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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 20 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    I played every UC game. I doubt you have tbh. I mean, i dont see you talking Ratchet , Returnal or w e else. I see you talking about BigRig Sim and and an old ass indie game/ Fuck outta here 

    That’s because I’m a Hermit and not a Cow dumbo :D JonnyBDumb LOL!


    Imagine being worth a trillion dollars and having some eurojank truck sim outscore most of your best exclusives :rofls: microsoft has the most inept employees

  2. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    Go play Big Truckers you buck tooth idiot . That smiley probably you, b :rofls:

    Cant play spiderman, nor uncharted, but recore, grounded, bleeding edge, state of decay, crackdown 3 are all bangers.


    American truck sim has a higher MC than most of the xflop games you’ve hyped and played :D a fucking eurojank truck sim better than the finest that Microsoft had to offer :rofls:

  3. 4 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    idc about spiderman and sonys same old cinematic 3rd person shooters. I have no desire to play that shit. I hate souls games and rougelikes. 



    Still pretending to hate those cinematic 3rd person shooters as you did all of last gen but you bust a nut and went crazy for Rise of the tomb raider :kaz:


    Who do you think you’re kidding Jon? Everyone here knows your opinion of a game all depends on whether its on xbox or playstation.


    dont care about spiderman….but went nuts for sunset overdrive, a glorified tech demo :D 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    Not true. I cant wait to play the new God of War game
























































    on PC :hype:

    You can’t wait…well its been over 3 years so far, but I guess when you’ve had no games for 10 years 3-4 is nothing :drake:

  5. 2 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Im playing Tales while you are playing big rig simulator and some old switch indie game haha. But ok

    Lmao I knew you’d go snooping through that thread the moment I posted in it :D just like you keep personal info on Jerry. You’re an insidious sob Jon, but I get it you need to defend xflop at all costs.


    You’re playing a JRPG which you used to make fun of relentlessly. but you’ve had fuck all for a decade that’s why you hyped up pure shit like crackdown 3, scalebound, recore and all the Gamepass flops.


    Meanwhile I’ve been swimming in AAA games for all those years.


    Don’t talk about games Jon, it doesn’t suit you.


    Also American Truck sim is fucking legit :glad:

  6. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    This kid seem obsessed. Seems to be a common trend with the non gamers here.

    Who the fuck are you to call someone a non gamer? You just play the shovelware on Shamepass :D honey I shrunk the kids MP, that fat sjw fighting game, generic zombie flops lmfao just bottom of the barrel “gaming” sold for a dollar. Microsoft is the poundland of the industry.

    • Haha 1
  7. Just now, Remij said:

    You see what you want to see lmfao... because Lemmings are literally on your mind 24/7.


    They're LITERALLY IN YOUR NAME....  Your entire persona is based around them... LOL as if you're going to see anything any other way :hest: 

    Animated GIF

    Son I’ve spent about 18 years hunting down lemshits, I know one when I see one and you have the unmistakable stench of xbox….that putrid smell which smells like rotten flops and dusty, empty shelves from the lack of games

    • Haha 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Not even charting on Xbox Top 10?!


    :sabu: What the fuck are those clowns playing over there?

    People who get an xbox tend to have game libraries like this









    Rocket League

    Some kind of racing game


    I don’t get why they bother. They insist xflop is the best too but can never explain why. I know people who moved from PC which they only played Rocket League on to xbox which they also only play Rocket League on.

    • Thanks 1
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