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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 10 minutes ago, ghostz life matters said:

    Why would you not be able to do that on iOS when you already can lmao. But really, who tf is playing roms on their phone… and better question… why :D 



    The fact you have no idea what I meant is exactly the problem with Iphone.


    I have an Iphone. Its not bad, certainly has some novelties, but it really is all marketing. Its not about the phone it’s about the brand, thats why it has such a cult around it.

  2. 9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Nah. The EU will fuck up Apple.

    The EU has BEEN fucking up Apple's shit for the past couple of years already.


    And the way Republicans are these days, they will absolutely try and make Silicon Valley look like the enemy, and that actually benefits progressives who support other legislation that breaks Apple's monopoly. Like Right to Repair, etc.


    I can actually see some bipartisanship on this if the legislation is presented and advertised properly.

    Fucking Trump wouldnt even touch them no matter how bad I wanted it :(


    I have this duopoly though. I’d love to see all of these companies get a real slapping.

  3. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    I feel sad for you right now... :francis:


    Lemmings lost their exclusives :tear2: 

    PC gamers laughed :geese: 

    Cows laughed too :geese: 


    Now Cows are losing their exclusives :tear2: 

    PC gamers laughed :geese: 

    Xbox gamers are laughing :geese: 



    Here you are going on about bubu ownage denied!!!!  LMAO shut the fuck up.  Hermits are eating your lunch.. and you never thought it was going to happen to you when you guys were laughing at the lemmings... that's what's so glorious about this  :blessed: 

    The difference is PS HAD exclusives. For that generation (when it mattered) you could only play those games on PlayStation. Porting these games now is irrelevant. Sony isn’t trying to sell PS4 anymore.


    Xflop games where on PC day 1. If you had a PC you didn’t need an xflop. Hell with 0 AAA exclusives you didn’t need an xflop regardless, and nobody gave a fuck about trash like snorza or gears anyway but I digress.


    I don’t believe that you cant tell the difference between games that are multiplat day 1 and games that get ported years and years later.

  4. Lol jerry. The tech companies completely own the EU and US congress these days. That has been apparent how they keep getting away with their shit and lying to their faces.


    The US will do nothing because they’re all fat snakes taking bribes and the EU will just throw more fines at them which will still be pocket change to these companies. Apple, Google , Facebook etc will continue to do whatever the hell they want. They spend foo much on lobbying to be touched

    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    You can't keep up with basic shit? :drake: 


    TCHBFR... because Uncharted is being released on PC... which Cows said was never going to happen?


    Are you forgetting how owned lemmings were when their games started coming to PC?



    Well... cows are actually MORE raped than the lemmings... because at least PC is a MS platform.... and the reality is these filthy cows NEVER EXPECTED this to happen.  I told them it would... back in 2016 on Sidescrollers.net :reg: 

    Cows are owned because out of your many, many failed predictions, one from 5 years back (wheres the proof?) came true? 

    Hey it’s still a console exclusive 😉 just like elder scrolls. So no ownage denied.


    Also PC isn’t exclusively an MS system, even on windows MS has little to do with it lets be real its more about steam or epic for example on there, and PC itself is a direct competitor to xflop


    Xbox sucks so bad that you’re still desperate to try and pull this “MS family” shit. Congrats now you have two shit systems :den:

  6. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    Star Wars The Knights of the Old Republic Remake isn't a console exclusive to Playstation though... it's a LAUNCH exclusive on console..  Aspyr is publishing the game on PC.. and will publish it on Xbox after the exclusivity is up :shrug:

    But that could potentially be a long time.


    I guess when you’ve had no games for 8 years, what’s another year of waiting added onto it right? :den:


    If “console exclusive” is still a thing (haven’t heard that in a long time) then you need to apologise to the Cows right now for going apeshit when Uncharted and Horizon got ported :reg: I also don’t want to see you claiming cows would be owned if Bloodborne got ported either.

  7. 1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Don't let the title fool you, Epic got got absolutely obliterated in this ruling.


    Non-Epic developers got a decent win in that they can provide in-game buttons that link to a webpage where you can buy directly from them, but Epic wanted to introduce their own storefront on iOS and their own payment processor on iOS. Epic wanted to be the middle-man instead of Apple, but not only did the judge deny them that opportunity but the judge also ruled against Epic when it came to Epic's developer account, which means the future of Fortnite on iOS is completely in Apple's hands. It was a bloodbath.

    Thanks, it would have helped if the full link was posted lol


    I hate Apple’s closed off walled garden pile of crap but Epic really is such a grubby, greedy company. Tim Sweeny has that used car salesman smell that all the xbox spokespeople had.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Substatic said:

    MS having both Windows and XBOX platforms makes them pretty much unbeatable.

    Both suck ass. Xbox is a complete non-factor in the console war. At least flops like the 3DO or Atari Jaguar died with dignity, xflop has had an 8 year drought yet clings on like an irritating dingleberry.


    Microsoft flopped in gaming with xbox and now they will flop in gaming with Windows too.

  9. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Well yeah apparently none of you seem to understand what console exclusive AT LAUNCH seems to mean either... 

    Oh please as if that would matter if this was on xbox.


    Could be exclusive for a full year who knows but a number of games are still PS exclusive but lemshits were doing victory dances when they got ported to PC years later.

    You’re hypocrites. Elder flops isn’t exclusive and sucks ass anyway. Dumbed down My First RPG trash for lemtots and its not even good as an action/adventure game. Theres no excitement, nothing. The whole game is vanilla. Just one bland quest to the next.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Lmfao an old Xbox and PC game was front and center of the big PS event for 2021 :mj:


    Imagine missing out on Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6... but gloating about a Remake that isn't even exclusive :hest:

    Pretending lemshits wouldn’t be going crazy for this if it was for xbox and not ps5 :drake:


    Elder Scrolls :killzone: Thats not exclusive either and the gameplay is as exciting as watching a wet turd dry out in the sun. I still can’t bring myself to finish Skyrim :killzone:

    • Haha 2
  11. 5 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:




    Thats how PS3 and PS4 started too and look what happened there. The first year of a ps console is traditionally slow and then it delivers back to back bangers for the gen.


    Meanwhile xflop rushes out a few turds in the first year to sucker in lemshits like you and then they essentially abandon their platform aside from the endless HALOGEARSFORZA rehashes.

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