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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, Spicalicious said:


    So what alternate OS do you use to Windows?  If you hate Windows surely there are other options.  Apple? Linux?

    Yeah after a broken windows update earlier this year I got rid of windows for good, I always hated 10. I use Linux now and I don’t look back it’s so much more enjoyable.


    I’m not against using a Mac but their hardware is fixed which isn’t ideal for gaming and I prefer the freedom of Linux over Apple’s control of their OS.

    • Haha 1
  2. There were plenty of lemmings back in the day that had RROD, but they were the more rational lems (at least by lemming standards) like bombfirst or nitric.


    All we have left now are the loons and the fakeboys. JonB, spicoli etc the ones who do nothing but shill for Microsoft no matter what. Of course these ones would never admit to having the RROD.

  3. On 2021-09-10 at 3:20 PM, Spicalicious said:


    When I had DRE I called sony.  They asked me to ship my console to them at my own cost.  I never had RROD but I heard that MS shipped you a box so that you can ship the 360 to them and they would send it back to you at their cost.


    That's is the difference between these two companies.


    Also I got DRE just a little after a month of owning the new ps2 slim so I couldn't bring it back to the store where I bought it.  After one month you need to deal with manufacturer.


    Sony made me pay to ship their faulty console back to them for repair/replacement.


    On top of that, the replacement I received was a refurb.  My console was brand new and I owned it for literally only 40 days.  I know it was a refurb because it had scratches on it and the top load spring mechanism was loose.


    What a piece of shit company 



    Here’s the difference between these 2 companies


    With Sony a PS1 controller stopped working. I sent it off and they fixed it. I can’t remember if it cost anything because it was so long ago. Zero issues with PS2, PS3, PS4.


    With microflop the og xflop fisc drive started fucking up a couple of years after I bought it. You needed to use a pin to open it.


    with 360 the GPU cooked itself a few months after I bought it. 2 red lights, 0 red lights, 3 red lights. This piece of shit couldn’t even determine how broken it was. I sent it off to them and a week later I was given someone elses 360 because it had a different serial number. Now I wasn’t allowed to play any games I had bought without being connected to XBL, microsoft was treating me like a thief through no point of my own. But I had a 360 and it was only gone a week….not too bad right?




    less than 2 weeks later and this pile of shit is broken again. RROD this time. I send it off to Microsoft and now it takes 2 weeks to be returned to me. This time they give me the same 360 when its someone elses but wouldnt do it when it was my own.


    Oh well surely they fixed it this time. I start listening to people on systemwars, I pop that shit up and plant it on its own in the middle of the room. It had 360 degree circulation, the best airflow a console could possibly have. Surely, surely it’s fine now right?


    Nope. 2 months it lasted and then its off again. By now I shit you not the UPS driver is cracking jokes about how often he is turning up.


    This time repair took 5 week! 5 FUCKING WEEKS!


    I remember this vividly because at this point I had owned the console for 32 weeks and 8 of those weeks it had been out of my possession and in a repair centre. This was summer 2007 when reports came out about repair centers being overwhelmed.


    So I’m suffering through the worst product I’ve ever owned and what does Microsoft say?


    ”y’know, things break”.


    That’s the difference between Sony and Microsoft. One tries to make robust products in the first place, the other relies on its consumers to put up with any amount of shit they’re given, just like with windows, or just like not having any games for a decade.

  4. Voidler - shows the actual track you’ll be playing on


    remij - shows random bits of far off scenery from fucking around in replay/photo mode


    It shows who actually plays their games and who doesn’t :tom: Snorza has always been the same, lemmings get the game, paint a few decals on their car, fuck around in the replay mode and then turn the game off. Nobody actually plays Snorza because it’s just too boring.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Body Count said:

    even halo and gears are 7's and 8's


    there's nothing.



    1. ori and the blind forest (which remember is now on Switch so it really doesn't count)
    2. forza horizon 3 (On PC)
    3. Forza Horizon 4 (on PC)
    4. Titanfall 1 (on PC)
    5. Forza motosport 5 -literally the only 9.0 rated game in a decade only on Xbox. unreal.
    6. the medium (Now on PS5).



    Literally 1 game in 8 years.


    and the best part?


    That one game is sat with a 79 on metacritic and a 6.0 user score




    Easily the worst received of all the Forza games and only got a 9.0 because Gamespot had big “sponsored by Xbox” banners all over their website at the time :kaz: and the person reviewing it knew all too well what happened to Gerstmann.


    Gears 3 was probably the last actual AAA exclusive Xbox had back in 2011

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, people who type like they're mad........usually means they're mad.


    Ever since written words were invented.

    That guy is just NOT a real hermit.


