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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. JonB is raging. 99% chance he floods the forum with spoilers the day before release
  2. Over 4 million gap? Nah dude DoofyFlop says we need to round it down to 3 million
  3. Lmao I love the salt. By your logic there’s no point playing any remakes. Lemmings like you were never hyped for games like master chief collection…..oh wait
  4. The remnants of the Lemming faction are the dumbest fucks this forum has ever seen. It makes sense I suppose as you would have to be severely mentally challenges to be representing a console that hasn’t had games in 10 years.
  5. “The PlayStation 5 sold an estimated 203,654 units to bring its lifetime sales to 11.45 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold 130,365 units to bring their lifetime sales to 7.06 million units. “
  6. I guess when you have no games, no reason to own your console over any other, not a single thing you can argue in favour of your console for, you just gotta throw as much shit at the wall as you can and see what sticks. That’s why lemmings are so quick to jump on any crackpot news, rumour or theory and why they double down on their stupidity. At this point what other options do they have?
  7. The faction that downplayed and damage controlled the RROD talking about temps in a console
  8. I think each waggle-con has its own connection, so it’s 4 players with 2 waggle sticks per player.
  9. “We’ll get it eventually guys 😥 see? We’re not owned!” Plan D gaming. “We’ll get it eventually….one day”.
  10. Why do Lemmings always decide to double down on their stupidity? Really this has to be the most retarded faction.
  11. Why do you need a gaming headset for an Xbox? It’s not like you have any games to play.
  12. I shit you not I couldn't even sell my xbox 360 towards the end of that gen :D stores stopped taking the non-slim 360s because they had so many broken ones. I guess people were buying them and returning them with the RROD whilst under store warranty.
  13. Well imagine that, Dynaflop was wrong “It’s going to be another RROD” - lemshits love their FUD
  14. Yeah looking back on it now… Zelda sucked that gen (tp & ss were boring as fuck) Mario was mediocre (I don’t see the appeal in the Galaxy games) Arguably the worst Smash Bros game Mario Kart….well it was was ok from what I remember and better than Double Dash but it wasn’t top tier like MK8 was. Then you have Metroid and some niche games. A lot of shit on Wii I ended up buying just for the sake of owning shit.
  15. It’s hard to judge some consoles as they sat inbetween gens. For example I know that Dreamcast was technically meant to be part of PS2/gc/xbox but the thing was dead before that gen was even in swing. Sega Saturn I forgot about. I’d put that just behind N64 but above PS1 and yes even the Dreamcast. Saturn had a lot of solid exclusives. Emulation is a bitch too so I’ve still got mine. Wii would either be just ahead of or just behind the 360. In terms of games I’d say 360 is ahead but the RROD really leaves a sour taste in my mouth and it sucked what little fun there was
  16. Lmao this fake ass sheep smdh Welcome to the Cow faction Goukosan
  17. You remember what people posted in the “what are you playing thread”, and I’ve seen you argue with a number of people and you always get personal, especially Jerry. You remember his living situation, his car, his family, pretty much all details about his personal life, That was your original grievance about quad damage right? That remembering things = saving to HDD. You always get personal with people and bring up things about their personal lives they posted ling ago.
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