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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 50 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    wait, really? i need to read the review.



    "The world is also conspicuous for its ethnic homogeneity, which producer Naoki Yoshida has explained as a reflection of the "geographical, technological, and geopolitical constraints" of medieval Europe. Leaving aside the fact that there were Black and brown people in medieval Europe, this justification rings hollow given that several locations take open inspiration from north Africa and the Middle East, with towns that, for example, riff on Islamic architectural traditions and attire, but are predominantly or exclusively populated by anglophone white people (I hedge, here, simply because I haven't been around and talked to everybody). I find the deletion of people of colour from these spaces more sinister than the racial stereotypes of older Final Fantasies, particularly in a game that wants to talk about overcoming structural injustice and bringing people together. That "togetherness" is worth fighting for, but it's characterised here by what it excludes. "


    jesus... :|


    And the best part is, all of the eurogamer staff are the white woke type :D diversity for thee but not for me as usual.

    • dead 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I’ll admit some of my steam deck hate was unwarranted. But I think the Ally is the most well executed of this type of system based one what I’ve seen and experienced, eventhough it suffers from some of the same issues in regards to battery life. And as I’ve already said, once you get things set up on the Ally you can pretty much forget that its even a windows based device since most of your navigation and inputs while be through ASUS’ front end tools like armory crate and the command center.

    Also, it’s pretty unfair how biased many game journalists have been towards the Ally. For example, GB was constantly creaming themselves over the Deck when it released but they’ve been silent on the Ally and have had 0 coverage on it. Just completely unreasonable and feels like an attempt for steam fanboys to limit the Ally’s sales potential.

    Well at least you concede they all have the same downsides. :fblike:


    I wouldnt look too into the lack of attention. Steamdeck is niche, and the Ally even far more niche. Also Steamdeck came first and was from Valve, it was always going to get more attention than the Ally. I don't think anybody is ignoring the Ally on purpose  it's fine for what it is it's probably just not getting the clicks they want.


    The fanboying over all these devices is ridiculous imo.

  3. 6 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Im not sure if you still post on gaf but I noticed in the Ally thread everyone who has both devices pretty much agrees that the Ally shits on the Deck :D 

    You've been hating on the deck since day one.


    Then you went out of your way to find a steamdeck killer even though you hated everything about handheld pcs. Wasted hundreds on an ayaneo only to have buyers remorse :rofls:


    Now you waste hundreds more on this. Sure its more powerful with a higher res screen, but you said yourself windows on a handheld is a bit shit, and the battery life is also shit, and there are some bugs in the software.


    But congrats after 2 years of searching you finally found a device you prefer over the steamdeck.....which is weird because you always sound like a jilted lover when discussing this console.


    You should have just got the steamdeck :sass1:Its pretty obvious you have feelings for it.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Ike said:

    Suggestion when posting links. Delete all the shit after the question mark. It’s just tracking data shit and is unnecessary. :] 

    This is Ghostz, he's probably getting a couple of cents everytime someone clicks the link :drake:

    • Haha 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Docking the Ally with a TV actually seems like the simplest to get a fully featured PC working in your living room.

    Depends on what you want. Yeah a handheld can be good, and I tested streaming and its not that bad, though not quite there for precision games.


    If you want more power a console sized PC is an option.


    The flexability is great. In these days though its also very easy to wallmount a tv near a PC and use a wireless controller to replicate the living room experience without taking over the living room. Cheaper to maintain too.

  6. The thing is, anyone can hook a PC up to a TV if they need to, the handheld is something they can't easily replicate, so Steamdeck will always be an easier sell than a home console.


    I considered a steam machine but missing the vast majority of games is why I never bothered, that and Windows 7 wasn't complete aids like everything after it. Now with Proton linux can play almost everything I want to play, and its much better than the alternative that is modern Windows.


