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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. @Bodycount Ever heard of trans-abled? people who aren't disabled but believe that they are? and will go around in a wheelchair, or tape up one leg to live life as a disabled person? Funny fact if they ask a surgeon to cut their leg off to live life as the disabled person they feel they are, the surgeons will refuse as it's unethical. Ask them to cut a dick off however.....
  2. Fucking disgusting, I almost threw up at they/them. Prosthetics aren't a problem but they/them isn't real, it doesn't exist, it's playing into someones deranged fantasy. This is why you should NOT support Microsoft these days. They've always been anti-gaming, and now they're anti-gaming and woke as fuck, Biggest cancer on the industry we've ever seen. That said it will be interesting to see how @DynamiteCop reconciles this
  3. You're not being censored he says, as they actively censor you. This isn't just about RE4 this is true of a lot of things these days. They try to gaslight you and assure you you're not being censored while asking you to look away while they censor you behind your back.
  4. Begun? we've had it for years If you have daughters now is a good time to own a gun.
  5. TLHBO

    Godlo Infinite

    lmao my personal theory is that he had a few flies caught in his web on another forum and that kept him preoccupied. If you could view a heatmap of the internet you'd probably see the jerry-go-round. That said it is hilarious how lemmings became desperate to step on that jerry-go-round. It seems arguing the same shit with the same guy for 20 pages again is still better than going back and playing another Forza rehash for the 20th time
  6. I agree but I think we come at this from different viewpoints
  7. As a wise Indian guru once said “best on PC”
  8. Someone seems upset. How about we skip the foreplay and you just go straight to calling everyone an incel? Speaking of which it’s surprising there are so many damn incels when even asking a woman out for a drink is seen as harassment.
  9. Hey gouky dump the rom and the switch firmware for your SW bros
  10. What's wrong with being poor? check your privilege
  11. This is justice. Hermits are more like Robin Hood, we steal from the rich to give to the poor
  12. "stealing" "thieves" Ah yes that poor, poor Nintendo. $50 for Genesis/N64 controllers, pay an upgrade fee to redownload your roms on a new console, and before you say "but but it's fair!" lets not forget about that massive fucking price fixing scandal and how they strong armed retailers. These crooks deserve to have their games stolen, they owe most of us after the price fixing anyway.
  13. I watched it earlier on my phone and didn't notice it. I had to play that part back a few times on a monitor to see it. 0.3 seconds of choppiness. This is a true Jerry moment because he will focus on some minor detail and try to make it a "gotcha".
  14. I watched it back a few times, there's a small amount of stutter for about 0.3 seconds. This makes it unplayable in the eyes of someone who played NMH3 at 480p 24fps.
  15. Share the firmware Lemij, I’m too lazy to go looking for it.
  16. The difference is they take their bullshit and make it public. If this was someone crying on Reeetard era or making a mod that censors it nobody would care, but they shove it in your face. Its now in the official version of the game, you can’t help but be confronted by it if you were interested in the game so of course people will whine and have every right to whine. When all of this nonsense was confined to corners of the internet it was less of an issue but for years now it has reached mainstream so it’s unavoidable. Even this thread is going down that political route
  17. One of about 20,000 reasons. Facebook and Zuckerberg are so shitty I think even Microsoft might be preferable as a company.
  18. - Removed all the flirting between Leon & Hunnigan - Removed cheeky references to things like “ballistics” - Changed a ton of dialogue - Changed achievements https://happywarrior.substack.com/p/re4vr If anyone still supports Oculus at this point, swallow a bullet
  19. Lmao That’s pretty poor form. I get shortening the ban from 30 to 7 days, but Jerry was robbed here with a 1 day ban. Ghostz should definitely be required to have a sig for that month.
  20. The simping is the creepiest part. I can understand the onlyfans sinping because thirsty guys simping for thots has been a thing since forever, but simping for some guy with a big ego and a manchild attitude? saddest shit I’ve ever seen. Twitch is cancer.
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