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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. My apologies Deeno I didn’t mean to hurt your fee fees. It was just an example of the kind of shilling and corporate sponsored bullshit that goes on over on those forums. That one was the first to come to mind because it standa out the most, but since microsoft seems to do the most astroturfing it was inevitable they would end up being the most notable for it.
  2. Those comments seem a little short sighted. Ads and subscriptions (lmao at forum subscriptions), also Resetera is rife for shilling and astroturfing. Gaf/reset has always had a lot of that. The schmuks that post there probably don’t realise how much they’re being played. Does anyone remember just before the x1/ps4 launch when that clown from Microsoft was telling people how games were going to be better on xbox one than ps4? And that the pre-release impressions were all bullshit and people would see the evidence on launch day? Of course when launch day comes and xbox g
  3. Forza, you can pick made up pronouns and everything. In fact Microsoft studios as a whole is very pro LGBTQ+++.
  4. Of course it offers nothing, if Microsoft can't shove some shit down your throat like GFWL or the Windows store then they stop giving a fuck. Luckily for them on Xbox people will eat up any shit microsoft throws at them.
  5. I have fond memories of KOTOR and can remember most of the planets and the story. With KOTOR2 all I remember is one of the main villains being killed off screen or something and a completely unfinished ending, oh and a lot of bugs. With Fallout 3 I remember how great it was exploring the wasteland for the first time. With new vegas all I remember is the 20 hour slog through "the strip", bugs, and wondering why I had seen so little from the factions in the game or the rest of the world. Oh and bugs. All they seem to do is make rushed, half-baked sequels full of missing c
  6. There’s always so much bullshit with these there isn’t much point in taking any of it serious until it’s official.
  7. Let me guess, you read Obsidian were superior on reddit/neogaf so it must be true? *insert meme pic of random dialogue comparison* Obsidian fanboys have an inferiority complex that’s why they all band together and spread their bullshit online. Like Canadians or Rugby fans, they don’t like being overshadowed by big brother.
  8. Lmao I’m glad I never finished it then. I thought the first planet was boring as hell, just a few crappy sidequests and nothing really grabbed my attention. I kept telling myself “this is just the tutorial planet it will get much better after this”, I ended up getting into space, played a bit and eventually got sidetracked and never went back to the game. Sounds like I didn’t miss much.
  9. I doubt most people actually finished it. Fuck me it was a boring slog, I had to force myself to carry on but eventually I just gave up. Like all Obsidian games there’s no interesting main story, there’s nothing to compel you to want to keep playing, it’s just a lot of thoroughly boring disjointed sidequests.
  10. You need to lower the resolution in order to create some overhead to compensate for when MS fucks up your computers performance
  11. They’ve been running this show for the past 12 years Lemshit.
  12. “My hardware can handle it so it’s ok for microsoft to be shit” Why do you always make excuses like an abused housewife?
  13. Obsidian has long been one of the most overrated devs out there so xflop is a perfect fit for them. Kotor2 and new vegas were overrated as fuck, just buggy, half broken, unfinished sequels with none of the excitement of the games they were sequels to. Outer worlds didn’t somehow less buggy hut more boring than any of their previous games.
  14. I speak on behalf of the Cow high council, we do not recognise your claims to the Sheep throne.
  15. Quick? Imagine if you were the kind of lemtard who jumped at the upgrade day 1 all excited only to find out your gaming ability would be crippled for the best part of a month. As it’s a Windows update they’ll probably break something else in the update anyway. Junk trash product made by a company who doesn’t give a fuck because they know everyone will feel forced to buy it anyway.
  16. Lemz talks about his Xbox and Shamepass more than his Switch. No wonder goukosan kicked you out of the Sheep faction.
  17. That’s not what I was saying at all but being narrow minded would naturally lead you to only see it that way.
  18. Nah man take out the swastika and they aren’t Nazis anymore. Just ignore the WW2 setting, the German military uniforms, the typical German voice lines we get in WW2 games, and the weapons modelled on weapons that the Nazis actually used in that period.
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