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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 31 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    That is literally not. And you're a fucking moron for thinking that. Mass murdering thousands of children is not the same as forcing children to go to Catholic schools. They are bad but not equals. Don't be stupid 

    A very damaging fake narrative pushed by the left gets debunked but somehow it's the right wingers that are liars and insunuating fake narratives. I love the lack of common sense and logic. 😂

  2. 5 minutes ago, z,warrior said:

    Good for them for having “superior” technology no one cares for bro. You think old people give a shit that young people are obsessed with the new technology they don’t care to learn at all before they die? No one cares.

    First we were talking about in historical context, I'm referring to the the colonizers who brought great advancements to the Americas. This is not about Grandpa using TikTok.


    You're not purposefully being stupid, you just are.


    That tribe is protected from outside interference. You have no tangible arguments. Go grift to people who don't know their history, you won't fool me. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    IT'S A CREATE A CHARACTER, dumb bitch. WTF? The player is tasked with exactly creating what they want. Some people make extreme opposites of themselves. some people make their avatars look like they do irl, some people try to create pop culture icons. NOTHING has been forced. You dislike trans and queer people so much youre like "this is stupid but also he's right." lmfao

    There's nothing normal about referring to an individual as they. I've played thousands of games with created character and I never, ever seen the pronoun They. This is nothing but a political statement to affirm non binary people.


    This has nothing to do with trans. Better luck next time. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, z,warrior said:

    You’re not trying to pass yourself as a superior being and right after saying that, you say Europeans were more advanced (aka to you, superior) than the natives when who gives a flying fuck what one culture has and another doesn’t, how about let people live how they choose to without forcing your so called “superior” culture on them because you feel like they would all want to live like you



    And yes there is a tribe in an island near India so isolated because it will kill any westerner like you that would dare try to come to their land to convert them to your “superior” ways that they don’t want to have forced down their throats like the colonizers did around the world, which you condone. 

    Superior in technology, that is abundantly clear from my statements and it's factual. The old world was nowhere near the advancement in science or any other field of study. Are you purposefully being stupid? 


    Like I said, even some of the most hardcore natives like the Inuit still want access to plumbing and electricity. Many first nations pay no taxes or reduced taxes. 


    They are still plenty of natives who cling to their old ways and no one is forcing them to adopt to anything. I'm positive the tribe you are referring to are actually protected by UNESCO. You're living in lala land that you made up in your head. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Barring how stupid your logic is here, Plenty of games refer to individuals as they/them because players can create a male/female character and many games wouldn't have male/female pronouns specific dialog. Nothing was done to anyone, nothing lossed of forced upon anybody. 


    Stop trying to normalize they/them to refer to an individual. It's not going to work. :pavarotti: 


    53 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Yes, I agree. That is why I made this thread to talk about these right wing psychos that act like this is some war being waged upon them. Funny how you guys are blind to anything right wing all of the time. 

    I find the reaction just as ridiculous as you. Like I said, that wouldn't affect me.


    54 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    So the white guy dont do this too? Even in stupid shit like a fucking Barbie movie? Again, you're not hung up on people complaining about representation, you're bothered by particular groups of people being represented. 

    It wasn't a comment about race. Not every work of fiction as to reflect the current reality and represent everyone. No arguments will ever make me change my mind on that subject.


    55 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Japanese people are pretty racist. 

    Did you just generalize for 120m people calling them racists? 


    57 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    If you're talking about JRPGS that's pretty funny since most of the  characters in those games dont look Asian at all. Hell most Japanese games/manga/anime have White passing visual designs so this point isn't even actually true. 

    While that's true. They still look effeminate because they follow Japanese beauty standards and in no way do I feel represented by such characters, which was the point I was making. You can like a character that is the complete opposite of yourself, crazy I know. 


    Stop trying to seeing your pathetic self in work of fictions. It's like the western devs making women with zero sex appeal on purpose. As if Lara Croft never appealed to women. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    It's usually the the culture with better weapons/armies that have their culture adopted by other cultures. 

    We also adopted parts of theirs. You do realize our territories are name after natives names, right? My ancestors rode canoe to go fur hunting deep into Quebec usually accompanied by natives. It's not just a matter of weapons. The early colonizers didn't have it easy and each culture brought forward their best and inter mixed. I hate this new trend of trying to paint all of our ancestors as destroyers of cultures when most of them were just trying to survive. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:




    It's always some untrustworthy, deceitful, or subjugation to the left or trans people or somethings. In your mind they couldn't have possibly put that in there simply to make it more inclusive in a non mechanical feature that doesn't impact the game except making the CAC seem a bit more robust. 


    :pavarotti: Oh please. 


    When we have made-up pronouns like They/Them referring to a single individual you know the whole thing is untrustworthy and deceitful by default.


    Only deeply mentally unstable individuals gives a shit about pronouns. I played Bethesda games as female characters in the past. I didn't freak out when I was called a she in game.


    This is meant to appeal to the overly sensitive snowflakes that needs every work fiction to perfectly reflect real life or they cry about it on the internet. Nothing more. Mah representashion! 


    Reminds me of FFXVI developers being called racists because there are not enough people of color in it.


    I spent most of my childhood playing JRPG with a bunch of queer looking Asian models saving the world. I never felt like any of them represented me. I still loved those games. Amazing I know, a kid who doesn't need every part of a work of fiction to cater to his every whim. 


