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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. so yeah to you microflop wanting to screw consumers = justifiable reason. How does it feel getting pegged by them every single day?
  2. “Justifiable reason” A trillion dollar company wanting to fuck you in the ass is not a justifiable reason, it’s worse than “just because”.
  3. ITT the people that defended online accounts for an OS and an always online only console tell you how devastating it is that a single racing game requires an internet connection I didn’t know you cared so much for GT, all those Forza rehashes must be getting boring huh?
  4. But you’re in here representing lemshits so clearly you give a fuck about something 🤔
  5. The fact that you think the random videogame is worse than an os from an ad company is retarded
  6. If Sony offered a “pro” version of GR for a higher price and no mandatory internet connection you would be doing victory laps around the forum, shouting “TCHBO” from every rooftop. You’re a hypocrite dynaflop.
  7. I’m not reading it again because it’s bad for mental health to read a Deeno thread more than once, but if you don’t care then what exactly are you complaining about? What are we even arguing about?
  8. Tinfoil hat? Let me remind you what thread you’re in. You’re outraged about an online connection in a Gran Turismo game. Is there a reason you need to play this offline? Router disconnected, in a faraday cage? Oh that’s right when it’s sony its unacceptable, when its microsoft we all make excuses and downplay it
  9. You mean the one that’s free? That most people here will have? Pay to opt out, that’s Microsoft in a nutshell
  10. Which is worse and more intrusive? A racing game you can avoid, or your entire fucking OS on your personal computer? From a company that’s in the ad business no less. Think before you type boy
  11. I haven’t heard anything about this game other than its involved in some “woke” drama. So not surprising its scoring high. Also Arkane so it’s automatically shit and vastly overrated.
  12. You’ll need to sign in for Windows 11. You were downplaying all of microsofts inteusive behaviour. Again you’ve never had an issue until today.
  13. That comparison image it’s all marketing bullshit
  14. Funny I’ve never seen you raise the issue up until now. In fact wasn’t it you that told me it’s not an issue in regards to Windows? 🤔
  15. So it’s not a problem when Xbox or Windows does it but it is a problem when Gran Turismo does it. Got it.
  16. Remij and Jehurey are posting in the same thread. Take a wild guess
  17. Superman. There hasn’t been a good game, the kind of bottom of the barrel trash that Superman games usually are is exactly the game of game perfectly suited for Xbox.
  18. Oh it’s a Shamepass game well that explains it. You won’t get real games on there.
  19. TLHBO

    GT7 vs FH5

    Bullshit. You pick on Sheep like they’re the class fat kid.
  20. Lol xbox games always have that look to them. The game of games that just dont stand out, run of the mill, uninspired, soulless garbage.
  21. TLHBO

    GT7 vs FH5

    You and Jonb crack all kinds of jokes about other consoles, you go on the jerry go round for hours at a time and end up arguing who owns which graphics card and who played what and all kinds of personal attacks. I only see you and Jon call for dropping acts or acting mature when xbox is getting hammered. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen is all I’m saying.
  22. TLHBO

    GT7 vs FH5

    What act? Xbox sucks, I hate it. You’re acting like JonB, seems to be a thing among lemmings where they love to crack jokes about other systems but plead with people to act mature when it comes to Xbox. This is systemWARS not systemPEACE
  23. TLHBO

    GT7 vs FH5

    ^That’s how you know someone is a Lemming, other factions have far too many games to play to be putting 51 hours into the annual Snorza rehash
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