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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Lmao xbox PC is actually really good considering it came 8-9 months later. I know I held off on the PC version because I had played it on PS4. With those numbers if they launched at the same time the PC probably would have beat out PS4.
  2. No way that late sloppy port of world sold more on PC than PS4. Where did you hear that?
  3. Don’t pay attention to him and don’t play into his games by trying to prove yourself. To use a jerralogy, this is like one of those shitty American sitcoms. Steamdeck is tbe new popular kid at school, and Jerry is the kid that’s feeling insecure and desperate for attention. That’s why he’s in here trolling and yelling every couple of posts because he can’t stand to see people giving attention to the new kid. Let him be bitter on his own.
  4. You notice how people are just looking forward to this and posting normal comments, and Jerry has to keep butting in with every excuse he can think of? “bu bu teh battery! Bu bu teh thumbsticks! Bu bu teh valve index!!” He’s clearly so bitter that people are excuted about a handheld that doesn’t have the Nintendo logo on it. Nobody even mentions Nintendo and he gets upset.
  5. Showing or mentioning the steamdeck in front of sheep is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Look how riled up they are. They wouldn’t do it if they weren’t feeling emasculated. Sheep = shook
  6. This fucking troll Best not to feed him guys. It’s clear from everyone who has gone hands on that the Switch is out and the Deck is in. Let this clown circle jerk with himself over an extra hour of battery.
  7. Lol nice work ignoring half the post. I’m not falling for your “playing dumb” schtick Jerry. You’re not Columbo. You know damn well what a PC is and what it’s capable of.
  8. What? Look under my name, it says hermit But I love my bovine brethren
  9. Possibilities I don't go into detail with? You know what a PC is right? You know what a PC can do? Do I have to explain this to you? I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from Jerry, I really am but all I’m getting is… One very specific Switch model offers a bit better battery life than the Deck, therefore all other advantages are nullified and Switch wins like…..what? Its like you see one thing Switch has you think if you just keep arguing that over and over Nintendo wins. At what point do you realise you argue things for the sake of it ra
  10. Hiding behind PC now are we? Doom on Deck shits all over that abomination you and Goukosan were playing on Switch. Its the same damn game, they didnt have to lower EVERYTHING like they did for switch which looks worse than low settings on the PC. 2 hours minimum vs 2 of nintendos models that offer 2.5 hours or 3 hours. Are you fucking retarded? are you really trying to claim 30-60 minutes of extra battery nullifies the vastly superior games library and graphics of the Deck? Heck 8 hours is 1 - 1.5 hours longer than two of Nintendos models. Better pray you g
  11. The fact that all Sheep can do is bang on about the battery over and over again says it all. Graphics? Deck mops the floor with Switch Games library? No contest, Switch gets annihilated Functionality? Full fledged PC capabilities vs limited Nintendo os. but hey we may have an hour extra on the battery THHBO!!
  12. Its funny I look up Switch battery life and I see 2.5 to 6 hours hardly worth bragging about. 4.5 hours - 6 hours if you want Nintendos inflated numbers Valve claims 2 - 8 hours for steam deck. In fact on nintendos own site… For Nintendo Switch model number: HAC-001 [product serial number begins with "XAW"], the battery life is approximately 2.5 to 6.5 hours. For Nintendo Switch model number: HAC-001(-01) [product serial number begins with "XKW"], the battery life is approximately 4.5 to 9 hours. For Nintendo Switch Lite model
  13. Netflix and Amazon both sucked imo and Netflix is downright degenerate. Never tried the rest, not even sure if they’re available outside the US.
  14. Why are Sheep so concerned about battery life? This isn’t 1990 anymore where things run on AA batteries We know for a fact you don’t leave the house with your switch. You can probably reach the plug socket anyway. And the website says “tweaked” because they didnt know the exact settings used, they just knew it was higher or lower. Steamdeck aims to run full fledged games at 800p/30fps and the results show it delivers. Meanwhile Switch runs the most diluted ports I’ve ever seen at 340p there’s no comparison.
  15. Xbox is so bad that accusing someone of playing it has become a putdown on this forum
  16. Do I understand? yes Do I care? no Unless you plan on buying the best GPU every year day 1 then someone will have a better card than you anyway, it all depends on that persons update cycle.
  17. Im just skimming the posts but it looks to me like thats exactly the shit you’re arguing about, that your gpu was better because it ran better framerates at lower resolution
  18. Shilling the latest crappy game to hit gamepass doesn’t really count. You’re basically just free advertising for gamepass at this point.
  19. Same, it looked like a backwards step. But maybe I’ll get it for the sake of having monster hunter on PC. World was good but after putting 200+ hours into it on PS4 I didnt want to touch it by the time it arrived on PC. At least this one will be fresh.
  20. Having stronger PC hardware does not make someone “king hermit”. That’s the beauty of PC you buy the setup that’s right for you. Someone who only wants one monitor isn’t going to need the same hardware as someone who insists on having 3 monitors at 4k each. There’s nothing wrong with AMD either. Open source drivers, open source or free to use solutions like FSR or freesync. Fuck nvidia’s proprietary bs. What you play on and more importantly what you spend all your time here defending is what determines which faction you belong to. Its like Gamespot where you
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