  8. 6 hours ago, z,warrior said:

    Wtf is this mentality? You really think you are a better human being than one living in an isolated tribe today?

    Are you high? Where do you get that I was trying to pass myself as a superior being? It's just a fact Europeans were far more advanced than the natives. 


    6 hours ago, z,warrior said:

    Could you survive their environment the way they survive theirs?

    We did. That's why we're here.  Montreal and Quebec were just small villages at first. Hell, the first wave that stayed in Montreal all died during the winter. Not a single person was left alive. 


    6 hours ago, z,warrior said:

    Human cultures all around the world are and should be diverse, we should definitely not all live under one form of civilization and one form of hive mind thinking…

    Never said anything about culture. I can guarantee you not a single native people wants to live in huts without electricity and plumbing. 


    What, should have we never traded in muskets and let them fend off for themselves with bows? Lol. You're just a grifter, desperate to make colonialism looks worse than it actually was. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    It's fine to enjoy your lifestyle and and modern conveniences but you legit celebrated colonialism, unironically. Tribal cannibalism aside, which seemingly claimed of nearly every tribal group from north, central, and south American. 


    At a basic level, in a bubble, what gave them the right to enforce their culture on other people? 

    Two tribes fought alongside us to fight back the English imperialists pigs. In fact Quebec would have never stood in defiance without the help of the natives. We lived in somewhat harmony together, believe it or not.


    We have nothing to hide away from in our history books and when you bring a more advanced culture, you can expect the more primitive people to adopt parts of it. They still have their identity as a people and no one is trying to take it away from them.


    The way their communities were treated by the Federal/Provincial Government in more recent times is something else entirely and far more problematic than the white men arriving to North America and building colonies than endured and thrived. 

  10. Just now, Mr. Impossible said:


    How many games have you fill in information that never gets used again? Like the characters name or first name? Pluse we ALL USE PRONOUNS anyway or have them used in reference to us. People are acting like pronouns are descriptors no one uses but woke queer people. Like you never say "Where is she?" "I called him.", You dont expect to be called him or he by someone at some point? It's a thing because people keep telling you it's a thing. 

    I understand uses of pronouns. lol This isn't a big deal.


    I think I know why it's there though. Because they'd receive complaints if it wasn't. That's about the extent of it, it's not there to incorporate modern ideology in in a smart way that enhanced the work of fiction. It's just there to follow and obey the current ideology. That's all I'm saying, I don't really give a shit, that wouldn't affect my enjoyment at all.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    It's a retarded sentiment. Every work of fiction is based on some real world allegory. You'd have to go to like HP Lovecraft to find shit that is completely bonkers outside of our world. There's almost always some sort of moral message as well as details that we need to understand the world we're experience or it's not actually possible to be immersed. I dont know much about Starfield but it doesn't seem to be some abstract world that is vastly alien to humanity. It just seems to be in the future with space travel. It's also pretty fucking dishonest to claim real world influences completely break immersion of enjoyment. Like Twinblade claimed an entire season of a show was ruined for him because in one episode, covid was mentioned one time for like 20 seconds. That same week he was belly laughing at how enjoyable an episode of another show was because they were bagging on woke people. No immersion broken, he didn't like a group of people and enjoyed seeing them mocked. It's people who can't accept views that they dont abide by. 


    Some idiot on Twitter bugged me about how he was taken out of Top Gun 2 when one of the new pilot recruits was a pretty latina. He wasn't taken out of the story of a 60 year old air force pilot who then engages in a ground fight as well. He could could accept and believe that, because it was a straight white man. It's a weird level of cope and insecurity that's been growing at a cancerous rate since probably gamergate and only gotten worse with the cross pollination of MAGA/AntiWoke/redpill/manosphere/PUA/Gamergate/Snydercut  people. Like these freaks can play games where you can be an ork, cyborg, robot, alien, wizard. elf, or whatever have same sex marriages, interspecies relationships but a pronoun that never gets brought up again in game is a great slight to the them?  

    Of course real life influence seeps in world of fictions. But it doesn't have to be so blatant and in your face. In this case, it's not even a part of the game universe as far as I can tell. It's just there to please real life modern ideology/sensibilities. I have no issue when it's well integrated. 

  12. :D 


    He sort of has a point. Bethesda RPG are the ultimate escapism fantasy. That's the whole point of their game existence, it's true role play in the truest sense of the word. You don't want to me reminded of real life modern politics in your fictional setting. Granted I don't know much about Starfield universe but it would feel very out of place in Elderscrolls or Fallout.


    But then again, I had a LGBTQ flag in Fallout 76 for the longest time. The LGBT flags are free and automatically equip if you get them. Lmao. That sure as fuck didn't stop me from playing but I understand not wanting that immersion breaking shit in your games. It has no place in it. 

  13. 1 hour ago, z,warrior said:

    Fuck yeah that means Natives were never bothered by Whites at all for their land, cause where’s the proof amirite

    Oh no, bringing thousands of years of advancements in science, writing and medicine to primitive people who killed each other tribes for sport before the evil white man came to Canada and build fortified cities, roads, aqueducts, sewers and bridges instead of living like semi nomads in huts.  

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