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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I’d imagine anyone who doesn’t want to play a game because of the symbol cares about more than the symbol.
  2. Jerry you’ve posted that pic before and explained about pixel counts before. You’re just as guilty as Lemij in the 20 page resolution arguments. It takes two to tango.
  3. He’s lashing out at everyone, like the guy at the bar who had a little too much to drink. Go home Jehurey, you’re drunk.
  4. Fucking A. You might as well do this with the gaming politics stuff too, just let everyone have at it and let the strong survive
  5. DynaFlop doesn’t see it as an issue, imagine that. I wonder if he would feel the same if this was Gran Turismo 🤔
  6. Don’t give me that, not when you and Jerry go 20 pages night after night arguing about pixels on a monitor I gotta say Lemij it’s very tellinng you can’t denounce Xbox. Any real hermit could do it no problem. Are you afraid what your fellow lems might think? Afraid you might become victim to one of jonb’s meltdown posts?
  7. Then denounce Xbox and all it stands for.
  8. Fucking screenshots from 10 years ago systemwars, serious business
  9. You’re both lemmings how about that.
  10. That’s my point. People that change their stance based on convenience are worse than either side. I don’t want to see this prick complain about LGBT-whatever on this board ever again. If he’s ok with it in Forza he’s ok with it in any product or entertainment medium.
  11. It’s at the point on this forum where Lemming is being used as an insult and the other day people were accusing others of playing Xbox as a putdown. Do you see the reality Jon? Do you see what’s happening?
  12. - Talks smack about PC not having any fun games - Mostly plays hobo pass games that are better on PC You’re so dumb Jon.
  13. Of course it’s different, of course it is, because it’s a Playstation game. Way to miss the point you austistic fuckwad.
  14. Shut the fuck up vermin. If this was a Sony game you’d be all over it like a rash. In fact weren’t you sperging out over GT needing an online connection? The worst people in all of this political nonsense are people like you who stand for fucking nothing because you only hate something until your side does it then you shrug it off as no big deal
  15. lol at the RE thread getting locked. That just sums it all up. - Thing is censored - People discuss censorship. A section of the people start gaslighting, claims there is no censorship whilst simultaneously spamming report and notifying mods. - Discussion is shut down - Thing remains censored That's how they've done this one by one to so many things over the years. The best thing to do is to just not support their bullshit. I have no interest in buying Forza or RE4VR but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't after all this.
  16. There we go again, there's the magic word You've labelled every single person you disagree with on this forum an incel. The common denominator is you
  17. Do Jerry and Goukosan come as a set?
  18. You know shits bad when I have to upvote a JonB post
  19. It’s evident to about half the world. Nobody will give you an actual answer because as we’ve already established you gaslight, you say censorship doesn’t happen how people need to stop being pussies as we post in a thread that shows some of that censorship. You’re completely blinded to it, so demoralised by the likes of CNN that even if the truth was right in front of your face your brain would reject it. I hate to say it Jerry because believe it or not I don’t hate you, but you’re completely lost at this point. The Obi Wan reference posted earlier was a damn accurate one. “There i
  20. The facemask is there to remind you to be a good little citizen and comply. Don’t forget to line up for your scheduled vaccinations either, like the cattle that you are
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