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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    Playing through FF XVI right after Sea of Stars just makes me appreciate Sea of Stars so much more. I was already high on Sea of Stars, I think it's great. A legit 8/10.


    But the juxtaposition between it and FF XVI just really highlights how great of a JRPG Sea of Stars truly is. It's not even a competition, when it comes to being a JRPG Sea of Stars is leagues above FF XVI.


    Hell, I think FF XVI is such a bad JRPG its making me look at Octopath Traveler II differently and got me thinking, "Damn, maybe I was too hard on you".


    I'm definitely going to have to give Octopath Traveler II a second chance.

    Octopath 2 is good. DioField Chronicles is great. The last Star Ocean seemed alright but I barely played it due to bad performance on my PC.


    They're so scared with their main projects, they want to appeal to a huge demographic but it comes off as lame JRPG. KH4, whenever that is coming out will most likely suck as well.

  2. 4 hours ago, Sabo said:

    Sheesh... FF XVI is seriously like 70% cutscenes/talking and 30% gameplay. The gameplay that is present is basic as fuck.


    The combat system is so mid, the level design is linear as fuck, the quest design is formulaic as hell, the RPG systems are nonexistant, and to top it all off- the game is brain dead easy.


    I didn't have high expectations to begin with but this is so much worse than I thought it would be.

    I called out the two biggest flop this year and I was barely paying attention. :juggle:  Square is a terrible dev, period. So no surprise. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Some people in their transitional journey might have top surgery, but still have their born with genitalia intact or be on their hormone therapy stage. It's a sort of caveat to navigate potentially confusing or awkward social interactions or they dont feel they're at the stage to present fully as the gender they are transitioning to or from.  See how everything these people is suspicious or worthy of mocking in your eyes? Nuance doesn't exist, there are no well meaning people. They are all scamming or desperate attention whores with fragile emotions.

    Well, that does make sense, I must say, for once. 


    19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    We've bickered over the same two or three topics for over a year and a half. I got all the deets I need.

    Don't remind me. I'll say this last one thing in my own defense. I'm not as politicized in real life as you might think. I'd much rather talk about history, at least that's something I'm actually passionate about. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    There's a number of reasons why some people identify as non-binary and it's not necessarily because they don't think they are male or female in  terms biology, but have in relation societal expectations of female humans vs male humans based on gender. I see chuds all the time saying "so they are tomboys, or androgenous...why not say that?" and it's like maybe an adult woman doesn't want to be called "Tom boy" like she's in the fucking 5th grade. 

    This is ridiculous. Don't like being called a tom boy or an effeminate men so I am neither? Makes perfect sense. So this is just to accommodates snowflakes, based on your description there. 


    The other language that evolved over time makes perfect sense. PTSD is just the new established medical term, that concept wasn't a thing before modern warfare.


    Your forced compliance into non sensical improper use of already established words doesn't make any sense.


    6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Some do, everything has to be so black and white with you people to the point of making it impossible to ever actually make any growth or discovery. Also it's you people who tie all of this together because y'all have no actual principles. 


    It's just "everything woke is bad", and to you guys woke is black ppl, women, gays, and trans ppl. 


    Queer is basically anyone not straight. Again, IT'S NOT THAT HARD. 

    I'm transitioning into a non binary. This just keep getting better and more nonsensical. :pavarotti: 


    Why make up another term to describe homosexuals? The first two letter of the alphabet people wasn't enough? Oh wait, it's to accommodate the weirdos who claim they are neither. I'm a tom boy who like girls so therefore I identify as non binary and queer. :hest:


    9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    That's because you have no ideological consistency. When talking about a generic rhetorical Trans person, you assume all of the worst about them. I've been pointing that out loud to you for over a year now. 


    You'll die on a mountain defending credible racist, misogynist, and transphobes but even a teenager in the process of transitioning is simply a grifter trying to exploit girls. 


    You can't conceive and earnest trans person existing... Unless they wee already your friend I suppose. 

    I'm not bashing any trans in particular here. This scenario is in your head only. 


    You're very quick to come to conclusions of people despite lacking any sort of conclusive evidence. That's because you're a bigot, unable to cope with opinions that challenges your established notions and your toxic false ideologies. 


    What is ideological consistency? To think you're right all the time. I'll pass. I change and evolve over time. Who I was 10 years ago is not the same man I am nowt. Only a complete imbecile would think he has figured out everything. You keep throwing that shit around like it mean something and I laugh every single time. I'm consistent in my wrong beliefs, therefore I'm right and better than you. 


    You can fuck right off from your self made high pedestal. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, z,warrior said:

    I bet the natives who died dont think these superior advancements brought to America were so great, because it is exactly like grandpa not giving a shit about tiktok. YOU may think its an "advancement", to them it was cultural genocide. And yes that tribe is protected to prevent colonizers like yourself and that idiot who died forcing himself and Jesus on these islanders who dont give a shit about hearing how great Jesus or your technological advancements would be for them. Not every human wishes to participate in your "superior" western world paradise, millions have died rejecting it in fact. Get that through your thick head.

    They gladly traded their bows for muskets, they gladly used the Europeans medicine which cured basic sickness that used to kill them, they gladly traded their huts to live in the cities and more comfortable housing, they gladly adopted European style farming which avoided starvation during bad hunting seasons. 


    Plumbing and electricity is not cultural genocide. No members of the first nations of Canada wants to live in primitive squalor, they want the same stuff as everyone else. This is your hippie imaginary pipedream. :kaz: 


    You can have your own culture and enjoy first world quality of living, the two aren't mutually exclusives.


  6. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:


    Nothing is 'normal' about referring to an individual as "y'all" but people in the south have been doing it for over a hundred years and the world is still spinning. 


    It's odd but people acting like it's breaking their brains is as charming like a rotting corpse. 




    Lol yes it does. It's a deep seated thing. He even mentioned gender once or twice in his rant, and not grammar a single time. He later uploaded this reaction to a female clone of a male donor. So as futuristic and sci-fi as possible, but since it's a female clone based off a male character 




    I'm referring to my own statements. I'm not that guy. Dude is dying over a clone? :D At least that's part of the game mythos, I have no issue with that.


    I don't believe non binary is even a thing. To pretend you are neither female or male or both is nonsense. Trans aren't identifying as non binary seeing as they want to be the other sex which is why I'm saying my posts had nothing to do with trans people. I also still haven't figured out what is supposed to be a queer person. 


    You need to stop thinking everything I say come from deep resentment. It really isn't. My best friend could come out as trans and I wouldn't change a thing. 

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