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System Warrior
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Everything posted by MNDWSH

  1. Hope I can be as cool as bluesmoke one day. Such great time management skills!
  2. I really liked it, it's just too long a game to support the variety of combat the game offers. You end up getting really strong and nothing really changes about the gameplay. The AI is pretty bad and the environments just don't look good. It's like WoW world design. Great game but i think it deserved it's AA status.
  3. I live on a busy street and someone found it outside at a party. they just sat it up there and it's been there since :] widow's peak
  4. Yeah it's really no frills. You gotta prepare your pawn's lineup perfectly or choose one with only the skills you need for the current quest. not much hand holding in DD. you can build something completely uneffective.
  5. Should of specified animation which are incredible for a game like this. But I also dig the monster design and gritty-ness of the world. Although some may consider it "generic"
  6. I bought the game, beat it, then sold it for $40. Getting dark arisen at some point. DD is so underrated. Great combat, graphics, and scope. It' just takes forever to travel places.
  7. DD actually has some pretty interesting setups. Rouges have a "cancel" move that interrupts the current animation, allowing for some crazy combos with the right setup. also, the leveling is setup in such a way that upgrading weapons/gaining levels can make you substantially more powerful quickly. --------------- I just bought FC3 Blood Dragon. Shit's boss.
  8. trying to remember if all the girls posted were ugly. they were all pretty cute but my gf was the tall brunette. ;) yoga instructor
  9. Been unemployed since I got back from traveling Australia, so far I've played... Bioshock infinite ni no kuni dmc mgr tomb raider dead space 3 in the past month. I'm gonna write some short reviews when i finish the last two this week ;)
  10. snuck in a pic of my gf on sw witout getting flamed. photoalbum posting lvl 99
  11. Thanks bud ;) My buddy greg with the long hair on the left, can't stop laughing at his expression hahah
  12. Lollipop chainsaw is fucking awful. How they managed to fuck it up is beyond me.
  13. You are getting old son. Yet I bang girls of all ages. My style works just fine thanks, and I don't need to have conversations all day with multiple women. shit's lame, but maybe this generation of beta males enjoy it. believe it or not girls appreciate a phone call, it shows confidence and is a nice change from the man-children who only communicate when they can think about what they're going to say. I call with purpose and authority, and the women bow to it. EDIT - I'm not against texting in general, just if you're maintaining conversations in order to make things more comfortable
  14. You are getting old son. Yet I bang girls of all ages. My style works just fine thanks, and I don't need to have conversations all day with multiple women. shit's lame, but maybe this generation of beta males enjoy it. believe it or not girls appreciate a phone call, it shows confidence and is a nice change from the man-children who only communicate when they can think about what they're going to say. I call with purpose and authority, and the women bow to it. EDIT - I'm not against texting in general, just if you're maintaining conversations in order to make things more comfortable
  15. "text game" jesus fucking christ. Just call her when you wnt to hang out, or txt her to make plans. start this bullshit you call flirting in person. Fuck you kids are insane these days with thse txt conversations.
  16. Were black people allowed? Or did they just play the piano. My roommate is black, and he ironically worked the music for the latter half of the evening.
  17. Threw a 1930's style party over the long weekend, someone grabbed this shot of me.
  18. I have posted many then this post doesn't concern you directly
  19. don't faggots understand that if you want to talk shit post your damn pic. Nothing screams "im an ugly insecure bitch" like hating on looks without having the balls to put your own face on the chopping block.
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