    He's pretty much hyping Xbox games........and going around literally saying the Xbox slogan.


    he knows damn well he would've been kicked out of the hermit faction ten years ago for him actually doing that on the forum.


    The only reason why that isn't happening is because those other people who call themselves hermits are also lemmings hiding behind their 2018-hardware PCs.

    The old Substatic wouldn’t have been caught dead playing Xbox. It’s time he updated his profile pic to the Deus Ex Invisible war cover, I bet he even plays FPS with fumblesticks now.

  7. Why do lemshits always try to create new rules for systemwars?


    PS game ends up on PC  years later= “ tchbo!! Lost exclusive”


    xflop game on pc day 1 = “still xbox exclusive :|


    Whoever has the games gets to make the rules and the lemmings most certainly do not have the games. Fuck your retarded lemming logic lol

  8. 5 hours ago, jehurey said:

    compared to the port that he begs and boasts about finally coming to the PC....6 years is actually a relatively YOUNG port for some lemmings-hiding-behind-their-PCs on this forum.:drake:

    Do you remember when MGS3 got ported 7-8 years later and lemshits went crazy they were finally getting it? :cruise:This forum exploded with tears of joy despite the fact they ragged on it for years.


    Lemmings hood the most jealousy out of any faction.

    • Sad 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Quad Damage said:

    system wars was declared over in 2016 when ms announced play anywhere and that xbox would never have an exclusive ever again. as soon as ps5 got 1 AAAE (launch), it won the gen.


    but we decided to count xbox/pc games as exclusives (fauxclusives), partly out of pity, partly for

    our own amusement. the bulk of xbox fans knew this, and bowed out.


    the few remaining lemming stragglers (the dullards) took this friendly sympathetic gesture and deluded themselves into thinking this was back to being a real contest again. 

    But PC isn’t exclusively an MS system. If a game launched only on Xbox/Windows store then I could kind of see it, but these games are launching on Steam which is a competitor and a conpletely different service.


    Some of these games I can play on Linux, there’s no trace of Microsoft in my PC at all. If they run in Linux then they’ll run on tbe Steam Deck which in no way, shape or form counts as an MS system. Heck some even run on Mac and I’m sure Ghostz will tell you that is not a Microsoft system.


    I think this standard needs revising.

  10. 3 hours ago, Body Count said:

    even if we allowed PC crossplatform games, i still don't think it would add anything to xbox's tally especially at gamespot. maybe a few more forza games.


    the problem is, MS has gone an entire gen, and nearing a decade with absolute fuck all in terms of AAA releases.

    That’s what I mean, even counting “console exclusives” (funny how they only seem to count for xbox, never playstation), well all I can think of would be forxa rehashes and even they started flopping.


    I asked substatic but he declined to name them. Is it all indie games?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Substatic said:


    The next Halo and Forza will annihilate Cows. Two insane AAAEs MS Exclusives that can't be played on PS5.

    So you can’t name them :tom: 


    Halo and Forza lmfao give me a break. Just like 2007, and 2009, and 2010, and 2011, and 2012……two dead franchises that were rehashed into the grave over a decade ago. Microsoft is a fucking embarrassment. 

    • Haha 1
  12. Microsoft have never made a good product ever.


    Xbox was a flop and it was junk, windows phone was a flop and it was junk, windows was junk, office is junk, games for windows live was a flop and junk, bing is a flop and junk


    You’ll notice that all of their products are equally shit and that MS only manages success by being cutthroat and abusing a monopoly. They got lucky with windows and abused a monopoly, without that monopoly shit like windows phone or xflop get BTFO or the market.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    Windows 10 does suck. I prefer OS X but obviously it’s shot for games

    I’ve never used a Mac. I’m not a fan of the hardware but I’d take a mac over windows 10 for gaming anyday. At least if its anything like iphone you can look forward to updates rather than clenching your ass and wondering what’s going to break this time :killzone:

  14. 1 minute ago, ghostz life matters said:

    I mean you’re arguing against power. Idk how to respond to that. Why would you want less? Shit runs smooth. It never boggles down no matter what you do. It’s just more fluid. 

    Ui is generations past android as well

    Power on a PC or a console makes sense. It allows games to run and look better.


    On a phone for browsing/watching videos theres a limit ya know and after that it doesnt make much difference. If you play games then that would be a need for power but mobile gaming is awful.

  15. Just now, ghostz life matters said:

    They have the best in house chips by a large margin and the performance isn’t even close. 

    Out of curiosity what do you need that performance for on a smartphone?


    In the early 2010s performance definitely mattered when phones were a bit underpowered but in recent years we’re at a point now where you don’t really need it for most peoples usage.

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