    The  shared game library is pretty good. I considered a small form factor PC with ChimeraOS on there, but in the end I didn't need one as I have a TV near the PC and I'd be buying another PC just for the sake of it. Definitely sounds good for some people I know though.

  7. Mid range is better for price/performance value. 1440/60 maybe, dont go for 4k or higher framerates because then you will need to upgrade more often to keep up.


    Go with 32gb of ram, 16 is fine but ram isnt that expensive and some games are already pushing it, especially if you run a bloated os like windows which will take 25% on its own.


    For cpu and gpu if varies on your requirements, just get a modern mid tier one. A beefy amd cpu will last you some years, for gpu you're probably better off getting a so-so one now and then planning an upgrade in a few years, rather than paying out the ass now and planning to future proof it. 


    Edit: I typed cpu instead of gpu :ben:

    • Upvote 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    You can't browse the files stored in a gamepass install directory.



    You're not allowed to browse THEIR files, but they will gladly put shit on your computer you never asked for, force you to use their apps, and ship you broken untested updates.


    Microsoft is such trash I can't think of a worse tech company.

  9. 14 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Man Windows is still such a pain on these devices. I logged in with the same MS account I use on my desktop, and of course MS decides to sync all the shit on there and my onedrive, without even asking me first


    But just navigating the UI is a pain. In some menus and screens the cursor just disappears and you can no longer use the A button to accept anything. So you have to constantly toggle back and forth between using the buttons and the touchscreen itself.


    They love forcing their shit on you, because then they have your data in the cloud and you're automatically enrolled into their ecosystem.


    Its one of the things I hated about windows. You pay for the PC and Microsoft decides it now controls that PC and makes itself the system admin. They can suck a dick.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Remij said:

    If the preliminary injunction is denied, that allows MS to put a lot more pressure on the CMA with their appeal process, as they'd literally be the only holdout at that point.


    4 hours ago, Remij said:

    If you think this is anything other than a win for MS, you're retarded :D 


    The TRO was always going to be given...

    Notice how lemshits are always ready to spin the narrative as a win for M$ no matter how the chips fall :umad:

  11. 7 hours ago, JonbX said:

    The only more pathetic thing than you digging around for year old posts is that what i said holds even more true this year :D Sonys PC showcase REEEEEF


    And Phil was right. 


    7 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Slow Jonny - "How dare you quote my words, weirdo" :awww:

    Slow jon stalks peoples game profiles and remembers every little personal detail but finds it creepy when someone uses the search function on a forum he posts on :hest:

  12. People are shilling for xbox because it has had literally nothing to show for the past 8 years or so. So by xbox standards it was a good show, however had xbox had this circa 2010 it would have been seen as another mediocre show.


    Forza? Fable? And some filler Gamepass budget looking games which look to be AA at best if lemmings are really lucky. Not to mention half of this shit was announced 5 years ago.

  13. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    I don't think he copied it, because it doesn't make the slightest bit of legal sense.

    It doesn't need to make sense. Go look around, this is almost word for word what all the xbox shills are saying. They all copy the same talking points from each other then go out to spread the bullshit to forums and social media :kaz: It's like a warped religion. I've seen many saying the same shit he just said. He got it from them so now he thinks it's true.


  14. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    So the FTC finally filed their lawsuit against Microsoft to block the MS + Activision/Blizzard merger...  The fact that they filed now looks like MS managed to be convincing enough to the FTC that they would close the deal regardless of the CMA decision to block.  The fact that they did this works in MS' favor as it speeds up the process with which they have to deal with the FTC, allowing them to resolve it sooner rather than later.  If the preliminary injunction is denied, that allows MS to put a lot more pressure on the CMA with their appeal process, as they'd literally be the only holdout at that point.


    So it looks like Microsoft was just baiting the FTC to file a PI sooner.. and it worked...   The FTC really does have reason to believe that either MS would close, or that the CMA might give in at some point during the appeal process.

    Almost word for word you've copied that from shills on other sites :kaz:

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