll even get to 40. Bought GTA V for PS4. Need to change it up. I feel like an mmorpg addict again.

    The difficulty spike is retarded and getting good armors and weapons takes forever. It's a dumb F2P game trying to get you to pay up.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    The fake chat log during the videos is funny as well. The messages remind me of stuff some of the people here would say :D 


    Btw I think you’ll really like the story. It doesn’t seem as intricate and complex as 0, but there’s a lot of interesting stuff in it. The new characters are quite likeable as well. 



    No doubt, it looks awesome. I saw the cutscene where they throw the baby in the air, I laughed so hard.

  6. 5 hours ago, roflpwnedz said:

    Beat Yakuza Kiwami. 


    Tried to get back into Bloodborne but damn, I don't know how it went from being like crack to being so fucking boring. Let it Die has taken it's place, but I don't know if it'll last. 

    It won't. Let It Die turns into a hardcore grind halfway through. Bloodborne is a piece of cake in comparison.

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  7. Tried the PS+ games for this month.


    Rime looks beautiful but is pretty boring to play. Not much besides simple platforming, exploration and puzzles. Don't think I will play this.


    Grand Kingdom, huge surprise, this SRPG/turn based hybrid is actually pretty boss. The presentation is simple but it works, the turn based combat system is awesome though. I will definitely play more. 


    Got Knack but I'm keeping this one for local coop, in case me and my bud ever get that desperate to play something. :laff:  

  8. 9 hours ago, Sabo said:

     Online is busted as fuck. Servers keep shitting themselves, can't stay in a lobby for longer than 20 minutes before you get disconnected. I've lost connection during 3 matches now. I've only played 5 total matches... 


    No way to invite friends or create a private room either. The only thing you can do is set up a Ring Match and have it password protected but the system flat out doesn't work. Every time you try to join the room you get a "No room found" error. We tried switching around who was host, tried password/no password, tried different settings, nothing worked. Namco Bandai has addressed that this is an issue and they're "working" on it but they said the same shit during the beta.


    The beta was a very good representation of the final product, the online barely functions. It's one of the worst online experiences I've had with a fighting game this gen, and it's surprising because ASW knocked it out of the park with GG Xrd and BB. How the hell did they allow this game, the game with so much hype, to fall so far below their own standards is beyond me. My guess is Namco Bandai forced ASW to rush the game out the gate.

    Damn. The beta sucked but it was a beta so I let it slide. Goddamnit. 

  9. 19 hours ago, bhytre said:

    OG XBOX B)

    Reading the last few pages I'm not surprised people liked The Evil Within 2.

    What a godly game :juggle:


    As for me I need to finish painting and redecorating my room so I can play games again, everything is in disorder right now. Got RE7 Gold and just want to finally try my PSVR, I think I've had it for 3 months now and I still haven't set it up lol. 


    Also bought Xenoblade 2 as my first Switch game but I will wait until the inevitable system revision releases to get one. The current Switch and its docking bay is butt ugly and not allowed in my castle. 




    Is it going to be the first time you play RE7? Because if that's the case then I envy you, I wish I had waited until I got my headset before playing it.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    About to wrap up my Death March playthrough in Witcher 3. It was only tough in the beginning, once you hit around level 15 and start equipping Witcher gear I didn't even notice the difficulty anymore. Alchemy is stupid good, it's no wonder so many people rock a Combat/Alchemy build. It's an easy mode build.

    More like level 8-10. Fighting a pack of wolves in the early beginning is tougher than some of the late game boss fights. The game is poorly balanced difficulty wise.

    • Like 1
  11. Getting close to the end in FFXII. Wow, I don't think I could ever replay this game without the fast forward function now. XII was so poorly paced at time, especially if you start backtracking for monster hunts.


    Still a fantastic game. in many ways, so flawed in others, still a brilliant game though. Especially if you like a good narrative in your JRPGs, one that doesn't make you cringe and want to kill yourself. The dialogues are so good, easily the best writing in a Final Fantasy title. Still to this day. The voice acting is WAY better than what followed (XIII, XV).

  12. 3 hours ago, kokujin said:

    I only played 1 or 2 hours max. I agree perhaps the game should have gotten a 9. Hype KILLS anything, especially for me.


    I'd have to see some real variety and fun in the oveoverworld to not be disappointed.  I'll try n play it within a year before it's forgotten.


    BUT WHY THE FUCK IS RUN AND JUMP VERTICALLY SPLIT?? Anyone else's cranial split as soon as they found that out?? I've never seen a fucking game ever do that.  

    I used to be like that when I first joined SW in 2006. I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago tho. Hype can't kill anything for me now, I make my own hype and I won't know for certain until I try the game for myself.

  13. 8 hours ago, kokujin said:

    Played the first couple or 1 hour of BOTW.  Boring.  Something tells me the overworld doesn't get too complex in variety. Green hills and mobs.  The first couple shrines were all the same color too.  Hoping to play the game later once the hype dies down and I might enjoy it.

    ''but bu David it's the highest rated game of the year by hundreds of reviewers, it's impossible for the game to be overrated, so it has to be fantastic'' -Kokujin two weeks ago


    ''Played the first couple or 1 hour of BOTW.  Boring.'' -Kokujin two weeks later.


    Well, at least you can come up to your own conclusions yourself. I respect that. :juggle: 



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  14. 3 hours ago, kokujin said:

    I'm officially playing Valkerie Chroicles PS3 remake.  In Japponees. This military contract vocab is getting easier and easier to recognize. I'm la shit!

    I fucking loved that game. S-ranked all the missions.


    Not sure why you're calling it a remake tho. It was the start of a new IP. Unfortunately the series went to shit real fast.


    Oh wait, are you talking about Valkyria Azure Revolution? That's not a remake either. 

    • Like 1
  15. %80 of side minigames in Kiwami is taken straight from 0, sure everything is a tad better but it's all reused assets. There's also a lot less minigames too.


    0 has a whole other district to explore and two playable characters so whatever all the little improvements you can name from Kiwami, it all pales compare to that.


    Plus Yakuza 1 original story is garbo, so no. The only good stuff were the added scenes with Nishiki and Majima. 


    0 > Kiwami. Sit down.

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